I've installed another mod to the Message Boards that let's you add a Youtube video to a topic. All you need is the video's Youtube ID; just click on the Youtube icon (second from the left on the row just above the smileys) and paste the ID in between the youtube tags.
TO FIND THE VIDEO ID: When you watch a video on youtube.com, it's URL in the address bar will look like this:
You want the code after the
v=. In this case, it's
0IeflUqfE_c. (The URL is also shown in a text box to the right of the video,)
I've also created a new board for posting
Youtube Videos. Please post them there. (If I find one on a different board I'll move it, but if it happens more than once you'll get a warning.) You can post any video you like there - they don't have to be Stooges related - but anything blatantly pornographic will get deleted, and the offender will get immediately banned (so don't do it!)

There's a note at the top of the Youtube Videos board that describes the use of the tag, by the way, just in case you can't remember.
![Thumbs Down [thumbsdown]](https://threestooges.net/forums/Smileys/default/thumbsdown.gif)
I've also installed the Topic Rating function on all of the boards. You can five a topic a rating of up to five stars.
UpdateI should have mentioned it above, but I forgot: I'm allowing new members (Porcupines) to start new topics in the Youtube Videos board, which will count towards moving up to Grapehead and full posting rights on the rest of the boards.