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What do YOU think #2?

busybuddy · 38 · 25691

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Mattie Herring

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"Disorder in the Court" and my favorite, "Malice in the Palace."  I love the part where Moe and Shemp try to eat the food and they think it's the cat and dog.  Classic.

Offline archiezappa

I love the part where Moe and Shemp try to eat the food and they think it's the cat and dog.  Classic.

Oh yeah!  That is so hilarious!  That's one scene that's funny every time.  I love it when the hot dog licks Shemp's face.  That's one of the best gags they ever used.  Well, next to those teeth in "The Tooth Will Out."   :laugh:

Offline Darkhoarse820

You all are going to despise me in a minute, for this one is not even close to popular, yet it is one of the most intruiging shorts I've ever seen.  Larry fell asleep while they showed it at the Motion Picture Country Home in the mid-1970s and they showed it because it's been called his most outstanding performance in any of their 2-reelers.

CUCKOO ON A CHOO CHOO shows Larry in a parody role of the Marlon Brando type and I think he did a great job pulling it off.  It is a classic for that reason, specifically.

Offline FineBari3

  • Master Stooge
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You all are going to despise me in a minute, for this one is not even close to popular, yet it is one of the most intruiging shorts I've ever seen.  Larry fell asleep while they showed it at the Motion Picture Country Home in the mid-1970s and they showed it because it's been called his most outstanding performance in any of their 2-reelers.

CUCKOO ON A CHOO CHOO shows Larry in a parody role of the Marlon Brando type and I think he did a great job pulling it off.  It is a classic for that reason, specifically.

I really like Cuckoo...and I don't care what anybody else says.

It is so strange, and surreal and unlike the Stooges.

I think Larry goes a bit over the top, but he's still funny!
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline Darkhoarse820

I really like Cuckoo...and I don't care what anybody else says.

It is so strange, and surreal and unlike the Stooges.

I think Larry goes a bit over the top, but he's still funny!

You see, that's just it!  Larry is making fun of the Hollywood "tough guy" image that so many young actors were being portrayed as.  Because of the roles they were given, they were treated as such on the street.  Larry certainly wasn't like that off camera and I think that might have been what he was trying to get over with this role.  It IS one of my top choices to watch and I hope a DVD copy comes before too long because my VHS copy has nearly had it.

"Ohhh, Carrie my dear, I love but you...(whistles)"

Offline archiezappa

Oh yeah.  I like "Cuckoo On A Choo Choo" also.  A nice departure from the Stooges formula.

Offline Bammer

I liked the episode 'Disorder in the court'  some people may not know it, but Moe, Curly and Shemps father was in the short too.  He was sitting in the gallery as Curly and Larry were playing Moe's stomach after Moe swallowed the mouth organ, thier father was on the right side wearing glasses and laughing.


Offline Double Deal Decker

So many to choose from. I agree w/what the folks have posted here. All GREAT SHORTS in which the boys really shine. When you got it, you got it.  :D

Offline Double Deal Decker

"The SitterDowners" is another classic. It features an appearance by Ted Healy's sister, Marcia. It was her only film role, I believe. Who could forget her classic "Come down outta there, Tar-zin" line to Curly.  :D

Offline vomit

"Goof on a Roof". Classic Stooges.  Classic Shemp.  Haven't seen it in years, but man oh man did I laugh my ass off the last time I saw it.  great film.  Art at it's finest.  Long live Shemp!
Specto Caelum!

Dog Hambone

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I'm not trying to misrepresent you or cast malheur or jurisdiction upon you, but I'm casting a vote for Hoi Polloi. It was the first one where some professors tried to turn the boys ("from the lowest strata of society") into gentlemen. The dance routines where the boys were being taught how to dance and the one at the party where the sofa spring is attached to Curly's derriere makes me laugh out loud every time I see it.   

Offline Ectahoozis

I think this has to be split into Curley's & Shemp's so
Curley: "The Sitter Downers"
Shemp: "Don't Throw That Knife"
these two were certainly at the top of their game on these shorts.  Honorable mention: "A Snitch in Time" which was the best short for over-the-top violence (if there is such a thing)