Funsters, The
The Stooges are in the same positions they were in YOU NAZTY SPY! and are still ruling the country of Moronica. The three cabinet ministers who betrayed the King before have turned good and want to help rid of Moe Heilstone, his Field Marshall (Curly) and Minister of Propaganda (Larry). The King's daughter is sent as a spy and gives the Stooges a bomb hidden inside a cue ball while tricking them into believing the "Axle" allies are plotting against them.
A sequel to YOU NAZTY SPY! (1940).
The King's advisors' names are based on Pig Latin, and two of them are different here than those used in YOU NAZTY SPY!
Jerry Howard
Curly Gallstone
Moe Howard
Moe Heilstone
Larry Fine
Larry Pebble
Ned Glass
Bert Young
1st King's guard
Don Brodie
The King of Moronika
Mary Ainslee
Princess Gilda
Lynton Brent
Mr. Amscray
Vernon Dent
Mr. Ixnay
Bud Jamison
Mr. Umpchay
Bobby Burns
King's aide
Al Thompson
Early Cantrell
Heilstone's maid
Johnny Kascier
Jack 'Tiny' Lipson
Bey of Rum
Charles Dorety
Russian Bawlin
Cy Schindell
Nick Arno
Japanese Delegate
Mary Ainslee
Voice on telephone
2nd King's guard
Jules White
Jules White
Felix Adler
Story and Screenplay
Clyde Bruckman
Story and Screenplay
L. W. O'Connell
Director of Photography
Jerome Thoms
Film Editor
Prod. No.: | 500 |
Shooting Days: | 4 days From: 1941-04-15 To: 1941-04-18 |
No audio files are available for this episode.
We open "I'll Never Heil Again," with the following very profound saying:
"The characters in this
picture are all fictitious.
Anyone resembling them
is better off dead."
We now see a Royal Crest that is octagon in shape with two huge lions on each side of it that reads as follows:
We are now at an outside entrance way of the Palace that leads into a courtyard where we see two Palace Guards standing at attention one on each side of the entrance way, with looks of dazement on their faces as they are dressed in uniforms with huge implements on the shoulders with a few medals pinned on the left side of the uniforms and swords hanging from their waistlines and their hats are French Béret style with inlays of skulls on them. We now see a third Guard, the King's Aide, approaching the mid-way of the outside entrance door dressed in the same uniform as the other two Palace Guards also wit a sword hanging from his waistline, all have their trousers tucked in knee length boots. The King's Aide is now blowing a trumpet, {very poorly}, to summons the King's coming. While he is playing his trumpet he is also doing a sideways shuffle and skip style of a dance. The King's Aide has now completed his song and dance routine as we see the other two Palace Guards turning to their right sides as they are standing there now with blank looks on their faces as they are now seriously waiting the King's presence.
KING'S AIDE: (As he has now completed his song and dance routine and has a look of bewilderment on his face as he is now shouting loudly): "His Majesty, the King Of Moronika, Herman the 6 and 7/8's."
The King Of Moronika is now approaching wearing a tunic style jacket, long cape, huge fur cuffs on his jacket sleeves, a star shaped medal on the right side of his waist, a bow tie, Derby style of a hat and his trousers tucked in knee length boots. He also has a very beautiful white fur piece wrapped around his neck, which in reality is a lovely, sweet, and adorable little poochie. The King is now being followed by the two Palace Guards and His Aide. Plus another gentleman is with them dressed in an 1800's style of a suit, tunic length jacket, knickers style trousers, white laced shirt, powdered wig, white stockings and black shoes with huge buckles on them. He is holding an armful of wooden logs.
We now see the King's Aide standing there with a look of puzzlement on his face still holding his trumpet as the "Wood Man," is standing there behind the King with a serious look on his face. King Herman the 6 and 7/8's is now gently removing his beautiful white fur collar and is gently setting him down and giving him a loving pet on his head.
KING'S AIDE to KING HERMAN the 6 and 7/8's: (As the Aide is standing there looking at the King with a dumbfouded look on his face as he is saying to him in a serious tone of voice): "Your cape, Sire!"
King Herman the 6 and 7/8's has now removed his cape and is handing it to his Aide, as he is now one last time giving his sweet, poifect, loveable, little poochie on final loving pet of good-bye.
We now see the lovely Princess Gilda approaching King Herman the 6 and 7/8's who is in the process of chopping some wood. She has her arms spread wide with a happy look on her face. She is dressed in a beautiful long sleeved, full length black velvet gown with a hige diamond brochette on the front neck part of the gown, she too is wearing a full length black velvet cape with a silver silk lining. She is now being followed by Mr. Ixnay, Mr. Amscray, and Mr. Umpchay who are dressed in tuxedoes and top hats. The 'Axis Partners,' are now removing their hats and are bowing in respect to the King. Two of the Palace Guards are now back standing guard by the Palace entrance way.
PRINCESS GILDA to KING HERMAN the 6 and 7/8's: (As she has a look of happiness on her face as she is saying to the King in a happy tone of voice): "Father!"
KING HERMAN the 6 and 7/8's to PRINCESS GILDA: (As he has now quit chopping wood and is looking at her with a huge smile that is turning into a look of madness and is saying to her in a happy voice at the start that now turns bitter): "Gilda, my child! What are you doing with these traders who over threw me to put in a Dictator?"
MR. IXNAY to KING HERMAN the 6 and 7/8's: (As the 'Axis Partners' are now standing there with their hats in their hands and very sad looks on ther faces as Mr. Ixnay is now saying to King Herman the 6 and 7/8's in a very apologetic voice): "We made a mistake Sire, we wish to help you regain the throne!"
MR. IXNAY to MR. UMPCHAY: (As he has now nodded his head at him and is saying to him in a serious voice): "Is that right, Mr. Umpchay?"
MR. UMPCHAY to MR. IXNAY: (As he is now nodding his head back to him as he is saying in a serious voice): "Positively, Mr. Ixnay!"
MR. UMPCHAY to MR. AMSCRAY: (As he is now looking at him with a serious look on his face as he is saying to him in a worried tone of voice): "Tell the King our plan, Mr. Amscray!"
MR. AMSCRAY to MR. UMPCHAY: (As he is now nodding his head at him as he is saying to him in a happy and agreeable tone of voice): "I shall be delighted, Mr. Umpchay!"
We now see a close-up of the 'Axis Partners', as they all have devilish looks on their faces.
MR. AMSCRAY to KING HERMAN the 6 and 7/8's: (As Mr. Amscray is now looking at the King with a serious look on his face as he is now explaining to him in a serious tone of voice their plan): "We have planned to have you daughter spy on Hailstone the Dictator sw we can destroy him!"
KING HERMAN the 6 and 7/8's to THE AXIS PARTNERS: (As the King is now looking at Mr. Amscray, Mr, Ixnay, and Mr. Umpchay with a wicked look on his face as he is saying to them in a mad and evil tone of voice): "You betrayed me once, how can I believe you now?"
We now see Mr. Amscray, Mr. Ixnay, and Mr. Umpchay standing there with hurtful looks on their faces as the King is back to his wood chopping chore.
MR. IXNAY to KING HERMAN the 6 and 7/8's: (As Mr. Ixnay is looking at the King with a really worried look on his face as he is saying to him in a really carrying tone of voice): "Sire, if we are not on the level, may we be struck down on this spot!"
We now see a piece of lumber flying into the aire as it is now hitting Mr. Amscray, Mr. Ixnay, and Mr. Umpchay square on the top of their heads. They are now rubbing their heads in pain and have painful looks on their faces.
MR. IXNAY: (As he is now looking upwards and is saying to God as Mr. Umpchay and Mr. Amscray are also looking upwards as Mr. Ixnay is saying to God in a worried tone of voice): "What's the matter, can't You take a joke?"
We are now inside of the Castle where we see a banner style of a flag hanging from a wall with two huge evil looking snakes with their tongues flickering out and are inner twines with one another that reads as follows:
We now see Dictator Moe Hailstone dressed in a Gestapo style of a uniform, tunic style of a jacket, black tie, and on his left arm the two ugly inner twined snakes to represent the "Swastika" and several medals on the uniform. He is now with his Aide, who has a little table-tray with a table covering on it with a silver tray on it with shaving materials strapped around his neck. Dictator Hailstone is now liberally applying shaving lather to his face with a lathering brush as he is now in the process of taking his morning shave.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to his AIDE: (As he is now looing into a mirror as he is still applying shaving lather to his face as he is now giving the German salute and is saying to his Aide in a serious and wicked tone of voice): "Aaaah, marvelous, Hail! What can be keeping my Field Marshal and my Minister Of Propaganda?"
We now see Dictator Hailstone's Field Marshal dressed in a General's uniform with medals pinned on every square inch of it, including his keester, huge implements and cords hanging from the shoulders, trousers with stripes down them tucked in knee length boots and a hat with medals on it and he also has the 'Snake Swastika' on his left arm and is smoking a stogie, with a huge mischievous grin on his face. The Minister Of Propaganda is dressed in a tunic style suit, vest, a huge white sash with stripes on it that is held together with a huge bow pin and several medals pinned on the uniform and his trousers are tucked in knee length boots and has a blank look on his face. The two of them are sitting at a table playing poker.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As the Field Marshal has now finished shuffling the pasteboards and has a mischievous look on his face as he is saying to him in a mischievous tone of voice): "Now, cut the cards!"
