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Released February 05, 1944
Featuring Moe, Larry and Curly
17.6 min. (Short Subject)

The Stooges are mistaken for newspaper reporters and hired to do a story on Prince Shaam marrying a society woman. Larry and Curly pose as butlers while Moe is the cook for a fancy dinner party. After some failed attempts to get a picture of the Prince and his betrothed, the Stooges "fowl" up serving the turkey dinner and are fired. In one last attempt to sneak a photograph, they discover that the Prince and the head butler are crooks trying to steal the woman's money.

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Avg. Rating: [9.52/10]

Vernon Dent
Fuller Bull

Judy Malcolm
Bull's secretary

Charlie Phillips
Bruised newshawk

Wally Rose
Bruised newshawk

Johnny Kascier
Bruised newshawk

John Tyrrell
Bruised newshawk

Symona Boniface
Mrs. Van Bustle

Dick Curtis
Prince Shaam of Ubeedarn

Victor Travers
Party guest with mashed potatos

Beatrice Blinn
Party guest with spilled lemonade

Ida Mae Johnson
Tall, blonde party guest

Judy Malcolm
Party guest in white dress

Jay Eaton
Party guest

Harold Miller
Party guest

Elise Grover
Party guest

Robert Brister
Party guest

Jules White

Jules White

Felix Adler
Story and Screenplay

George Meehan
Director of Photography

Charles Hochberg
Film Editor

Charles Clague
Art Director

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