Oh man, that commentary idea is sooo good! That would be so awesome to do. I don't know HOW we'd do it, but it'd be cool. I love watching films with director's commentary and stuff.
Basically, what I'm thinking is that you can record your review of an episode and upload it to the video site of your choice (YouTube, Yahoo, Google Video, AOL or MySpace -- any others?) and then go to the episode page to add your review. All you would need to do is paste in the video id and indicate which site it is on. (I'll be moderating them, to make sure nobody puts something there that doesn't belong.)

This would be
in addition to the written fan reviews, by the way.
Ahh...so I can make up stuff on the spur of the moment eh? I try haha 
Short by short reviews, whether they are video or written are good ideas, though I believe this site already has the latter. I think the video thing would be a good idea. I'd be game.
LOL! That's what I thought. Your video blog response is what gave me the idea.
![Throw Pie [pie]](https://threestooges.net/forums/Smileys/default/throwingapie.gif)
I'll be adding this feature in the next couple of days (I'm working on improvements to ronpaulregistry.com at the moment), so go ahead and start recording your reviews!