We now see Dictator Hailstone still with shaving lather on his face, a napkin tucked under his chin with his Aide following behind him with the shaving tray still strapped around his neck. Dictator Hailstone is using a march style of a walk waving his arms to and fro with a wicked and evil look on his face as he is now approaching a telephone receiver.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to HIS FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he has now picked up a telephone receiver and is shouting into it with a wicked tone of voice): "Field Marshal, come over right away!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring talking to Dicatator Hailstone with an evil look on his face as the Minister Of Propaganda is sitting by him with a devilish look on his face.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is shouting at him in a mean tone of voice still on the telephone receiver): "I'll come over when I'm ready!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As he now has a mischievous look on his face as he has his hand covering the telephone receiver says to him mischievously): "Haa, haa, haa, haa, haa, haa, hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh!"
We now see Dictator Hailstone slapping his telephone receiver with his shaving lather brush sending shaving lather to go through the telephone receiver and hitting Field Marshal Herring square in the kisser with it.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As he has a mad look on his face as he is saying to him in a dazed and mischievous tone of voice): "Hunha, he's shaving!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As the Field Marshal now has a mean look on his face as he is shouting at him through the telephone receiver in an evil tone of voice just before he hangs up): "I'll be right over!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring marching into Dictator Hailstone's office going backwards as the Minister Of Propaganda is also marching into his office going forwards with their arms locked together. The Field Marshal and the Minister Of Propaganda have now twirled each other around as they both are now marching in the same direction a stiff legged march to Dictator Hailstone. They are now approaching him with one leg raised.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING and the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As they are still standing there with their legs raised as he is shouting at them wickedly still with shaving lather on his face): "Put 'em down!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is standing there with his hands on his waist and has a wicked look on his face as he is saying to him in an evil tone of voice): "As Minister Of Propaganda, I want to report that the people......"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As he has a really evil look on his face as he is now interupting him in a mean tone of voice as he is slapping him on his face with the lathered up shaving brush): "I'm not interested in the people!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he has now licked some of the shaving lather from his face and has a mischievous look on his face as he is now taking another sample from the shaving tray says in a mischievous voice): "Hunhf, hunhf, good!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As he is looking at him still covered with shaving lather with a wicked look on his face as he is now grabbing him by his hair and is throwing him to the side shouts to him in an evil tone of voice): "Go, go!"
We now see the Minister Of Propaganda standing behind Dictator Hailstone with a wicked look on his face as he is cleaning the shaving lather from his face. As Dictator Hailstone and the Minister Of Propaganda were having their little tit-for-tat, Field Marshal Herring was standing there at attention with a slightly wirey smile on his face.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is still covered in shaving lather and still has his napkin under his chin and has an evil look on his face as he is saying to him in a mean tone of voice as Field Marshal Herring is now looking at him with an evil look): "Field Marshal Herring, how goes the war?"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is looking at him with a mischievous look on his face as he is stating to him in a mischievous voice): "I don't know, the census won't tell me, and there ain't been a newspaper!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is standing there with a really wicked look on his face as he is pointing a finger at his desk and is shouting at him with a mean tone of voice): "Start the teletype, you fool!"
We now see Dictator Hailstone approaching his shaving tray in finish shaving as Field Marshal Herring is now walking behind him with a really mean and ugly look on his face as he says madly 'huneh'. Dictator Hailstone has now turned back around looking at Field Marshal Herring with an evil look as Field Marshal Herring has now quickly changed his ugly look to a gleeful look as he is now waving his fingers happily at him.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is now waving his fingers at him and has a gleeful look on his face says): "Hunh, hail!"
Field Marshal Herring is now at the teletype machine as we have a close-up on Dictator Hailstone as he is once and for all completing his morning shaving chore.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to his AIDE: (As he is saying to him in a serious tone of voice): "Where was I?"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is standing there with a really wicked look on his face as Field Marshal Herring is now reading the ticker tape from the teletype machine): "What happened in the aire?"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is reading the ticker tape to him as we see the Minister of Propaganda with a huge feather ink pen as he is seriously and quickly jotting down what Field Marshal Herring is reading): "We bombed fifty-six hospitals, eighty-five schools, forty-two kindergartens, four cemeteries and other Vital Military Objects with our Stelka Bombers."
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he still has shaving lather all over his kisser as he is holding his lathering brush in his hand as he is waving his hands in joy as he is now hitting himself in his right eye with his lathering brush): "What a Blitz-Kreeg, what a......!"
As Dictator Hailstone has now hit himself in the eye with his lathering brush we now see Field Marshal Herring and The Minister Of Propaganda standing there with really happy and gleeful looking on their faces as they are laughing loudly and hysterically. Field Marshal Herring in now saying in a state of joy, 'n'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk!' as the Minister Of Propaganda is smiling mischievously.
We now see Dictator Hailstone throwing his lathering brush down on the tray in thorough madness as we now see Field Marshal Herring's look of joy and happiness now turning into a look of fear as the Minister Of Propaganda is now quickly picking back up his ink pen and now has a look of fear also on his face.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is now quickly returning to the reading of the ticker tape in total fear as the Minister Of Propaganda is now once again returning to jotting down his notes in a state of fear): "Ooooh, your Army's on the march again, this morning they took Paragoric!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is looking at him still covered with shaving lather and has a really evil and wicked look on his face as he is stating to him in a really evil voice): "Paragoric, ehy, good, good, good, good, haa, haa, haa, haa, haa, haa!"
We are now Dictator Hailstone as he is now finishing up his shaving as he now has removed his 'moustache', and shaved under it and has put it back as he is now really serious at completing his shaving chore.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is standing there looking in the mirror as he is still shaving and has a wicked look on his face as he is saying to Field Marshal Herring in a mean tone of voice): "Henh, go on!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is standing there with a puzzled look on his face as he is holding the ticker tape in his hand and is reading it with a serious voice that turns excited): "Then they took Pinochle with sixteen-hundred and fifty points, henumh, I mean prisoners, eighty-four tanks, Brooklyn seven, New York three, and Seabiscuit in the stretch, Gallion he's comin' up, it's Biscuit and Gallion, Gallion and Biscuit, Gallion wins!, hemnha-hunha, hemnha-hunha, hemnha-hunha, hemnha-hunha, {Here Field Marshal Herring has noticed Dictator Hailstone approaching him in a very wicked manner as Field Marshal Herring is now looking at him in a full blown state of fear and panic}.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he has now approached Field Marshal Herring in a full blown state of disgust as he has now socked him on his nose and is shouting at him in a wicked tone of voice): "I want to know about my Armies, have we taken the Dykes of Holland?"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is standing there looking at him with a devious look on his face as he is saying to him in a rapid paced mischievous tone of voice): "Soitenly, and the Van Dykes of Amsterdam, and the Up Dykes of Rotterdam and the Huntchback of Noterdam, Hail!" {Here Field Marshal Herring was about to get hit in the head with stick as he saves himself by waving his hand to and fro and is now mesmerizing Dictator Hailstone}.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone now has a really evil look on his face and is saying to him in a mean tone of voice as he is now giving him the German salute): "Hail!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is standing there with a really petrified scared look on his face as he is saying to him in a scared tone of voice): "Hail!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is standing there wtill with a really evil and wicked look on his face as he is shouting in a mean and wicked tone of voice): "Hail!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to DICTATOR HAILSTONE and FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As the Minister Of Propaganda is standing there with a really scared look on his face as he is now giving the Hitler salute as he is shouting at them mischievously): "Heil!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As he is looking at him with an evil look on his face as he is shouting at him wickedly): "Hail, you say!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As the Minister Of Propaganda has now shrugged his shoulders in a state of mischief as he is looking at him with a sheepish look on his face as he is saying to him in a low and mischievous tone of voice): "Oh, Hail, I say!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING and the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As he is standing there with the most ugliest look on his face going and is shouting at them in a really wicked tone of voice): "Eiff-eiff; hiff-hiff; hesaka; contadon; poopie-ta; upatacha; ha-yah!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING and the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As the two of them are looking at him with very dazed looks on their faces as they are saying to him in startled tones of voices): "Yah!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING and the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As he is still looking at them with an evil look on his face as he is shouting at them with a wicked ton of voice as they are standing there glaring at him with petrified look on ther faces): "Fiff-fiff; zeeb-zeeb; diuagha; zebaka; diuaskha; fiahaba; diaubia; heesha; yah; diabia; haa; zeeba!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGAND to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is now raising his right hand and is bending at his waist as he is swaying to and from and has a mischievous look on his face as he is saying in a mischievous tone voice): "Yah, yeh man, I'm from the South, nine-undha-hasvitch, that's what I'm suffering from!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As Dictator Hailstone is standing there with a wicked look on his face as he is shouting to him in a loud and mean tone of voice in agreement): "Yah!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is still standing there with his right arm still raised and with a mischievous look on his face as he is shouting in a mischievous tone of voice): "Yah, yah, yeha, man!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As Field Marshal Herring is standing there with a mischievous look on his face as he is saying to him mischievously): "He's nuts!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As the Minister Of Propaganda to Field Marshal Herring with a mischievous look on his face as he is saying to him in a mischievous voice befor he realizes what he has said): "Yeah!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he has now hit him hard in the stomach and is pointing a finger at the exit door way as he is now grabbing him by his bugle and is shouting wickedly at him): "GO!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he now has a look of hurt on his face as he is yelping in a painful tone voice): "Yeeha-yeowh; yeeha-yeowh; yeeha-yeowh; yeeha-yeowh!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he has a terrible look of hurt on his face as he is shouting in a painful tone of voice as Dictator Hailstone is now pulling him by his hair): "Ooooh-yee-yowh; ooooh-yee-yowh; ooooh-yee-yowh; ooooh-yee-yowh; ooooh-yee-yowh!"
We are now in the Library Quarters of the Castle where we see Dictator Hailstone pulling down a map as he is slapping it with a pointer as both Field Marshal Herring and the Minister Of Propaganda are standing there starring at the map with blank looks on their faces.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING and the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As Dictator Hailstone has his pointer in his hand and is slapping the map with it is saying to them in a wicked tone of voice): "We must study this map carefully!"
