I think this one is a lot like An Ache in Every Stake in a sense that although it's nobody's #1 favorite, there's no doubt that it is a classic and quentessential stooges.
I beg-to-differ.
An Ache in Every Stake actually
IS my favorite Stooges short. I'd like to add
A-Plumbing We Will Go,
Brideless Groom and
Who Done It? to the list. These tend to be among the most popular titles. While I enjoy both of the Shemp titles, it surprises me that a great number of fans have elivated them to classic status.
For me personally, I'd like to think that
Three Little Beers is a classic. It is to me.
Micro-Phonies is another short that seems to get the lion's share of praise among fans. As for
Violent is the Word for Curly, calling it a classic because of "Swingin' the Alphabet" is like calling
Gents Without Cents a classic just because of the "Niagra Falls" routine. What about
Punch Drunks? I'd have no problem with it being added to a list of Stooges classics.