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Four DVDs from Legend Films, March 27

BeAStooge · 28 · 15263

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  • 4 New DVDs from Legend Films: March 27, 2007

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Offline Bangsmith

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Thanks Bangsmith.  On your recomendation, I'll pick up the 4 Legend DVDs.  I don't have the Goodtimes releases, but if you find more material other than the Ed Sullivan appearance, let us know and I'll hunt down the Goodtimes discs.  Otherwise, it sounds like the Legend set is an improvement and the way to go.
One thing I forgot about when I last posted was the "Swing Parade" disc from Goodtimes. That has "Jerks Of All Trades" on it, and it is obviously nowhere on the Legend discs. However, that had already been released on Anchor Bay along with "Kook's Tour" on a DVD called "All Time Favorites". It was a full-quality release that I think was sanctioned by C3, but it might be out of print by now. Maybe Legend should colorize that material and release it with the Ed Sullivan appearance as a bonus!!
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!

Offline scgenres

Legend did an outstanding job restoring these films. The ONLY gripe I have, and I admit it is a minor one, is that I would like to see a restored AND unedited version of "Hollywood On Parade". Goodtimes did a decent restoration of it except for editing out two "risky" jokes (one of which was the "I've got an uncle I'm not sure of." bit from the Stooges routine).

Another note. In the "Life of a Stunt Double" routine from the Danny Thomas Show, Moe had the flu so bad that he could barely talk, but still did an outstanding job and this routine is (heresy follows) one of the funniest routines that the Stooges did in ANY combination.

Offline Justin T

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I bought both "Swing Parade" and "Extreme Rareties" disks and I really enjoyed them both. I have to commend Legend for the nice bonus materials on both. Swing Parade was pretty decent knowing Curly's health was not great at the time the film was made, and I liked having the non-Stooge short with Dudley Dickerson in the extras.

Rareties had some cool stuff I've never seen before, the "Screen Snapshots" episode was interesting but it was kinda glaring how the parts with Moe and Larry trying to get Curly on the horse were in colour while the rest of the short was in B&W. They did a nice job with "Heavenly Daze" I thought, and I loved the Larry and Joe interviews and the On The Go interview footage with the boys and their familes.

One of the best things for me was seeing the 3 skits they did on "The Steve Allen Show". I have mixed feelings about the Curly Joe era but I have to admit those 3 skits were VERY funny. They even did a good job with the "Maharaja" routine.  The "Operation" skit was alot of fun but the "Life of a Stunt Double" skit was freaking hilarious! I noticed how sick Moe sounded, thats quite a testament that despite the flu and a sore voice he still performed the skit! Moe was amazing.

I wish there was a way to get the Live and Hilarious disk without having the buy the box set, I dont want the Greatest Routines disk at ALL.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"