MAP OF STAR-VANIA: {The Best Of My Ability}:
UPPER LEFT CORNER: {Shaped like a flower pot}: "POT-O-GOLD:"
MIDDLE PORTION: {Shaped like a mitten}: "GREAT MITTEN:"
LOWER LEFT CORNER: {Picture Of A Compass}: {Next to the compass picture shaped like a mountain the country}: "RUBID-DIN:"
{The following five bodies of water}: "CORKSCREW STRAIGHTS;" "HOT-SEA;" "TOT-SEA;" "STRAIGHTS OF RYE;" and "CAN'T-SEA:"
"JUG O' SALVIA:" {Next to it is the country}: "YOM KIPPERS:"
"JUG O' SALVIA: {Underneath are the following three countries}: "MORONIKA;" "WOO-WOO;" and "CAST-TORIA:"
"MORONIKA:" {To the right side are the following three countries}: "STAYWAYOFF;" "BAY OF RHUMA;" and "JERKOLA:"
"STAYWAYOFF:" {Underneath are the following four countries}: "ABASKET;" "PUSH-OVER;" "SLAP-HAPPIA;" and "HOT FOOT:"
"JERKOLA:" {Underneath are the following three countries}: "ATISKET;" "ATASKET;" and "SMALL ZIPPER:" {Body of water}: "GIVE-A-DAMN:"
"SLAP-HAPPIA:" {To the right are the following two countries}: "BULGE-AREA;" and "BIG ZIPPER:"
"BULGE-AREA:" {Underneath are the following five countries}: "I-RAN;" "HE-RAN;" "SHE-RAN;" "THEY-RAN;" and "ALSO-RAN:"
'BIG ZIPPER: {Underneath is one country}: "TOOT-SWEET:"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING and the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As he is attentively looking at the map and is using his pointer and is pointing at the map and is saying to them in a wicked tone of voice): "Now, that we have captured all of Star-Vania, we must take Great Mitten!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is using a very serious and agreeable tone of voice says): "Yah-Yah!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is still standing there pointing at the map with a mean look on his face as he is saying in a wicked tone of voice): "Yah!"
As Dictator Hailstone and Field Marshal Herring were having their little consultation we see the Minister Of Propaganda standing there with his hands on his waist as he is looking at the two of them with a dazed look as he has a wirey smile on his face.
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As the Minister Of Propaganda has a look of mischief on his face as he is saying to him in a sarcastic tone of voice): "Yah, you were gonna Blitz-Kreeg Great Mitten by the middle of August!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is walking up to him at a rapid pace and is waving his hand at him with a devious look on his face as he is shouting to him in an evil but yet slightly mischievous tone of voice): "Then you said, Septober, then Octember, it's now in the middle of Novonder, and we ain't there yet!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is standing there looking at him with a mischievous but yet slightly evil look as he is saying to him in a mischievous tone of voice): "Well, Novonder, I didn't say what year!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is standing in a doorway with a look of bewilderment on his face as he is saying to him in a dazed tone of voice): "I don't understand it, it's only twenty miles!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is standing there looking eyes to eyes with him supporting a devilish look on his face as he is saying to him in a mean but yet slightly mischievous tone of voice): "Yeah, I could skip it!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is standing there with a really evil look on his face as he says to him in a really mean voice): "Then, skip it!"
Dictator Hailstone is now in the process of hitting Field Marshal Herring on the top of his head with a stick as Field Marshal Herring is quick on his feet as he is now waving his hand to and fro and up and down now mesmerizing Dictator Hailstone into not hitting him on the head with the stick.
As Dictator Hailstone and Field Marshal Herring were having their little squabble we now hear the opening of a door as they are now looking at a really beautiful Maid standing in the doorway with looks of glee on their faces.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he has now noticed the beautiful Maid and has a really joyful look on his face as he is saying happily): "Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh!"
MAID to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As she now has one finger propped underneath her chin as she now bows down at him with a huge smile on her face as she is saying to him in a happy tone of voice): "Luncheon is served, Your Excellency!"
We now see Dictator Hailstone, the Minister Of Propaganda, and Field Marshal Herring starting to march out of the Library Quarters to the Dining Quarters when Field Marshal Herring has now doubled back to flirt with the Maid.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the MAID: (As he is now looking at her with a huge grin on his face as he is saying to her in a low and loving tone of voice as he has her by her arm): "Have I told you the six delicious favours? 'N'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring looking to his left still thinking that he is still flirting with the Maid as Dictator Hailstone has now double backed in as he is now politely pushing the Maid aside as he now has a hold of Field Marshal Herring's arm and is now walking beside him with a really evil and wicked look on his face.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he has a look of joy on his face at first as he is thinking that he is still flirting with the Maid states): "The first on they have......, them!"
Field Marshal Herring is now realizing that he is now talking to Dictator Hailstone as his look of joy has now turned into a look of fear and panic.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he now has a really panicking look on his face as he is saying in a panicking tone of voice): "Wagba, wagba, zaaba, zaaba, hempf, hempf, chaa, chaa, woo, woo, woo, woo!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring high tailing it for his life as he is trying to run away from his as he now runs at full tilt straight into a wall as Dictator Hailstone hs now grabbed his by his arms as we now see them waltzing with one another into the Dining Quarters. Where we see the Minister Of Propaganda now quickly backing away. Dictator Hailstone and Field Marshal Herring have completed their waltz with one another and have bowed to each other in courteous as we now see Dictator Hailstone bonking Field Marshal Herring hard on his forehead.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone has now pointed a finger at a chair and is looking at him with an evil look on his face as he is shouting at him wickedly): "Plotz!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring and the Minister Of Porpaganda sitting down to an elaborate luncheon table that has a white laced table covering, beautiful sterling silver accessories, coffee pot, covered veggie bowl, crème pitcher, butter tray, plus beautiful green edged dishware and cut crystal pepper and salt dispensers and sterling silver olive and celery dish. Linen napkins and sterling silver cutlery along with a sterling silver turkey tray.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is looking at him madly and is shouting at him in a mad tone of voice): "Hunhf, hunhf, hunhf, hunhf, hunhf, hunhf!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is standing at the head of the table in front of a beautifully cooked thirty pound turkey on the sterling silver serving tray as he is saying to Field Marshal Herring): "Marshal Herring, our first move is to kick the stuffing out of Turkey!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING and DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is now taking a portion of bread and has a mischievous look on his face as he is saying to them in a mischievous tone of voice): "I'll wipe out Grease; {Greece}!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As he has now put out a hand to signal stop is looking at him with a puzzled look on his face as he is shouting to him in a devilish tone of voice): "Wait a minute, Chizzilini tried it and look what happened!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is still standing in front of the Turkey with a demented look on his face as he has now picked up a stalk of celery and hits him on his forehead with it and shouts to him wickedly): "Quiet!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is looking at him with a devilish look on his face as he is saying to him in a wicked tone of voice): "Yeowh, I want a piece of Turkey!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is shouting at him in a mean tone of voice): "Me, too!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is standing there with a wicked look on his face and is shouting to him in a nasty tone of voice): "Oh, so you want a piece of Turkey?"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is now standing up with a mad look on his face as he is saying to him a loud and mad tone of voice): "Yeah, give it to me now!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is looking at him evily and says to him in a wicked tone of voice as he now takes a piece of Turkey and slaps him in the kisser with it): "You got it! heef, heef, feef, feef, fife, fife, tryakda, deekha, deekha, hibodeeha, hibodeeha, trieaboka, tryconduha, hibowadaha, hibowadaha, yah, yah!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is saying in a puzzled and mischievous voice): "YAH!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is standing there looking at him with a mad look and says to him as he has now placed his hat on his head in a wicked tone of voice): "Yah, but I still want a piece of Turkey!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is now a full blown state of disgust as he has grabbed the entire Turkey and is running away with it and has a scared look on his face says in a scared voice): "Woo, woo, woo, woo!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is now shouting at him wickedly and has an evil look on his face): "Hey, hey, hey!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is standing there with a mischievous look on his face as he is saying to him in a mischievous tone of voice): "Come on, pass it!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring and the Minister Of Propaganda playing "Monkey In The Middle," {Dictator Hailstone is the Monkey}, as Field Marshal Herring has now tossed the Turkey over the head of Dictator Hailstone as the Minister Of Propaganda is now happily catching it.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As he is now running up to him at a fast pace as he is shouting at him wickedly): "Give me, that!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As they are still playing 'Monkey In The Middle,' is shouting at him in a mischievous tone of voice): "Hey Larry, throw it!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring with his hands raised and a devious look on his face as he misses catching the Turkey and has now noticed a 'Picture Of Napoleon Bonaparté catching the Turkey and is running away in a state of happiness.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to NAPOLEON BONAPARTÉ: (As Dictator Hailstone is now running up to him at a fast trot and is shouting at him in a worried tone of voice at one last feeble try to get his Turkey back): "Hey, hey!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to NAPOLEON BONAPARTÉ: (As he has now come to the realization that he now has the Turkey shouts to him in a scared tone of voice): "Yaah-haa, yaah-haa, yaah-haa, yaah-haa, yeehba, yeehba, yeehba, yeehba!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring and the Minister Of Propaganda standing there looking at Dictator Hailstone with worried looks on their faces as Dictator Hailstone is crying loudly and stomping his feet as he is now having himself a little hissie fit about loosing the Turkey.
We are now in the back Palace courtyard where we see the beautiful Princess Gilda strolling arm in arm with her father King Herman the 6 and 7/8's, where they are now being followed by the scared trio, Mr. Ixnay, Mr. Amscraym and Mr. Umpchay.
