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"Hapless Half-Wits" DVD on Feb. 20

BeAStooge · 27 · 10404

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  • Hapless Half-Wits DVD: February 20, 2007

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Offline BeAStooge

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Sony/Columbia is releasing a new Three Stooges DVD on February 20, "Hapless Half-Wits."

No promotional release information yet, other than product descriptions of B&W/Colorized, and a running time of 137 minutes (8 shorts?).

This information is very premliminary; will possibly change. As more details turn up, they'll be posted.

Many online sellers (Amazon, etc.) have it up for pre-ordering.

Offline 3Stooges


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If they MUST put out another colorized set, the least they could do is release some shorts that have never seen the light of DVD. 

Why are they wasting their time with these instead of working on the boxed sets they promised????

Offline metaldams

I think it would be alarming to Sony concerning their Stooge DVD releases when this type of thing gets posted at a Three Stooges board and people either:

a.) don't care
b.) are angered by the product being put out

Hey, legally, it's their property, they could do whatever they want.  Legally, I can also do what I want with my paychecks (excuse me, my creditors are paging me), and it won't be going towards colorized DVD's of the same old shorts.  Every crap TV show on the market has a DVD sets put into seasons, and I see no reason why a similar approach with all 190 shorts shouldn't be done for The Three Stooges.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline garystooge

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Why are they wasting their time with these instead of working on the boxed sets they promised?

First off, I don't recall where they ever officially "promised"'s all been mostly innuendo and leaks thru low-level spokespeople. But there are indications that they have already begun work on the boxed sets. A California company has been contracted to produce the bonus elements for the set. This wouldn't have been green-lighted unless they were serious about putting them out. I'm guessing that since the boxed sets won't be cheap, Columbia feels (and rightly so) that they better have some good bonus material to help make the sets seem worthy of's unclear how long it will take to put the bonus material together but I'd bet that boxed sets are ready to go before next Christmas unless some other unforeseen snags come up.

Offline falsealarms

We'll probably be letdown again, but the reason it may have 8 shorts is this -  the previous bw/color releases with 4 shorts had a listed run time of ~70 min, not ~140 as is the case here.

Offline 3Stooges

Just for fun...I'm taking a WILD guess that all of the shorts will be previously available on DVD. They'll all be Curly's shorts. Wouldnt it be something if they start including some of the colorized shorts previously released! Like if they put HOI POLLOI on it...I wouldn't put it past them!


  • Guest
Wouldnt it be something if they start including some of the colorized shorts previously released! Like if they put HOI POLLOI on it...I wouldn't put it past them!

That sounds like something they just might do!


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From the looks of the DVD title, I have a feeling Sony might include "Half-Wits Holiday" on the DVD.

Offline falsealarms

Predictable little idiots, aren't they?

I bet none of these make it on, but I'd love to see: Half Shot Shooters, Cash n Carry, Oily To Bed Oily To Rise, We Want our Mummy, Some More of Somoa, Studio Stoops, Slaphappy Sleuths, Self Made Maids, Shot in the Frontier, and any of the Bessers (now THERE is a pipe dream)

There's many more, but those immeadiately come to mind.

Offline BeAStooge

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Sony/Columbia is releasing a new Three Stooges DVD on February 20, "Hapless Half-Wits."

No promotional release information yet, other than product descriptions of B&W/Colorized, and a running time of 137 minutes (8 shorts?).

This information is very premliminary; will possibly change. As more details turn up, they'll be posted.

Many online sellers (Amazon, etc.) have it up for pre-ordering.

"Hapless Half-Wits"

Only 4 shorts...
The running time counts each short twice, B&W and colorized.


* New to DVD

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline falsealarms

You gotta be kidding me. How stupid are these people? Everyone has seen Brideless Groom a million times, and it's already been released in color by some other company. And of all the shorts to bring to DVD - why choose a Curly from his sick years? Dopey Dicks is nice, but I'd rather just get it on the DVD already out. This is another pile of crap.... I'd advise all to pass.


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Why does Sony keep on releasing these stupid colorized DVDs? Better yet, why do they keep re-releasing shorts, especially the public domain ones that we've all seen a million times? The sales from these colorized releases must be doing well because Sony keeps insisting on releasing them. I didn't buy "Stooges on the Run" and I don't intend to buy this one. For those of you who are buying these DVDs, I advise you to stop supporting these colorized DVDs. You're obviously encouraging Sony to continue with this nonsense. [banghead]

Offline falsealarms

I think the only "Dopey Dicks" around are the people who make decisions on these DVDs.

Offline metaldams

To satisfy my curiosity, I rented a colorized Stooge DVD a few months back.  I was able to get through five minutes of VIOLENT IS THE WORD FOR CURLY and couldn't take anymore.  I was more interested in the color of the cars in the background than I was the actual comedy. 
- Doug Sarnecky


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Here we go, another crock of crap from Sony/Columbia. 

Why are they releasing the public domain shorts again - for...what, their two-billionth time?!  >:(
Another outing for "Dopey Dicks" is also disappointing. 

If they want to re-release ANY short, it should be "Three Little Beers" - in its' entirety. 

