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Colorized Shorts On Spike TV Marathon.

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Offline JazzBill

I don't know how many of you saw the end of the Spike TV, President's Day Marathon, but they finished up by showing all the shorts that are colorized. I've been knocked out of commission since Feb. 6th,(blood clot in my leg) so I had time to sit around and watch the whole marathon. It was brutal the way Spike chopped up the shorts with all of those commercials. They stretch out a 16 minute short to 30 minutes. (Ouch) I was really caught off guard when they started to show the color versions. It really seems strange to see them pop up on TV. From what I've read at other Stooge sites, people seem to enjoy them. (Go figure) I guess if it helps bring new fans to the fold, it can't be that bad.  
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Robbie883

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I too watched most of the marathon, and was shocked to see the colorized shorts. The problem I had with them was not the fact they were colored, it was the fact that they were shown earlier in the marathon in B&W, and I thought that was pretty lame. I hated all of the commercials too. I wish my cable had a Three Stooges ON-Demand channel, I would be in heaven.  ;D


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I was really shocked to see these shorts broadcast in color as well.  They didn't seem to have as many commercials in them as the ones in B&W. 

I tuned in to the marathon late, and I was wondering which shorts were colorized besides:

Playing The Ponies
Beer Barrel Polecats
Calling All Curs
Dopey Dicks

Offline JazzBill

There is something that really pisses me off about one of those colorized shorts. Why did Sony pick "Beer Barrel Polecats" to colorize? Out of 190 shorts to choose from, they picked a train wreck like "Beer Barrel Polecats". The new footage with a sick Curly doesn't match up with the footage from "So Long Mr. Chumps" and "In The Sweet Pie & Pie", where you have a very healthy Curly. You have guard running holding his mouth with no explaination. And why are they looking for convict #41144?  Bad Choice!
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline JazzBill

I was really shocked to see these shorts broadcast in color as well.  They didn't seem to have as many commercials in them as the ones in B&W. 

I tuned in to the marathon late, and I was wondering which shorts were colorized besides:

Playing The Ponies
Beer Barrel Polecats
Calling All Curs
Dopey Dicks
Sorry, but I really didn't keep track. I know they played some of the PD shorts. They also played the ones you mentioned. I was under the impression they played all of the colorized shorts there are, but I'm not sure of that. 
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline 2reelers

It surprised me that they ran the color shorts. Here's what was broadcast that day:


If you are looking to collect these for novelty sake, it's a much cheaper alternative to record the next marathon, rather than plunking down $24.00 for the same colorized films from Sony. They might repeat these in the future.

Offline 2reelers

I found it interesting how the commercial that aired plugging the "funnier in color" dvds included a clip from the HOI POLLOI, which isn't on any the advertised volumes, but is an extra on some other Sony disc that I can't recall. I thought DOPEY DICKS looked pretty good in color, again as a novelty.

BTW, has anyone compared Sony's colorized PD shorts with the volume put out by Legend Films? I am curious if they are the same, or are there differences in color (for example, let's say Moe is wearing a blue shirt in Sony's BRIDELESS GROOM, and a green in Legend's version).


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HOI POLLOI, which isn't on any the advertised volumes, but is an extra on some other Sony disc that I can't recall.

"Hoi Polloi" was an extra on the DVD release of "Breakin' All The Rules" with Jamie Foxx. 

I thought DOPEY DICKS looked pretty good in color, again as a novelty.

I agree. "Dopey Dicks" looked very good, compared to some of the other shorts.

BTW, has anyone compared Sony's colorized PD shorts with the volume put out by Legend Films? I am curious if they are the same, or are there differences in color (for example, let's say Moe is wearing a blue shirt in Sony's BRIDELESS GROOM, and a green in Legend's version).

I'm not 100% sure, but I think Columbia's version of "Disorder In The Court" differed from the one put out by Legend Films.  I don't know about the others. 

Just to throw this in there - when the first two colorized discs came out back in 2004, I received a "Funnier In Color" pin from one of the managers at SunCoast.


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A screen shot comparison from Brideless Groom:

Old Version:

Sony's New Version:

Offline JazzBill

I found it interesting how the commercial that aired plugging the "funnier in color" dvds included a clip from the HOI POLLOI, which isn't on any the advertised volumes, but is an extra on some other Sony disc that I can't recall. I thought DOPEY DICKS looked pretty good in color, again as a novelty.