MR. UMPCHAY to KING HERMAN the 6 and 7/8's: (As he has now bowed to the King in respect as he is saying to him in a low and carrying tone of voice): "Now remember Your Hines, if we can get the Axis Partners fighting amongst themselves, the battle is half won!"
PRINCESS GILDA to MR. UMPCHAY: (As she is standing there looking at him with a really devious look on her face as she is saying to him in a really evil tone of voice): "Don't worry Umpchay, when I get through giving Hailstone an astrology session, he won't know which end his axis is standing on!"
We now see Princess Gilda standing there with the most devilish look on her face going as we see standing beside her Mr. Umpchay and Mr. Amscray as they are smiling wickedly at her as Mr. Ixnay is standing behind her also with a really evil look on his kisser.
MR. AMSCRAY to PRINCESS GILDA: (As he is now standing there with a really wicked look on his face as he is saying to her in an evil tone of voice as he is now handing her an 'EXPLOSIVE NUMBER THIRTEEN' billiard ball says wickedly): "And if that fails, plant this on Hailstone's pool table, it contains enough high explosives to blow Hailstone and his Henchmen to Hattie's!"
PRINCESS GILDA to MR. AMSCRAY: (As she is now holding the 'Loaded billiard ball' and is looking at him with a really devious look as she is saying to him in a really nasty tone of voice): "I won't fail, Amscray!"
We now see Mr. Amscray, Mr. Ixnay, and Mr. Umpchay standing there smiling wickedly at Princess Gilda as she is now putting the 'Loaded billiard ball' into her pocketbook as she is now smiling wickedly.
We are now back inside of the Palace where we see in progress Dictator Hailstone, Field Marshal Herring and the Minister Of Propaganda playing a game of billiards. Where they start the game off with all three of them cueing off at the same time.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As he is looking at him with a really ugly look on his face as he shouting at him with a really wicked tone of voice): "This is a pool game, not a Blitz-Kreeg, I think I'll invade you!"
Dictator Hailstone is now taking his billiards stick and is placing one end of it under Field Marshal Herring's bugle and the other end under the Minister Of Propaganda's bugle as he is now ferociously pushing them backwards. We now hear the Minister Of Propaganda and Field Marshal Herring yelling loudly; 'yeowh-oooh, yeowh-oooh, yeowh-oooh, yeowh-oooh, yeowh-oooh, yeowh-oooh', in a state of pain as they are now rubbing their bugles from pain. As Dictator Hailstone was in the middle of 'Invading' Field Marshal Herring and the Minister Of Propaganda we hear a loud rapping on his Library Quarters door.
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA, FIELD MARSHAL HERRING, and DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the DOOR: (As they are using a sing-song style of a voice as they are saying): "Come in, come in, come in!"
We now see the beautiful Maid letting in the lovely but yet wicked Princess Gilda, as the Maid has now taken Princess Gilda's cape. Princess Gilda is standing there in a sexy pose. We now see Dictator Hailstone, the Minister Of Propaganda, and Field Marshal Herring standing there looking at her with goo-goo eyes. Dictator Hailstone has now shoved back Field Marshal Herring and the Minister Of Propaganda as he is the first to run up and greet her. The three of them are now standing by her with looks of love on their faces.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to PRINCESS GILDA: (As he is now standing there looking at her with a sweet smile on her face as he is saying to her in a sweet tone of voice): "Aaaah, who might you be, fair one?"
PRINCESS GILDA to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As she is standing there looking at him with a devilish look on her face as she is saying to him in wicked but yet slightly mischievous tone of voice): "I am your Astrologer, the Seeres Of Roebuck!"
Here we see Dictator Hailstone and the Field Marshal Herring smiling sweetly at her and are bowing to her in respect.
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to PRINCESS GILDA; {The Evil SEERESS OF ROEBUCK}: (As he now has mischievous gleem in his eyes as he is saying to her in a mischievous tone of voice): "Oh, was your father the Seer Of Roebuck?"
PRINCESS GILDA; {EVIL SEERESS OF ROEBUCK} to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA, DICTATOR HAILSTONE, and FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As she is standing there with a devilish look on her face as she is saying to the three of them in a sarcastic tone of voice): "Oh, no, I was raised by Montgomery!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to PRINCESS GILDA; {SEERESS OF ROEBUCK}: (As he is now standing there with a look of mischief on his face as he is saying to her in a mischievous tone of voice): "Oh, Montgomery's Ward, n'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING and the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As he is now looking at them with a wicked look on his face as he is saying to them in a nasty tone of voice): "Henhem!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to PRINCESS GILDA; {SEERESS OF ROEBUCK}: {As he is now standing there with his hands clasped behind his back as he is looking at her with a serious look on his face as he is saying to her in a serious tone of voice): "You must help me get in touch with the stars!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to PRINCESS GILDA; {EVIL SEERESS OF ROEBUCK}: (As he is standing there with a really happy and sheepish look on his face as he is saying to her in a mischievous tone of voice): "Yeah, me too, I'll take La Mar!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to PRINCESS GILDA; {SEERESS OF ROEBUCK}: (As he is standing next to her with a huge and happy grin on his face as he is saying to her in a happy and mischievous tone of voice): "I'll take La Moore!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to PRINCESS GILDA; {SEERESS OF ROEBUCK}: (As he is smiling at her with a slightly wicked and wirey smile as he is saying to her in a mischievous tone of voice): "I'll take La Zonga with Six Lessons!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring dancing happily with the Minister Of Propaganda as Dictatory Hailstone is merrily dancing with the wicked and evil Princess Gilda; {Seeress Of Roebuck}.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to PRINCESS GILDA; {SEERESS OF ROEBUCK}: (As he is now happily dancing with her with a happy grin on his face as he is now counting): "Ooooh, one-two-three-four, one-two-three......"
Right here we see Field Marshal Herring taking a dip as he now hits the Minister Of Propaganda right in his stomach causing him to loose his balance as he now falls backwards bumping into Dictator Hailstone and the evil and wicked Princess Gilda; {Seeress Of Roebuck}, causing them to also loose their balance as Dictator Hailstone is now catching the Minister Of Propaganda.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING and the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As Dictator Hailstone is now looking at them with an evil look on his face as he is shouting at them in a wicked tone of voice): "Spread out, bring me my telescope!
We now see the Field Marshal Herring and the Minister Of Propaganda high tailing it at a rapid pace as they are now in the process of fetching Dictator Hailstone his telescope.
Dictator Hailstone is now standing in a corner of the Library Quarters talking with the evil Princess Gilda; {Seeress Of Roebuc} as we see Field Marshal Herring tak a ram-rod with a wiping rag on one end of it as he is now cleaning out the inside of the telescope. The Minister Of Propaganda is standing at the front of the telescope looking in it as he is now being hit in the kisser with the rag coated ram-rod that Field Marshal Herring has now pushed through causing the Minister Of Propaganda to get hit hard in his right eye and now is rubbing his eye in pain.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to PRINCESS GILDA; {SEERESS OF ROEBUCK}: (As Dictator Hailstone is standing there looking at her with an evil look on his face as he is asking here in a wicked tone of voice): "What do the planets potend today, fair one?"
PRINCESS GILDA; {SEERESS OF ROEBUCK} to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As she is standing by him with a really mischievous look on her face as she is saying to him in a really wicked tone of voice): "Very bad news, I feel your Axis Partners plan treturey."
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to PRINCESS GILDA; {SEERESS OF ROEBUCK}: (As he is standing there looking at her with a really worried look on her face as he is saying to her in a low and worried tone of voice): "SO!?"
PRINCESS GILDA; {SEERESS OF ROEBUCK} to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As the Seeress Of Roebuck now points to his telescope as she is saying to him in a mean tone of voice with a perplexed look on her face): "You shall see for yourself!"
Dictator Hailstone is now in the process of looking int his telescope with a really worried look on his face as the Minister Of Propaganda is standing by him with a really scared and worried look on his face.
We now see the Minister Of Propaganda, Field Marshal Herring, and the Dictator Hailstone looking into the telescope as we, and they, are seeing three of Satan's Demons; {Axis Partners}; standing there wearing Chef's hats and waist cut white aprons, holding pitch forks as they are roasting the three of them live on a bar-be-que spit over a huge open fire and the Demons are turning them on the spit and are stabbing at them with their pitch forks to test for doness. As Field Marshal Herring, the Minister Of Propaganda, and Dictator Hailstone are getting toasted like humongeous marshmallows they are yelling loudly in pain with very painful looks on their faces. Plus the Demons are tenderizing them with a chicken broth.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING and the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As he is standing there with a really evil and hurtful look on his face as he is saying to them in a hurtful and wicked tone of voice): "So, the Axis Partners would like to roast us, ehy? Summons up for for a Conference immediately!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is giving him the German salute with a mischievous look on his face as he is saying to him in a mischievous tone of voice): "Heel!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As Dictator Hailstone is giving him a mean look and responds to him in a wicked voice): "Heel!"
We now see the Minister Of Proplagand exiting to set-up the Conference as we see Dictator Hailstone and Field Marshal Herring standing at the front of the telescope with really worried looks on their faces as Princess Gilda; {Seeress Of Roebuck}; is standing there with a wirey and wicked smile of happiness on her face.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is looking at him in a mischievous look as he is saying to him in a mischievous tone of voice): "Come. let's pop off the rest of the pool balls!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is looking at him with a mischievous look on his face as he is saying to him in a devious tone of voice): "Yes, let's pop!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to PRINCESS GILDA; {SEERESS OF ROEBUCK}: (As he is looking at her with a happy smile on his face and is using a mischievous tone of voice): "Come, Pip!"
