Sigh....not only could Dickerson's scenes be deemed un-pc, but what about the Stooges themselves, with their Yiddish jokes? Sure, it's not as "bad" as the sunburnt baby, but I'm sure someone could get offended by that. What surprised me was as late as 2000 "The Yoke's On Me" was shown on TV in St. Louis--I think this was before the "new" format with the trivia questions. Not that it offended me--if you knew anything about WWII, then you knew what was going on--but it seems that SOMEONE out there would've been offended. Maybe they were, since I haven't seen it in almost 10 years.
I'm sorry, but Dudley Dickerson, Sam McDaniel, etc. didn't seem as if they were being made fun of by being the "scary" black comic relief--if anything, usually the Stooges outran THEM! Besides, if we were all politically correct, then what would we laugh at?

What I wouldn't give to see Tom & Jerry, Droopy, and other MGM and Warner Bros. cartoons as I saw them in the late 70s, early 80s, with all the racist stereotyping intact. No, kids won't fall apart when they see Tom burnt to a crisp complete with huge red lips and "Buckwheat" braids, but I'm pretty sure they'll laugh. Hell, I laughed and I didn't turn out to be a card-carrying Nazi/Klanswoman. Show them as they are for a learning experience to show how things were back then, and laugh at them because of how silly they were. Don't ignore history.