BTW, has anyone compared Sony's colorized PD shorts with the volume put out by Legend Films? I am curious if they are the same, or are there differences in color (for example, let's say Moe is wearing a blue shirt in Sony's BRIDELESS GROOM, and a green in Legend's version).
I think the quality of the Sony DVD's is much better than that of Legend Films DVD's. I also have a DVD that someone bought me a couple of years ago. It's a colorized DVD of 2 PD shorts, put out by a company called  Highland Entertainment. It looks like someone colored the film using a box of crayons.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline 2reelers

Legend has more colorized dvds coming out late next month. These are discussed on another thread, but I found it interesting that Legend is coming out with 3 discs of Little Rascals in color. I know a handful of Rascal titles were colorized. FREE WHEELING is amongst the titles being released in color, and for that reason alone I'll pick these up.

I wonder if these will have original restored MGM titles, or if they'll be from the various 16mm prints (Official Films, Erko, Interstate Television, etc).

Jimmie Adams

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Did you hear the one about the idiot who bought the HAPLESS HALF WITS DVD just for one short?   Wait a minute....that's me!   


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Did you hear the one about the idiot who bought the HAPLESS HALF WITS DVD just for one short?   Wait a minute....that's me!   

Beer Barrel Polecats, right?! No? Thought not.

So, by Sony's deduction that the addition of colour makes the Stooges funnier, what happens when they colourise Sweet and Hot?


Jimmie Adams

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Why stop at colorizing?  Why not redub the soundtrack with a background of Gangsta rap.  Hell, why stop there.  Use some CGI so we can see a lot more skin on Christine MacIntyre and Symona Boniface.  And redub the dialog:

Moe:  What kinds music are you listening to?
Larry:  Rap
Moe:  Well, whadya know, I like rap too.
Moe smites Larry.


Larry:  Gosh it sure is hot, yo.
Shemp:  Well if it wasn't for fossil fuel emissions causing global warming, you wouldn't be so hot,  dog.

We could change the Stooges relationship as pals and have all three in a "civil union".

Moe:  This civil union has drove up the cost of our health insurance.
Curly: I'm a victim of coicumstance.  Word.

We could also redub a short and have one of the Stooges addicted to drugs so we can have a "special" Stooge episode.  We can re-title it EYE STAB IN THE RE-HAB.


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Wow! A new marketing strategy: The Gangsta Stooges! They're funnier "with urban colour"...

Disrespect in Da Court
Potless Groom
Sing a Song of Tupac
Malice in Da Hood

 :laugh: :laugh:

Oy, it hurts, it hurts!


  • Guest
I had no idea that Spike TV was going to show the stooges in color. And ThumpThe Shoes gave us great screenshots of the two colorized versions of "Brideless Groom." Sony's version is much better. I hate the colorized version from Fox's DVD. Why on earth would they pick purple as the color for Moe's suit. He looks like the Joker.

Offline Bangsmith

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I get a kick out of the two colorized versions of Disorder In The Court, as well. Both Fox's and Sony's seem to be about equal, but the color schemes are different. I still watch both back-to-back to pick out the different colors for the walls and clothing! What I'm looking forward to is the colorized version of Swing Parade on Fox/Legend coming out March 26, considering all the current versions suck!
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!


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It will be interesting to see what "Hollywood On Parade" and "Heavenly Daze" look like when they are colorized.

Dog Hambone

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Re the Presidents Day marathon:
I noticed when the colorized shorts started at 4:00 pm, Spike showed 3 per hour through 7:00 pm when it ended. Instead of interrupting each short twice with long commercial breaks (to stretch each one into a half hour), they interrupted each short only once. And the commercial breaks were shorter. And they didn't run any of their "Guide to Self-Instoogement" or "Moe's Hair Gel" features.

Speaking for myself only, I enjoyed the colorized shorts. I had only seen one colorized short previously. The quality was good & I noticed a bunch of details here & there that I had missed watching the B&W's.

And I don't think Beer Barrel Polecats is a "train wreck". I think the first part is funny, especially when Curly dumps the crock of hot water down Moe's pants. I'll grant that the continuity between the first (new footage) part & second (So Long Mr Chumps footage) part is pretty bad, but I still get a lotta laughs out of that one.   

Offline FineBari3

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Re the Presidents Day marathon:
 And the commercial breaks were shorter. And they didn't run any of their "Guide to Self-Instoogement" or "Moe's Hair Gel" features.

When I saw that there was a marathon running, I grabbed a tape and threw it in because I wanted to get some of these bumps or whatever these are that Spike makes with the Stooge clips. I really enjoy them, and am glad that they include them as 'filler', rather than more commercials to kill the left over 10 minutes for a 30 minute show.