We now see Princess Gilda; {Seeress Of Roebuck} being escorted to the billiards table by both Dictator Hailstone and the Field Marshal Herring.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to PRINCESS GILDA; {SEEERESS OF ROEBUCK}: (As he now has her by her arm with a mischievous look on his face as he is saying to her in a mischievous and slighty flirty tone of voice): "You know, I'd like to show you my Chateaux in Brooklyn. It's on the right as you go in, it's on the right as you go out too. N'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk. Everyone enters threw and exit!"
Princess Gilda; {Seeress Of Roebuck}, Field Marshal Herring, and Dictator Hailstone are now standing in front of the billiards table as Princess Gilda is smiling sweetly at Field Marshal Herring and is laughing politely at his joke. We see Dictator Hailstone looking at Field Marshal Herring with an evil look.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is standing there holding a billiards stick looking at Dictator Hailstone with a mischievous look on his face as he saying to him in a very mischievous tone of voice): "I think I shall break!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is standing at the billiards table giving Field Marshal Herring a really evil look and is saying to him in a really wicked voice): "Oh, no, I think I shall break!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is now looking Dictator Hailstone with a mean look on his face as he is shouting to him in a mean tone of voice): "I break!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is looking at Field Marhsal Herring really evily and is saying to him in an evil tone of voice): "I break!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is standing there with a billiards stick raised upwards and he is looking at him madly and says to him madly): "Henha, henha, henha, henha!"
Dictator Hailstone and Field Marshal Herring are now looking at one another wickedly as they are now playing the 'Hand Wrap Game,' to see who comes out at top to be the one who breaks and Dictator Hailstone says in glee, 'Ooooh,' and Field Marshal Herring says joyfully, n'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk!"
We see a close-up of Princess Gilda; {Seeress Of Roebuck}, racking up the billiards balls as she is now switching the "REGULAR THIRTEEN BALL" for the "LOADED THIRTEEN BALL".
We are back of Dictator Hailstone and Field Marshal Herring as they are now completing their 'Hands Wrap Game' as Field Marshal Herring is now happy at the thought he won as his smile of happiness now turns into a look of fear as Dictator Hailstone has now cheated pushing up a small portion of the billiards stick so his hand will be the winning hand.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (With a wicked look on his face as he says to him in an evil tone of voice): "I win!"
Princess Gilda; {Seeress Of Roebuck} is now backing up away from the billiards table with a really horrified look of fear and panic on her face as she is now high tailing it out of there at a rapid pace to escape the 'Loaded Thirteen Ball'.
We are now on the billiards game where we see Field Marshal Herring and the Minister Of Propaganda standing there with gleeful looks on their faces as Dictator Hailstone has now made the break, sending all of the billiards balls into the right back two pockets with the 'Exception Of The Loaded Thirteen Ball'.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING and the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As Dictator Hailstone is standing there looking at the billiards table with a sad look on his face as he is saying in a slightly crying tone of voice): "Gona-Vista, I missed one! Where's the white ball?"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he now has a mischievous and happy look on his face as he is saying to him in a happy tone of voice as he is pointing to the white ball that is now in the left middle pocket): "It's scratched!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As he is now looking at him with a devious look on his face and is using a wicked tone of voice as he is now fetching the white ball from the left middle pocket): "Scratched, not-ting, it's in the "Brendle Pass", haa, haa, haa, haa. I get a free shot!"
Dictator Hailstone has now gone and fetched the white ball and is preparing to shoot as we see the Minister Of Propaganda looking at Field Marshal Herring with a mad look and is saying that he is a cheater.
Dictator Hailstone has now made his shot as we see Field Marshal Herring and the Minister Of Propaganda following the white ball to and fro with their eyes as it is now dancing on the billiards table from the 'Radiation' that was sent off by the 'Loaded Thirteen Ball.'
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is look at Dictator Hailstone with a mischievous look on his face as he is saying to him in a sarcastic tone of voice): "Unha, you used to much English!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is looking at Field Marshal Herring wickedly and is shouting to him in a wicked tone of voice): "Never speak that word in the house!"
We now see Dictator Hailstone getting ready to complete another shot as Field Marshal Herring is now looking at him with a devious look on his face as he is half-heartedly saluting him.
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As the Minister Of Propaganda is now leaning close to Field Marshal Herring's ear and is whispering to him in a low and mean tone of voice with a mad look on his face): "I think, he's cheatin!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the MINISTER OF PORPAGANDA: (As Field Marshal Herring is looking at the Minister Of Propaganda with a look of agreement as he is saying to him in a mischievous tone of voice): "I'm gonna watch him this time!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring and the Minister Of Propaganda bent low with serious looks on their faces as they are starring closely at the white ball and Dictator Hailstone to make sure he ain't cheating.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Dictator Hailstone has chalked his billiards stick and has hit him square in the kisser with the end portion of the billiards stick as Field Marshal Herring is stating in pain): "Yeowh-ooooh, yeowh-ooooh, yeowh-ooooh, yeowh-ooooh!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is now looking behind himself at Field Marshal Herring with an evil look on his face as he is stating to him in a wicked tone of voice): "You made me miss!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is standing there rubbing his kissed in pain and is giving Dictator Hailstone an evil look and is shouting to him as Field Marshal Herring has now given Dictator Hailstone an 'eyepoke'): You hit me in the chin, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is standing there looking at Field Marshal Herring evily as he is getting ready to give him an 'Eyepoke' as Field Marshal Herring now blocks it with his billiards stick): "Why you......!?"
We now see Field Marshal Herring laughing, n'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk, as Dictator Hailstone has now taken Field Marshal Herring's billiards stick and has hit him squared in the forehead with it.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is now sticking out his tongue at him and says to Dictator Hailstone in an evil tone of voice): "Just for that, I won't go to your party at Belchers Garden!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING and DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As the Minister Of Propaganda is now approaching the two of them and is splitting them apart from their little squabble as he is looking at Dictator Hailstone with an ugly look and is shouting at him in a wicked tone of voice): "Wait a minute, you're waistin' time, it's my shot!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring and Dictator Hailstone standing behing the Minister Of Propaganda with blank looks on their faces as the Minister Of Propaganda is now preparing his que.
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING and DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As the Minister Of Propaganda has pointed a finger to the middle right side pocket of the billiards table states; not knowing that the "THIRTEEN BALL IS LOADED"): I'll smash the thirteen ball into that pocket!"
We now see the Minister Of Propaganda, Field Marshal Herring and Dictator Hailstone standing there gawking at the white ball with dazed looks on their faces as it has now gone past the 'Loaded Thirteen Ball,' {that they do not know is loaded} and the white ball has now completed several spins and then rolls right back to the exact location where the Minister Of Propaganda had left it.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA and DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is now approaching the two of them and is pushing them aside says to them with a mischievous look on his face as he is using a mischievous tone of voice): "Step aside, let a man shoot, who know how, I'll hit that 'Thirteen Ball' so hard it will fly into a million pieces!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring flipping his fingers on his chin and is getting prepared to shoot. He has now shot the white ball as it goes past the 'Loaded Thirteen Ball', jumps up in the aire and hits the backside rest of the billiards table causing it to go flying in the aire and smashes into a million pieces right on the top of Field Marshal Herring's coconut.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE and the MINISTER OF PROPAGAND: (As Field Marshal Herring is now rubbing his head in pain and says to them in a really painful tone of voice): "Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, yeowh, yeowh, yeowh, yeowh, somebody dropped a bomb, unha, unha, unha, unha, heenhm, heenhm, heenhm, heenhm!"
We now see Dictator Hailstone and the Minister Of Propaganda standing there laughing hysterically at Field Marshal Herring getting hit in the coconut with the white ball.
We now see Field Marshal Herring outrageously mad as he is now approaching the 'Loaded Thirteen Ball' as he is wanting to smash it against the top of the billiards table.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is now approaching Field Marshal Herring with an evil look on his face as he is shouting at him in a wicked tone of voice): "Put it down!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is looking at Dictator Hailstone with an evil look on his face as he is saying to him in an evil tone of voice): "NO!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is now outrageously perturbed at him is shouting at him wickedly): "Put it down, or I will take away your medals!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is still holding the white ball and is looking at Dictator Hailstone mischievously and says to him in a mischievous tone of voice): "They're not yours, I bought 'em in a hock-shoppe!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring looking at Dictator Hailstone with a wicked look on his face as he has now stuck his tongue out at him once again and has reached over and pulled off his moustache in a state of madness.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is standing there in a total state of panic as he is looking at him with a look of panic on his face as he is shouting to him in a petrified and panicking tone of voice as Dictator Hailstone is now taking back his moustache): "GIVE ME MY PERSONALITY!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is now totally disgusted with him and is looking at him with an evil look as he is shouting at him wickedly): "Put that ball down!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is still holding the 'Loaded Thirteen Ball' and is looking at Dictator Hailstone with a mischievous look and is saying to him wickedly and mischievously): "Well, if you're beggin' me!"
As Dictator Hailstone and Field Marshal Herring were having their tit-for-tat about the 'Loaded Thirteen Ball', we now see the Maid approaching Dictator Hailstone in a professional manner as she is looking at him with a serious look on her face.
MAID to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As the Maid is saying to Dictator Hailstone seriously): "Excellency!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the MAID: (As we see Dictator Hailstone, Field Marshal Herring and the Minister Of Propaganda looking at her with dazed looks on their faces as he is to her in a serious tone of voice): "YES, YES!?"
MAID to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As the Maid is looking at Dictator Hailstone with a serious look on her face as she is saying to him in a serious tone of voice): The Axis Partners are here!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the MAID: (As Dictator Hailstone has now waved his arm in disgust with a disgusted look on his face as he is using a wicked and disgusted tone of voice): "Well show 'em in!"
