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The Move Has Been Made (Except for the Hiccups)

Dunrobin · 25 · 13378

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Offline Dunrobin

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I discovered that I had to make a lot of last minute changes to various links and code after moving the files to the new server, and I will probably have to make more as the domain pointing is updated through the Internet.  Please be patient if you discover any broken links, etc. - just report them in a reply here, and I will clean them up as quickly as possible.

I've also taken down the Multimedia Galleries temporarily. I was using Coppermine, but I am building my own version which is blended into the Filmography, and to avoid uploading a ton of duplicate files to the new server I decided to just get my butt in gear and finish my version.  The Galleries should be back next weekend.

Offline JazzBill

Good to see the site up & running. Porno gets boring pretty fast.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".


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Good to see the site up & running. Porno gets boring pretty fast.

Yes, it is! No, it doesn't.

Three words, m'friend:
      Yulia Nova!

Offline falsealarms

Not sure if any optimizations were done, but this entire site loads noticably faster for me now.

Offline JazzBill

Yes, it is! No, it doesn't.

Three words, m'friend:
      Yulia Nova!
I would of thought at the age of 135 you pretty much have seen it all.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".


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I would of thought at the age of 135 you pretty much have seen it all.

Keep in mind, the Internet has only been around for a fraction of that time.

Now, there's some stuff I wish I hadn't seen, like 2 Girls 1 Cup/Finger, but just a few more shock treatments and they say I won't remember a thing!

Offline Moe Hailstone

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Not sure if any optimizations were done, but this entire site loads noticably faster for me now.

Same here.   8)

Glad to see that most of the move wasn't too bothersome.  Wasn't expecting to see it online so fast.   :o
"Moronica must expand! We shall lend our neighbors a helping hand, we shall lend them two helping hands... and help ourselves to our neighbors!"  Moe Hailstone


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Not sure if any optimizations were done, but this entire site loads noticably faster for me now.

It works much better for me as well.  It used to take forever to load some of the threads. 

Anyway, I'm happy to see that we are back in action, and that the move wasn't too much of an issue.  It's still the same we know and enjoy!

Offline Dunrobin

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Not sure if any optimizations were done, but this entire site loads noticably faster for me now.

Same here.   8)

Glad to see that most of the move wasn't too bothersome.  Wasn't expecting to see it online so fast.   :o

It works much better for me as well.  It used to take forever to load some of the threads. 

Anyway, I'm happy to see that we are back in action, and that the move wasn't too much of an issue.  It's still the same we know and enjoy!

The move went much smoother than I had expected.  I didn't do any optimization in the process, though, so any increase in the page load speeds has to be from the new server -- a definite plus!   ;)

Offline FineBari3

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Same here.   8)

Glad to see that most of the move wasn't too bothersome.  Wasn't expecting to see it online so fast.   :o

Me neither....nice move!   8)

Loading faster now, too.

Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline screwball

Ever since the move,I can't change the look and layout preferences.When I try it always shows just the profile.Just thought I'd let you know that there is a possible malfunction there.
the dastardly1

Offline IFleecem

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I notice when you click on the Community board everything kinda jumbles up. If  you try to go to the arcade for example you get General boards, General Discussion and Stooges DVD/VHS/Home video all at once!   Maybe a temporary thing or maybe my crappy puter!


Offline JazzBill

I notice when you click on the Community board everything kinda jumbles up. If  you try to go to the arcade for example you get General boards, General Discussion and Stooges DVD/VHS/Home video all at once!   Maybe a temporary thing or maybe my crappy puter!

It's not your computer Robin, it happens to me also.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Dunrobin

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Sorry, guys - that happened because I had temporarily eliminated the "Multimedia" menu while I build a new one.  I've edited the javascript file that creates the menu, so they sub-items should be displaying correctly now.


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The Trade Count feature is not working. I get this message when I click on it: "An Error Has Occurred!
Unable to load the 'Trader' template."

Offline Dunrobin

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The Trade Count feature is not working. I get this message when I click on it: "An Error Has Occurred!
Unable to load the 'Trader' template."

I see what you mean.  It seems as though a file didn't get copied to the new server.  I'll check into that tonight.

Thanks for the heads up!


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I see what you mean.  It seems as though a file didn't get copied to the new server.  I'll check into that tonight.

Thanks for the heads up!

I found another one while trying to report that guy.. The Report to Mod link won't let me submit. It says "Hacker attempt"

And I'm like, "Nuh-uh! Not me!" :laugh:

Offline Dunrobin

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The Trade Count feature is not working. I get this message when I click on it: "An Error Has Occurred!
Unable to load the 'Trader' template."

Okay - that problem appears to be fixed.  The file was in place, but somehow during the move it got renamed in all lower case letters, while the script was expecting a capital T at the beginning, so the fix was easy. 

Offline Dunrobin

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I found another one while trying to report that guy.. The Report to Mod link won't let me submit. It says "Hacker attempt"

And I'm like, "Nuh-uh! Not me!" :laugh:

Now yours seems to be a totally different problem.  I tried reporting your post, and it worked just fine for me, which makes me think a permissions setting is messed up somewhere.  I'll have to do some more testing to track this one down.

Offline Dunrobin

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Okay, I'm totally baffled on your problem, Thump.  I can't seem to recreate the problem.  I even logged in as my regular user alter ego and still had no problem reporting a post.

Can you tell me which post it was on?  " guy" doesn't mean anything to me - I must have missed that one.  The more specifics that you can give me the better in helping me track down the error.

Try reporting a post or two somewhere else on the forum (just put something like "just testing this fool thing" in the message box, if it lets you get that far.)  Let me know if it works in some places and not others.

Offline jrvass

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See "Stooge Gibberish (Especially Moe's)". The user is It's still in the list of recent posts. I tried to report it and got:

"Database Error
Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator."

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Dunrobin

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I've deleted that post (and Thump's reply to it, since that didn't make much sense without the other.)  I've also permanently banned that member.

I think the reason you couldn't report that footballer idiot's post is that he had all those URLs in his signature block and the last one didn't close properly because he hit the space limit.  I think that incomplete link screwed up the Report to Moderator link.

Do me a favor a try to report this post to the moderator.  If that works for you then it was just a fluke on that one post.

Offline jrvass

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Works fine now.  :D

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!


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Yep. It's working again! And I'm glad to see the filthy spam-terrorist is gone!

Now, I think I'll have to go back to what I've been doing most of this fine day-- being violently ill! Being sick really blows.

Offline JazzBill

Yep. It's working again! And I'm glad to see the filthy spam-terrorist is gone!

Now, I think I'll have to go back to what I've been doing most of this fine day-- being violently ill! Being sick really blows.
You too ? I've been sick for about 9 days now. Have fun !  :'(
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".