Two little old ladies are driving cross-country in a high-powered convertible. Not only are they already hard of hearing, but the road wind racing past the car has made them even more so. Cruising across the Nevada desert at 110 m.p.h., they're chased down and stopped by a motorcycle cop.
Cop, to driver: "Okay, lady, what's your name? And what's your passenger's name?"
First Old Lady: "Why... I'm Janet Farhquahr, and this is Agnes McDoogle, officer."
Cop: "Aggie? Aggie McDoogle? Is that
you? The best goddamn lay I ever had in my life, even if I had to pay for it! You were one hot little piece of tail, all right!"
Second Old Lady: "What's he saying? I don't understand a word of it!"
First Old Lady: "He says he thinks he knows you."