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Bit Of Fluff - Yet Another Stooges Music Video

Guest · 6 · 2095

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I like this one... because it's mine. Get down wid'ja bad self, Shemp!


Offline jrvass

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Great Job!  :D

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

  • Oh, Vici Kid!
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Maybe this is proof to Dunrobin that ANY Stooge video might be perimissible on his site if the audio is deleted and substituted with a relatively generic and non-descript audio track ... how about a compiled "Curly Shuffle"??? (Although NOT non-descript and defininitely not generic ... )
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.


  • Guest
Jrvass, encouragement = gooood karma. Thanks!

Actually, After today's news about Viacom having bitch-slapped Youtube and Google with that idiot lawsuit, I expect my YouTube page to suddenly vaporize at any time.

What gets me is that, yeah, the clips are easy to save and all but, once you got 'em, they don't look worth a shit most of the time. What could you honestly do with a little, blocky 320 x 240 video with ultra-noisy telephone-line quality, single-channel sound? Is all that worth a billion dollars? Really? Why not just ask for a billion-gajillion dollars or something totally off the wall like the RIAA and their "Everyone owes us a couple of thousand just because we say so!"

Getting back to Viacom's band of outlaw bandits, those clips of South Park sure don't seem to be interfering with DVD sales... they're still makin' 'em and sellin' em! Matt and Trey are still rich and Viacom still owns networks. Hell, South Park owes its very existence to the internet with all the interest drummed up years ago with the Spirit of Xmas and Jesus vs. Frosty.

Maybe I need to remove all my clips myself-- the last thing I need is to have Sony or, worse yet, Comedy III after my ass! Or, maybe I just picked the wrong week to stop sniffin' glue!


Offline Dunrobin

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That was totally awesome, dude!   [thumbsup]

I love to see "music videos" like that, as I think it takes an extra bit of creativity to edit and blend completely unrelated materials and make something new.  Most of the time I see it done with anime clips, but here's more proof that the Stooges can for a very funny music video.  I'd say this ranks up there with the Curly Shuffle and Hey Nyah! videos.

Seriously, Thump - well done!  I liked that you used a lot of Shemp and well as Curly clips, and even got in a clip or two of Joe Besser.  I didn't see any of Joe DeRita, though; too bad - you could have had the added distinction of including all six Stooges.   ;D

I would hope that Sony would use some thought when it comes to fan videos like this. I can understand that they might want to challenge a particular video if it somehow puts the Stooges in a bad light, but a good video like Thump's just helps to promote interest in their "product" and should (if anything) be encouraged.  The same thing goes for the music copyright holders.

It's not like anyone is really making any money putting these together and offering them for free.


  • Guest
Thanks, Dunrobin! I laid a good karma point on ya' for that!

DeRita did get left out, originally, because the clip I really wanted to use was from "Have Rocket, Will Travel"-- and my sucky copy is from AMC and has the crappy, sucky station bug on the screen, <yuck!>. But I have made a better quality version for download (as if anyone's interested) and I have taken the Dunrobin Challenge and included Joe DeRita.

I also fixed that superimposed title at the beginning-- it was in the wrong place.

Many thanks, again, folks! And, as Emil used to say, "Keep on Stoogin'!"