We now see Dictator Hailstone looking at the Minister Of Propaganda with a sad and evil look on his face as Minister Of Propaganda is looking back at him with a hurtful look on his face as we see Field Marshal Herring laughing happily as he has now tossed into the aire the 'Loaded Thirteen Ball' and has caught it in his right uniform pocket.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As Dictator Hailstone is looking at him with a mean look on his face as he is saying to him in a wicked tone of voice): "I'll show those Axis Partners, a two a thing, or three or four!"
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As the Minister Of Propaganda is looking at Dictator Hailstone with a mischievous look on his face as he is saying to him in a mischievous voice): "Yeah, right!"
We are now at the Conference Meeting where we see a long wooden dining table covered with various paperwork and a huge globe in the centre of the table as the Centrepiece as Dictator Hailstone, Field Marshal Herring, and the Minister Of Propaganda are sitting together at the left side of the table and sitting at the head of the table is Chizzilini who is dressed in a black General's uniform, tunic style of a jacket, with eight medals pinned on the right side of his jacket, his trousers tucked in knee lenght boots, and a French Berrete style of a hat with a skull inlay on it.
CHIZZILINI: (As Chizzilini is sitting there with a mad look on his face as he is muttering in a mad tone of voice): "Three are not bidding, not a renewal of the people and are not an agreement of something, and one are not agreed, something has gotta be done!"
ANOTHER MEMBER of the AXIS PARTNERS: (As he is sitting there talking in somewhat unison with Chizzilini is stating): "All right, we'll deduct it, yeah, yeah I agree with you!"
As the two Members Of The Axis Partners are muttering betwixt themselves we see Field Marshal Herring taking the 'Loaded Thirteen Ball' from his pockent and is placing it on the table while Dictator Hailstone is now lighting up a pipe as the Minister Of Propaganda is getting meeting notes in ordure for the Conference Meeting as we now hear the ringing of the telephone.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the TELEPHONE: (As Field Marshal Herring has now answered it in a happy tone of voice): "Hello!?"
TELEPHONE OPERATOR to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As she is saying to him in a mischievous tone of voice): "Hello, have you got anything on tonight?"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the TELEPHONE OPERATOR: (As he has a mischievous look on his face and is saying in a mischievous tone of voice): "No, not a thing!"
TELEPHONE OPERATOR to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As the Telephone Operator is now using a full blown mischievous voice): "You'll catch cold, good-bye!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring barking madly at the telephone as he now hangs it up.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is sitting there pointing his hand at an empty chair with a wicked look on his face as he is saying to him in a mad tone of voice): "Where is the Minister Of Rum, why does he keep us waiting?"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is waving at him gleefully and is saying to Dictator Hailstone in a happy tone of voice): "Here he comes now!"
We now hear a loud rapping on the Conference Room door as we now see the Minister Bay Of Rum entering wearing a tunic style of a jacket in plain black with one little medal pinned on the left side of his uniform as he is wearing a turbin style of a hat with a white diamond brochette in the centre and huge plumé of feathers on the top. He is smoking a water pipe; {a tiny jar of water with a long tubing connected to it with a spichot on it that looks like the ones for gardening hoses.
MAID to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As the Maid is standing next to the Minister the Bay Of Rum with a serious look on her face as she is now saying in a serious tone of voice): His Excellency, The Bay Of Rum!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring getting up from his chair and is meeting the Minister The Bay Of Rum and showing him to his seat in a joyful state.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the BAY OF RUM: (As Field Marshal Herring is looking at the Bay Of Rum with a huge mischievous grin on his face as he is saying to him in a mischievous tone of voice): "Hiya, weeble old bowl, old Rummy, old Pot, I see you brought your own coffee!"
BAY OF RUM to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As the Bay Of Rm is looking at Field Marshal Herring with a perplexed look on his face as he is saying in a seriouw tone of voice about the water pipe): "No, she water pipe, present for you, she good water pipe, here smoke 'em, good smoke!"
We now see the Bay Of Rum happily presenting the water pipe to Field Marshal Herring. We now see Field Marshal Herring taking the tubular portion of the water pipe as it is now bouncing around as Field Marshal Herring is trying to catch it with his mouth to take a smoke.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the BAY OF RUM: (As Field Marshal Herring is looking at the Bay Of Rum with a mischievous look on his face as he is saying to him in a low and mischievous tone of voice): "It's alive, sank-you; {Here we see the Bay Of Rum catching the hosing and helping Field Marshal Herring to smoke it}.
Field Marshal Herring is now take a huge drag off of it as he is now trying to smoke it.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the BAY OF RUM: (As Field Marshal Herring is holding the water pipe in his hand and has a dazed look on his face as he is saying to him in a voice of wonderment): "Hunha, stuck!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring blowing down the tubing of the water pipe to un-clog it as he is now getting squirted in the face with water.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the BAY OF RUM: (As Field Marshal Herring is looking at him with a perplexed look on his face as he is saying to him in a mad tone of voice): "Tricky, I'll smoke this or else!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring taking another tempt at smoking the water pipe as he now has a mouthful of water and spits it onto the floor, as he is totally disgusted at not being able to smoke it.
BAY OF RUM to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As the Bay Of Rum is taking the water pipe from Field Marshal Herring and is demonstrating on how to use it says in a carrying voice): "Look, I show you!"
We now see the Bay Of Rum taking the water pipe from Field Marshal Herring as he is now taking a huge drag off of it as Field Marshal Herring is standing there watching him with a tenative look on his face.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the BAY OF RUM: (As Field Marshal Herring is standing there looking at him with a disgusted look on his face as he is saying to him in a mad tone of voice): "Henhma!"
As the Bay Of Rum is standing there smoking the water pipe we see Field Marshal Herring looking under the Bay Of Rum's beard to see if there was a connection to the water pipe. Field Marshal Herring is now successively smoking the water pipe with a gleeful look on his face as the Bay Of Rum now has a happy look on his face.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the BAY OF RUM: (As Field Marshal Herring is now looking at him joyfully as he is now enjoying the water pipe and is now escorting the Bay Of Rum to the Conference Table in glee): "N'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk!"
We are now approaching the Conference Table where we see the Axis Partners, Chizzilini, Dictator Hailstone, and the Minister Of Propaganda all sitting there watching with evil looks on their faces as they are watching the Bay Of Rum and Field Marshal Herring joining in the Conference.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the BAY OF RUM: (As he has now escorted him to his chair with a happy look on his face as he is saying to him in a happy and mischievous voice): "Sit down blubber, haa, haa, haa, haa, haa, haa!"
BAY OF RUM to the AXIS PARTNERS, CHIZZILINI, DICTATOR HAILSTONE, and FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is standing there with a devious look on his face as he is saying in a serious tone of voice as we see Chizzilini giving him the Hitler salute): "Heil!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the BAY OF RUM: (As Dictator Hailstone is looking at the Bay Of Rum with an evil look on his face as he is saying to him in a wicked tone of voice): "It's about time!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the AXIS PARTNERS, CHIZZILINI, BAY OF RUM, FIELD MARSHAL HERRING and the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As he is now standing up and passing out notational sheets to everyone and is stating to them in a serious tone of voice): "Gentlemen, my Manifesto, read it please!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is pointing at his Manifesto with a serious look on his face as he is saying in a wicked tone of voice as Field Marshal Herring is looking at it happily as he happily smoking his water pipe): "Here, you see Clause Two?"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is sitting there with a serious look on his face as he is enjoying his water pipe says to Dictator Hailstone in a mischievous tone of voice): "Yah!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As the two of them are still looking at the Manifesto as Dictator Hailstone is saying to Field Marshal Herring in a serious voice): "Is that not this thy submarine?"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is looking at him with a mischievous look on his face as he is saying to him in a mischievous tone of voice): "Yah, this is a submarine!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is still pointing a finger at his Manifesto with a wicked look on his face as he is saying to him in a devilish and mischievous tone of voice): "Is that this thy trolley car?"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring has a dazed look on his face as he is saying to him in mischievous tone of voice): "Yah, this is a trolley car!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is now sitting there with his eyes bugging out of his head and with an evil look on his face as he is shouting to Field Marshal Herring wickedly): "Submarine, Trolley Car, Eeiff, eeiff, feef, feef, hip, hip, hitstapa, habam, tranksa, hunka, hanksta, hunksta, heowbaha, marks!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is looking at Dictator Hailstone with a mischievous look on his face as he is saying to him in a mischievous tone of voice): "Gezuntite!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is looking at Field Marshal Herring with a wicked look on his face as he is shouting to him in a wicked and evil voice): "Read it!"
We now see the entire Conference Room reading the Manifesto as Field Marshal Herring is busy reading the Manifesto and not paying attention to what he is reaching for as he thinks he is picking up the tubing to his water pipe but in reality he is picking up the tubing to the gas portable heater.
CHIZZILINI to the AXIS PARTNERS and the BAY OF RUM: (As Chizzilini is reading the Manifesto and is saying in a serious tone of voice): "I personally thinks this is fantastico."
BAY OF RUM to the AXIS PARTNERS and CHIZZILINI: (As the Bay Of Rum is saying his comment on the Manifesto and in agreement with Chizzilini): "Yah, I agree!"
AXIS PARTNERS to CHIZZILINI and the BAY OF RUM: (As the Axis Partners are now nodding their coconuts in agreement as they are stating in a serious tone of voice): "Yes, we agree some and not, un-agrees with somethings."
BAY OF RUM to the AXIS PARTNERS and CHIZZILINI: (As the Bay Of Rum is sitting there with a disgusted look on his face and is using a mad tone of voice): "Oh, so not a good agreement!"
AXIS PARTNERS to the BAY OF RUM and CHIZZILINI: (As the Axis Partners are now shaking their fists in madness as they have read further down on the Manifesto as they are now stating in madness): "No, no, we not think here very good."
