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Dunrobin · 14 · 10037

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Offline Dunrobin

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Due to a recent update to the server software, I've been getting reports of people getting error messages when they come to the site through a link to a page.  The problem was due to my using frames on the site; the server didn't like the urls that were produced by the scripts to make the pages appear in the site's frames.

I've been toying with the idea of getting rid of the frames for a long time.  Frames are generally considered "old school" these days and they can interfere with search engines, so this latest problem was enough to finally push me into action.  (Having a long holiday weekend was an additional incentive.)   I tried to keep the same overall look and functionality of the site and think I've succeeded.  I've tested the changes in Firefox, IE and Chrome, and the pages all seem to look and work the same.

I've been going through all of the pages to look for errors, and I've found a few to fix.  Please let me know if you find any that I've missed.   ;D

Offline shemps#1

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Looks good Rob, you can barely notice the changes at first glace.
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Offline Dunrobin

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Looks good Rob, you can barely notice the changes at first glace.

Excellent! (tents fingers in imitation of C. Montgomery Burns) 

That's exactly what I was trying to accomplish.   ;)

Offline falsealarms

Offline metaldams

It took me a few tries, but I kind of/sort of notice the difference now.  No problems here.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Justin T

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I like it, good work Rob  [pie]
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline falsealarms

A couple years ago, I seem to remember there were plans for a massive overhaul of the site. I thought those prelim plans looked really promising - whatever happened to them?

Maybe I'm imagining things.

Offline Dunrobin

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A couple years ago, I seem to remember there were plans for a massive overhaul of the site. I thought those prelim plans looked really promising - whatever happened to them?

Maybe I'm imagining things.

No, you're not imagining things.  I had begun working on a complete re-write of the site to work with the Joomla! content management system (CMS).  Unfortunately, several things happened to sidetrack those plans:

  • I became much busier working at the hospital.  I ended up having a very full day programming and analyzing data there on a constant basis, and lost the few times that I had to putter away at my own stuff.  I'm also usually burned out by the time I get home at night, so almost nothing gets done during the week.

  • I was originally re-writing the code to work with Joomla! 1.0, but then they came out with 1.5 which radically changed the API, meaning I'd have to basically start over again and learn new coding again.

  • Joomla! and Simple Machines Forum (SMF) got into some snit with each other over their licensing and both refused to support any bridges integrating the two systems, making things even more complicated for me.  I looked at a couple of forum systems that were designed to work with Joomla!, but I didn't really like them.  They had limitations compared to SMF, and I decided it would be too much hassle to try to import the existing forum into any of the others.

  • My home life became more complicated for quite a while as well.  My brother was out of work for over a year before he was able to find another job, and he was living with me for a large chunk of that time.  It was fun hanging out with him, but it made it awkward to get anything done.

The upshot is that I've scaled back my plans and have contented myself to simplifying code where I can and continuing to add my own features as I find time.  This particular change happened mainly because we had a new ongoing problem that I needed to resolve and I had a few days off to get it done.  Fortunately the change also helped simplify the code more, making it easier for me to blend everything together into a single system.

I am working on more features to the site, including a Comicography that BeAStooge is champing at the bit for me to finish coding.  I've also registered, which will eventually be a sister site to this one.  So more stuff is coming, but you'll have to be patient.   ;)

Offline metaldams

I've also registered, which will eventually be a sister site to this one.  So more stuff is coming, but you'll have to be patient.   ;)

Sweeeet.   [cool]
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline falsealarms

A comicography? A great idea, I say. Might as well be complete with all of our 'ography's.


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I've also registered, which will eventually be a sister site to this one.

Nice!! I look forward to seeing that!

Offline Dunrobin

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It was recently brought to my attention that, since the change to the site, some people were seeing older information on the Home page instead of the most recent updates.  This was apparently happening in Internet Explorer 7, although other browsers may have been similarly affected.

I did a little research on page caches, etc., and I've added some code to the header file that should make the browser check for updated pages more frequently.  If you are still experiencing this problem, you can try doing the following steps, which should hopefully clear up the problem right away for you:

  • Click on the Tools menu, then on Internet Options at the bottom of the menu.  (You can also open Internet Options through the Control Panel.)
  • On the first tab in the Internet Options window (General), there is a section called Browsing History.  Click on the Delete button.  (This will open another dialog window.)
  • Make sure that the Temporary Internet files box is checked, and the Preserve favorite website data box is unchecked.  (You can leave the others unchecked.)  Click on the Delete button, which will clean out the cached files and close that window.
  • Finally, click on the Advanced tab (on the far right of the Internet Options window), then scroll down to the Security section at the bottom of the list of options.  Look for the Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed box and make sure that it is checked.  Click on the Apply button, then on OK to close the window.

Reload the web site and you should hopefully see the current information of the Home page.  Please let me know if it doesn't work. 

(I should also mention that I am currently using the Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 browser, so your Internet Options window may be a little different.  Let me know if my instructions, above, don't much up with the options that you see.)

Offline JazzBill

Thanks for the information. Mine was acting up like you said, but I thought it was my computer. I had just gotten it back from Best Buy because it was all screwed up. I did what you said and it's working better now.
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Offline FineBari3

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I am using IE 7.0, and the first section on the browsing history does not jive with mine at all. I got the 2nd part OK, though.
Mar-Jean Zamperini
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