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Three Stooges In 3-D

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  • Guest
Someone on Ebay is selling a Three Stooges DVD that contains "Pardon My Backfire" and "Spooks" in 3-D. It even comes with 3-D glasses. Click here to see it.

I found this very interesting, so I bought a copy. I'll let everyone know how it is when I receive it. From the looks of this guy's feedback, I'm sure I'll like it.

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

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I've always wondered how skin-crawling the scene is when Vernon Dent points that needle at the camera in 3-D ... it's hard enough to watch in 2-D.
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  • Guest
I got the shutter-glasses version of that same disc last year, and the quality, at least on the Stooges shorts, is pretty dern good.
The 3-d effect, while not stunning like a projected film, works really well. Images hover, sort of, right in front of the screen.

I'm interested in seeing your review-- this might be something I'll snag, too, if it's worthwhile!

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Offline Bangsmith

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I've always wondered how skin-crawling the scene is when Vernon Dent points that needle at the camera in 3-D ... it's hard enough to watch in 2-D.
So have I, considering that I am slightly cross-eyed and see double! I see in 3-D naturally, but the red/blue glasses don't work for me, because my eyes work independently of each other! I see overlapping red and blue images, one in each eye. I heard that "Spooks" was filmed in 3-D, but released in regular format. When was it finally put out in 3-D?
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Offline Billybagobagels

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I ordered one of these today as well.

I'll report my impressions once I've received the DVD. Looks interesting.

Offline sgt ladylove

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I honestly wonder why 3-D didn't catch on more.  I think it's a wonderful special effect!  I must get myself a set of goggles and watch those shorts.  I had forgotten the boys came out with some 3-D'ers.  :D


  • Guest
I just received the DVD and I have to say, it's pretty cool. However, the 3-D effect is quite weak when viewed on a regular TV. You get much better results when watching it on a computer monitor. If you have a DVD player on your computer, I recommend watching it there.