CHIZZILINI to the AXIS PARTNERS and the BAY OF RUM: (As Chizzilini is saying in a very happy voice and with a happy look on his face): "I like this, I am new at this!"
All the while that we were hearing discussions going on betwixt the different Conference Members about the Manifesto we are seeing Field Marshal Herring diligently reading the Manifesto as he thought he was smoking his water pipe, but in reality he was smoking the gas pipe as he is now inflating himself with gas and has now popped open his uniform jacket sending his buttons and medals flying every where.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Field Marshal Herring is sitting there not realizing that he has now smoked the gas pipe and has turned himself into a gas balloon thinking that the water pipe is no good says with a mischievous look on his face and with a mischievous tone on voice as he is now setting down what he thinks is the water pipe tubing but is the tubing to the gas heater): "Go back to those Coffin Nails!"
We now see the gas inflated Field Marshal Herring reaching into his trousers pocket as he is now getting out a package of Coffin Nails and getting one out and is lighting one up as he goes to blow out the match we now see fire coming out of his mouth like a dragon due to the fact that he is full of natural gas.
We now see Dictator Hailstone, the Minister Of Propaganda, and Field Marshal Herring all flinching from fear and with painful looks on their faces as Field Marshal Herring has now set the Bay Of Rum's beard on fire with his flames from his breath as the Bay Of Rum is now sitting there in a horrified state of pain and panic as he is now extinguishing his beard.
BAY OF RUM to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As the Bay Of Rum is sitting there extinguishing his burning beard with a horrified look of panic on his face as he is shouting to him in a wicked and mean voice): "Unha, unha, you, burn up me!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the BAY OF RUM: (As Dictator Hailston is now standing up in a wicked manner as he is taking a judge's gavel and is hitting the Bay Of Rum on the top of his coconut with it and is shouting at him wickedly): "Quiet, the meeting is called to ordure!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the AXIS PARTNERS: (As Dictator Hailstone is standing there with an evil look on his face as he is shouting to them in a wicked tone of voice): "Gentlemen, of the Axels, your Blitz is on the fritz. I am the winner and the world belongs to me." {Right here Field Marshal Herring is patting Dictator Hailstone on his shoulder in agreement}.
We now see the Axis Partners one is dressed in a tuxedoe of solid black including his neckwear while the other one is dressed in a tuxedoe with a black and white stripped tie.
TUXEDOE AXIS PARTNER to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As he is now standing up with a very demented look on his face as he is shouting at him with a heavy JAP accent wickedly): "Oh, no, dats berry berry, unjust please, sank-you!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the TUXEDOE AXIS PARTNER: (As Dictator Hailstone is now in a horrible state of madness and is pounding his gavel fiercely on his desk as he is now getting mighty close to the "Loaded Thirteen Ball"): "You're welcome, shut-up, shut-up, shut-up, shut-up!"
BAY OF RUM to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As the Bay Of Rum is pounding his hand on the table with a wicked look on his face as he is shouting at him in a demented tone of voice): "Dat's against the International Laws!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the BAY OF RUM: (As Dictator Hailstone is looking at the Bay Of Rum wickedly and is saying to him in a wicked voice): "The world belongs to me!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring sitting there with a dazed look on his face at the Bay Of Rum as the Minister Of Propaganda is sitting there with a blank stare on his face as Dictator Hailstone is in a state of madness and is grabbing the Globe that is sitting on the table.
AXIS PARTNERS, BAY OF RUM, and CHIZZILINI to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As they are standing up in horrified panic and are shouting at him in a horrifie state of panic and fear in unison): "Oh, no, no you don't give us that world you trader please don't take the world, I shall reprot you, you Dictator, give us the world back. Please don't do it give it to us, give it to us please, give us the world you rotten Dictator!"
As the Axis Partners, the Bay Of Rum, were fighting with Dictator Hailstone, Chizzilini was standing there giving the Hitler salute three times as he was saying 'Heil', after each one.
We now see the Axis Partners, the Bay Of Rum, and Chizzilini charging like a heard of bulls frantically after Dictator Hailstone, Field Marshal Herring, and the Minister Of Propaganda to gain control of the world.
AXIS PARTNERS, the BAY OF RUM, and CHIZZILINI to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As they are chasing after him like a heard of demented bulls to regain control of the world are shouting at him in wicked unison): ""Oh, no, you don't, it belongs to me, the world belongs to me not you, you Dictator. Give it to us please, we want the world!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the AXIS PARTNERS, the BAY OF RUM, and CHIZZILINI: (As they are still chasing after Dictator Hailstone like a bunch of deranged bulls to regain the world as Field Marshal Herring is shouting at them in a loud and wicked tone of voice): "Shut-up, shut-up, shut-up!"
We now see the Axis Partners, the Bay Of Rum, and Chizzilini catching up to Dictator Hailstone and the Minister Of Propaganda as they almost got the world back as Dictator Hailstone now tosses it to Field Marshal Herring.
The world is now in the hands of Field Marshal Herring as the "Heard Of Deranged Bulls" are now chasing after Field Marshal Herring very dementedly as they are now shouting at him wickedly: {"All you, you rotten traders give us the world now, please give it to us, we want it now, give it to us now, we want the world it does not belong to your Dictator"}
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the AXIS PARTNERS, the BAY OF RUM, and CHIZZILINI: (As Field Marshal is holding tightly to the world and is putting up his hand as the stop signal and has a really wicked look on his face as he is shouting at them in an evil tone of voice): "Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, see, look!?"
We now see Field Marshal Herring tossing the world into the aire as Dictator Hailstone, the Minister Of Propaganda, the Axis Partners, the Bay Of Rum, and Chizzilini are now looking at him as he is now adjusting his boot straps with a look of mischief on his face. Field Marshal Herring has now caught the world as the free-for-all battle is now once again in full session over the world as they are shouting at one another: {"We want the world, we want the world, you don't deserve it!"}
We now see Field Marshal Herring colliding into the Bay Of Rum and the Axis Partners as it has now created a dominoes effect as Dictator Hailstone and the Minister Of Propaganda have now tripped over them causing every one to go falling flat on the floor on top of one another.
We now see them standing up as Dictator Hailstone, Field Marshal Herring, and the Minister Of Propaganda are gathering in one huddle with the Axis Partners, the Bay Of Rum, and Chizzilini are gathering into their huddle.
We now hear the Axis Partners, Chizzilini, and the Bay Of Rum saying betwixt themselves as they are now in their little huddle: {"We'll get the world from those Dictators, we'll fight them for it"}.
We hear Dictator Hailstone saying to the Minister Of Propaganda and Field Marshal Herring as they are in their little huddle: {"We'll fight them for it and the winner get the world; 'heekata, heefa, heefa, feef, feef, fife, fife, hukabada, hukabada, tryketda, henka!"}.
We now see the Axis Partners, Chizzilini, and the Bay Of Rum in one line while Dictator Hailstone, Field Marshal Herring and the Minister Of Propaganda in their own line as they are marching from side to side to get ready to fight for the world as Field Marshal Herring is holding it. As they are marching from side to side stooping down after each one way march this was completed five times and now the are doing a Congo Dance.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he has now completed the Congo Dance and is shouting at him in a wicked tone of voice and with an evil look on his face as we see Field Marshal Herring tossing him the world): "Hiff, hiff throw it to me!"
We now see Dictator Hailstone holding the world as he is trying to run away with it as he is being helped by the Minister Of Propaganda and Field Marshal Herring as they are now being cut off at the pass by the other gang of merry idiots as they are now colliding into one another as we see Dictator Hailstone tossing the world as the Minister Of Propaganda has now caught it. As Field Marshal Herring was getting ready to run for his life he is now being blocked by the Axis Partner in the solid black suit. We now now Field Marshal Herring butting stomachs with Black Suit Axis Partner as we see the Axis Partner falling flat on his back and is completing a set of three somersaults and is landing in a head stand with his feet propped up against a wall totally knocked out cold.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the AXIS PARTNERS, and the BAY OF RUM: (As they are now fighting amongst one another as they are shouting at one another dementedly): "You don't deserve the world, it belongs to us, you rotten traders."
We now see the 'Tuxedoe Axis Partner' escaping the fighting mob as he is holding a camera in his hand as he has a look on panic on his face.
TUXEDOE AXIS PARTNER to DICTATOR HAILSTONE, the BAY OF RUM, CHIZZILINI, and the OTHER AXIS PARTNER: (As he is saying to them in a frantic tone of voice and with an evil look on his face as they are temporarily stopping their squabbling and put on phoney huge smiles as Dictator Hailstone and the Other Axis Partner are giving the Hitler salute as the Bay Of Rum is giving the Thumbs Up Signal): "Hault, picture please, picture, sank-you!"
We now see the Tuxedoe Axis Partner running away in fear as we now see Dictator Hailstone, the Bay Of Rum and the Other Axis Partner now picking up where they left off in their little tit-for-tat over the leadership of the world. They are shouting at one another: {"Give me the world, we want the world, heef, heef, heef, heef, heef, heef!"}.
We now see the Minister Of Propaganda holding the world as he has an evil look on his face as he is being confronted by the Other Axis Partner as he is now trying to take the world from him. Field Marshal Herring has now walked quickly past the Minister Of Propaganda as he has not lost his stride as Field Marshal Herring is now holding the world and is continuing his fast paced stride as the Axis Partners and the Minister Of Propaganda are looking at him with a mischievous look on their faces. As the Minister Of Propaganda is now laughing with glee.
BAY OF RUM and the AXIS PARTNERS to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As they are standing their fighting betwixt one another as the have evil looks on their faces and are saying to one another in demented voices): "Give me the world!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the AXIS PARTNERS and the BAY OF RUM: (As Dictator Hailstone has an evil look on his face as he is shouting to the wickedly): "No, it's mine, it's mine, heef, heef, hiff, hiff, heekastaba, heekastaba!"