I was very happy that they started showing the color shorts, but upset that they didnt run ANY of the Stooge clip bumps! Some of you know that I am a fan of the Sony color shorts, and loved seeing Brideless in color (my fav)!!!

Sorry for the lateness of my reply to this post, but I have been away from the board for awhile for no reason!  I didnt even post a trip report when I went to LA!

Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline ebrand11

I too was happy to see the colorized films. Especially since I didn't have Dopey Dicks at all. Now I don't have to waste money on the Hapless Half Wits DVD

Offline Wilson7777

I'm guessing that the Columbia colourized versions were worked on more extensively by way of doing research as to what the exact colours were in each film. 

So, if that's true....what did the Fox/Legend people do?  Just Guess?  The colour schemes look totally opposite.

Also, did anyone notice with the Fox/Legend "Three Stooges in Colour" DVD that they re-dubbed the sound effects?  I really don't like that.



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In all cases of colourisation, those in charge make more "creative" decisions than they do use actual colours. True, some of the product containers like oil cans and salt boxes may be accurately coloured since samples would be available but, as the Stooge colourists explain, it all comes down to a palette "recipe" or, as I call it, a guess. And that's what it appears the folks did with the Fox/Legend discs-- just guess.

Extensive research? Bollocks! The West Wing folks looked at pictures on Ebay. They said so in the documentary!

On to greener chestnuts, years ago, my brother and I made audio recordings of a few Stooge films off of W-Something-Or-Other (WOLO?) out of Wilmington, North Carolina. This was, oh, about 1977-78 and before we had even dreamed of a VCR. One of those pictures was called The Ghost Talks and, when I was sick, doing homework or just plain bored, I'd listen to the tape. Part of it goes like this (see if it rings a bell at all):

Shemp - What happened?
Larry- Strange happenings!
Shemp- That's strange!
Moe- Come on!

Moe grabs Shemp by the nose and drags him into the next scene with Shemp loudly yelling Oh! Ow-ow!... and a Stooge-y crunching noise was added over Shemp's Oh's and ow's.

I got so used to that particular "altered" soundtrack that, to this day, I still expect that crunching sound to be there when, obviously, it was added to that broadcast print for whatever reason! Also, I think someone mentioned that (on the Sony DVD's no less!) Grips, Grunts and Groans has some sounds added where they shouldn't be!

Just when you thought it was safe to watch some Stooges!

-Van Camp's Thumpee Shooees

Offline Wilson7777

wow....I didn't realize that sounds were added after the fact in some shorts....

I guess if you don't have the original audio recording, or watching the original short, you'd never notice it!

Offline kinderscenen

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On to greener chestnuts, years ago, my brother and I made audio recordings of a few Stooge films off of W-Something-Or-Other (WOLO?) out of Wilmington, North Carolina. This was, oh, about 1977-78 and before we had even dreamed of a VCR. One of those pictures was called The Ghost Talks

HA! I recall taping (as in cassette) that one as well, around 1981 or so. I also recorded Hoi Polloi, Cukoo on a Choo Choo, and the first Joe short I'd ever seen, Flying Saucer Daffy.  Amazing how we didn't think that it was silly to tape things off of TV (via cassette tape).  How else were we going to enjoy it later? Ah, the good ol' days!

I often wondered how they colorized the shorts as well. I mean, obviously, you could look at footage of Moe and Larry in color and get a general guess as to hair coloring, etc., but the clothes! Come on! Since it was black and white, there's a chance that there are some hideous colors that showed up well in b&w, but look like crap in color. Too bad there's no way we could find out the color of what they wore in a short.  It'd be interesting.
Larry: They’ll hang us for this!
Moe: I know! Let’s cremate him!
Larry: Can’t do that--we ain’t got no cream!


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Too bad there's no way we could find out the color of what they wore in a short.  It'd be interesting.

Just imagine Moe wearing a purple suit...

Well, that's what the colourising people do!


Offline kinderscenen

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I can't believe I just thought of this, but the folks who've "colorized" these shorts could learn something from the folks who colorized the Star Trek pilot, "The Cage."  Here you have a colorized film that was from the 1960's!  Somehow, it managed to look natural (somewhat, because I do recall seeing a special (?) where they compared the unmastered colorized footage to the mastered,) but looked much better than these modern day efforts.

Hell, even looking back at Stooge history could've provided a better result--if they could reprocess "Scrapbook" in black and white for "Daze", then you mean to tell me that in the 21st century they couldn't do the reverse and not have it look like those first horrible examples of "colorization" that I remember from the 80s?
Larry: They’ll hang us for this!
Moe: I know! Let’s cremate him!
Larry: Can’t do that--we ain’t got no cream!