I oughta tear their tonsils out! ;D     Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk     


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According to the SPHE press release (once, again), "West Wing Studios, who referenced Columbia Pictures archives’ production items (props, cloth swatches, etc.), artists were able to achieve the highest level of historical accuracy in the images." (12-11-2006, SPHE)

This is a rather foolish statement, since, I think, we can all rest assured that no "Stoogie" prop items were retained by Columbia Studios from all those years ago. In my thirty-plus years I've never heard of an actual prop turning up from one of those short films. Also, in the West Wing featurette on the first Colourized Disaster Disc, we are told that the "research" consisted largely of looking at pictures on Ebay! I would be extremely ashamed to be the person who greenlighted this disgraceful sham, and to be the one responsible for paying people to browse Ebay under the guise of doing research.

Now, the best part is, in that same featurette we are told that the West Wing folks create a "colour recipe" and make their own choices at what the colours should be. This throws any shred of credibility for the whole project right out the window! Just how in the Flyin' Hell can that kind of guesswork reveal any historical accuracy?

Bottom line? West Wing Studios is a joke, and Sony's colourisation scheme is a completely worthless crock that has made a few people very rich. The Stooges are not funnier in colour! Not all people's gums and teeth are grey. Larry Fine's skin colour was not the same as his hair and, though it was a popular colour back in the day, all fucking interior walls were not green!

Sony has such a great product with so much potential right at their greedy, grubby, snotty, hoity-toity, stick-em-with-a-high-price-tag-give-'em-nothing, lack of special features, low quality-control, cut out bits for no reason, don't bug us with that inferior product business, we don't listen to fans, down with the black and white fingertips... and they keep getting it exactly wrong every, single time.

Much like Emil Sitka in "The Tooth Will Out", let's have a collective, and exhasperated, "Whooooooo!"

-thump the s h o e s

edit- Oh, and, in case someone from Sony sees this, the film is called "Brideless Groom" not "Brideless Grooms". Details, man! Details!

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

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To satisfy my curiosity, I rented a colorized Stooge DVD a few months back.  I was able to get through five minutes of VIOLENT IS THE WORD FOR CURLY and couldn't take anymore.  I was more interested in the color of the cars in the background than I was the actual comedy. 
That's been my experience also, Metaldams ... I buy a DVD just because it says "colorized" (in this case, it was of the 4 public domain shorts) and spent the entire time wondering why they thought Gale Tempest's bathing suit should be purple, and why the walls in the hallway should be a pastel violet when the boys saw Christine McIntyre slink down the hall in "Brideless Groom" ...
The ONLY reason I bought it was to compare the quality of the short with others I own. And I found that these "colorizing" folk are giving the boy's shorts a great makeover in picture and sound quality, but, as you and I have found, doing it only for the purpose of colorizing them is self defeating. AT LEAST the DVD I purchased allowed me to watch the remastered version in Black & White if I wished ... but I hesitate to buy any more.
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Offline Larry Larry

Another waste of time & money courtesy of Sony.   I'll pass.  Please:  NO ONE SHOULD BUY THIS.  It only encourages more of the same.

These pretzels are making me thirsty!

Offline shemps#1

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Another waste of time & money courtesy of Sony.   I'll pass.  Please:  NO ONE SHOULD BUY THIS.  It only encourages more of the same.

Right on, that deserves a karma point.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Genius In the Lamp

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Need more be said?

 [banghead] [banghead]  [banghead] [banghead]
"I like very much your English punk rock stars, you know, your Lulu, your Dave Clark Five!"  - Jerzy Balowski


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All I have to say is that if you want a DVD set of all 190 stooge shorts in chronological order, then you have to stop buying these colorized DVDs. If any of you have any thoughts whatsoever about buying these colorized DVDs, my advice is don't. If you buy these, the more Sony will be encouraged to continue with these colorized DVDs and will not want to release any complete DVD set. So, if you're a true stooge fan, then don't buy these colorized DVDs. The more you buy them, the less likely that a complete DVD set will ever be released.

Offline jrvass

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 :D ding... Ding... DING!!!   :D

We have "winners here" folks! Good Karma for everyone! (share the love!)

If sony-of a-bitch needs a clue... do it like (!)

A 4 CD set of his memories... conversational format with a few broadcast audio clips. I bought 3 "regulars" and one autographed, for Dad... from Ernie's attorney! (Say that, four times fast! "Ernie's attorney! Ernie's attorney! Ernie's attorney! Ernie's attorney!")

You'll be a "tongue-tied kid from Georgia", just like Mr. Harwell.

And it's a real signature... just like the back of a ticket stub that I handed him... behind home plate in old Tiger Stadium... upper deck... even with the roof poles. One of 5 tix I've saved... in Detoilet.

My avatar is a scan from 9/30/91... Ernie and Paul Carey's last game in Detroit. I copped the tix from work that nobody wanted and took my brother. He took his camera. Several great photos of Ernie & Paul above the "WJR-760" banner. I turn around and see it!

Anyway. Long story short. Just do what we fans ask...

1. B&W
2. IN Chronological order
3. No BS. "colorization" or other post-editing crap. Although listening to the "Emir of Shmoe" between episodes would be cool!

A DVD "wish list"? Others? Others? Mr. Bueler? Ferris Bueler?

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!


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Again, I am really thankful for "Stooge-A-Palooza."

My advice to everyone is to avoid these DVDs like the plague.  If people buy them, it will encourage Sony to release them all the more.  Then, I strongly doubt we will see a chronological set.

Offline jrvass

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testes, not quizzies


How do I attach a sound file? Put it on the web and link the url? Or upload it?

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!