We now see the Tuxedoe Axis Partner and the Minister Of Propaganda in fight as the Axis Partner is now ramming the Minister Of Propaganda in the stomach causing him to loose his balance and falling on the floor flat on his back.
We now see Field Marshal Herring with the world in his hand as he is running frantically with a look of panic on his face as he is yelling, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo! as he is being chased by the Bay Of Rum.
TUXEDOE AXIS PARTNER to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING and the BAY OF RUM: (As he is now taking out his camera from his jacket pocket and is in the process of taking a photoshot says to them mischievously): "Hold, please, hold!"
As the Axis Partner was taking the photoshot we now see the Minister Of Propaganda with an evil look on his face grabbing a sterling silver serving tray and has now stuck underneat his suit jacket as the Axis Partner has taken the photoshot and knows nothing about the tray inside of the Minister Of Propaganda's suit jacket. The Minister Of Propaganda has now given the Axis Partner a swift kick in his keester as he is now swinging around and grabbing the mischievously grinning Minister Of Propaganda by the wrists as the Axis Partner is now playing battering ram with the Minister Of Propaganda as he is now batting his head hard into the Minister Of Propaganda's stomach as he is now creamating his coconut hard on the serving tray that is under the Minister Of Propaganda's suit jacket. The Axis Partner is now walking around dazed as he is seeing 'STARS' and is falling to the floor as the Minister Of Propaganda is now taking the tray from his jacket and is finishing knocking him out with one last good and final crack on his coconut with the tray.
We now see Field Marshal Herring still holding the world running full tilt right at the Bay Of Rum yelling, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, into his stomach as Field Marshal Herring is being knocked flat on his keester.
BAY OF RUM to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As the Bay Of Rum is now bent over at his waist and is charging after Field Marshal Herring like a demented bull as Field Marshal Herring is still holding the world and is being backed into a window as the Bay Of Rum is snorting at him wickedly saying): "Henha, yeah, yeah, yeah, geeya, geeya, geeya, geeya, geeya, geeya, geeya, geeya!"
We now see Field Marhsal Herring quickly stepping aside as the Bay Of Rum has now taken a dive through the window and is breaking the glass and is falling head first down three levels as he is shouting in pain, 'Aaaah-yeowh, aaaah-yeowh, aaaah-yeowh, aaaah-yeowh, aaaah-yeowh, aaaah-yeowh!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring still holding the world tightly looking out the window at the well hurt Bay Of Rum with a look of panic on his face as he is shouting out of the window at the Bay Of Rum in a state of fear and panic, 'Yeowh, yeowh, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, n'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk!"
We now see Dictator Hailstone fighting wickedly with Chizzilini as they are smacking one another with their fists and are choking one another by their throats.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to CHIZZILINI: (As the two of them are now standing there with wicked looks on their faces as they are still choking one another as Dictator Hailstone is saying to Chizzilini wickedly): "Hey, Chizzilini, wait a minute, why should you and I fight? Let them kill each other and you and I will share the world!"
CHIZZILINI to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Chizzilini is standing there with a serious look on his face as he has given him the Hitler salute says in a voice of agreement): "Aaaah, dat's in the spirits!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to CHIZZILINI: (As Dictator Hailstone is extending his hand in 'so called friendship' says wickedly): "Shake!"
We now see Chizzilini taking hold of Dictator Hailstone's hand as he thinks he is shaking in friendship as we now see Dictator Hailstone flipping him over his shoulder in a Karate style of a hand grab hard onto his back as Chizzilini is now sitting there with a dazed look on his face as he is seeing 'STARS'.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As we see the Minister Of Propaganda down on his knees with a finger on the world with a wicked look on his face as Field Marshal Herring is now running at full tilt and is wickedly kicking the world to Dictator Hailstone): "Hey, 'Puddin'-Head, quick!"
Chizzilini is now somewhat standing up and regaining conscienceness and his balance as we now see Field Marshal Herring kicking the world and is hittin Chizzilini hard on his coconut causing him to fall once again to the floor and is again totally knocked out.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING and the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As Dictatory Hailstone now has his foot on top of the knocked out Chizzilini as we see Field Marsh Herring saying, 'n'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk,' and the Minister Of Propaganda joining him with wicked mischievousness grin on their faces as Dictator Hailstone is saying in total pride): "I vanquished them, I am the winner and the world belongs to me!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone has a wicked look on his face as he is stretching out his hand to Field Marshal Herring and is saying to him in a demented tone of voice): "Give it to me!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is looking at him with a mean and mad look on his face as he is shouting to him wickedly as he is refusing to give Dictator Hailstone the world): "No, it's mine!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is standing there with his hands balled into fists as he has a demented look on his face and is shouting in an evil voice): "Give me that world Herring, or I'll marinate ya, let me have it!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring looking at Dictatory Hailstone with an evil look on his face as he is now totally disgusted with him now smashes the world into a million pieces over Dictator Hailstone's coconut.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As he is standing there in a total state of panic as he is yelling at him in a wicked and panicking tone of voice): "My world, you 'Nit-Wit', you shattered my world!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring running in a state of panic as he is yelling in a panicking tone of voice: {"Look out, look out, get out, get out!"}.
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is chasing after Field Marshal Herring totally demented out with a really evil and wicked look on his face as he is shouting wickedly): "You, shattered my world!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is running for his life in a total state of panice as he is shouting to him with a look of panic on his face and in a panicking voice): "No, no, don't do that, stop, stop, don't do that!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is having a full blown hissie fit with an evil look on his face and a wicked tone of voice): "I'll kill you, I tell you, I kill you honest!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring running for his life once again as he is being chased by the thoroughly demented Dictator Hailstone.
MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As the Minister Of Propaganda is now stopping him in a total state of fear and panic as he is trying to stop him in fear says to him in a freaked out voice): "Hey, wait a minute, stop, that, don't do it!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to the MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA: (As he is now shouting at him with a reall demented voice as he has a demented look on his face): "Stop that, turn me loose!"
DICTATOR HAILSTONE to FIELD MARSHAL HERRING: (As Dictator Hailstone is now dementedly throwing a notational pad at him as he is shouting wickedly hoping to hit him with it): "I'm gonna kill you!"
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to the {DEMENTED} DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is putting up his hand in the stop signal with a really scared and panicking look on his face as he is shouting in a panicking voice): "Stop, don't do that, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't!"
We now see the Minister Of Propaganda standing by the really demented Dictator Hailstone with a really scared look on his face as Dictator Hailstone has now thrown the notational pad at Field Marshal Herring in full blown madness.
FIELD MARSHAL HERRING to DICTATOR HAILSTONE: (As Field Marshal Herring is now catching the 'Loaded Thirteen Ball' that Dictator Hailstone has thrown at him in a state of dementedness): "Don't do that, listen you, I've taken enough of you, this is the last straw!"
We now see Field Marshal Herring looking at Dictator Hailstone in a full blown state of demented madness as he is now taking the 'Loaded Thirteen Ball', as he is now finding out that it is a bomb and is smashing it hard on the floor in full blown state of madness against Dictator Hailstone as he has now blown himself along with Dictator Hailstone and the Minister Of Propaganda to kingdom come, ending their rulings of Moronika for good.
We are now on King Herman the 6 and 7/8's smoking a stogie, Princess Gilda, Mr. Amscray, Mr. Ixnay, and Mr. Umpchay, as Princess Gilda now has a hand on her father's arm as we see a Palace Guard standing there behind them at attention, as Mr. Ixnay is bowing at the King in respect as Mr. Umpchay and Mr. Amscray are standing there with huge smiles of pride on their faces.
MR. UMPCHAY to KING HERMAN the 6 and 7/8's: (As Mr. Umpchay is looking at the King with a smile of pride on his face as he is using a happy tone of voice): "Your Majesty, good news, we have regained your throne!"
MR. AMSCRAY to KING HERMAN the 6 and 7/8's: (As Mr. Amscray is looking at King Herman the 6 and 7/8's in pride and accomplishment as he is saying to him in a happy and respectful tone of voice): "You are again our King!"
KING HERMAN the 6 and 7/8's to MR. AMSCRAY, MR. IXNAY, and MR. UMPCHAY: (As King Herman the 6 and 7/8's is now looking at them in total pride as he is asking them in a happy but yet questionable tone of voice): "Are you sure that this mad Dictator and His Henchman will not return!?"
MR. IXNAY to KING HERMAN the 6 and 7/8's: (As Mr. Ixnay is saying to him in a really gleeful tone of voice as he has a mischievous and happy smile on his face as he is saying to the King in a joyful tone of voice): "I'm positive, your Majesty, look!"
Where we see the lovely Princess Gilda, King Herman the 6 and 7/8's, Mr. Amscray, Mr. Ixnay, and Mr. Umpchay all with joyful smiles on theri faces as they are now getting positive proof that Dictator Moe Hailstone and His Henchmen will never return and rule the Country Of Moronika. We see the King's trophy wall with the following different trophy heads mounted on different shapes of boards.
No trivia have been logged for this episode.
YOU NAZTY SPY is a brilliant film & I take nothing away from it when I say this one is better. The map bit goes too long but that's why we have fast forward buttons. Favorite parts: Larry & Curly's goosestep when entering Moe's office, the wild & hilarious turkey keep away from Moe & of course the ending fight over Hailstone's world. Jules, Felix, & Clyde deserve a uniform for putting together such a great short. Those stooges ain't bad either. Did we take the dykes of Holland? Sotainly! And the Van Dykes of Amsterdam, the up-dykes of Rotterdam, and the hunchback of Notre Dame!
9.5 pokes
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"How dare you look like someone I hate!" - Connie Cezan (TRICKY DICKS, 1953)
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