Stooges Among Us
Details of the 2nd Annual Convention, July 22 - 24, 1988 in Trevose PA
- Miscellaneous Stooges sightings by fans
- Pittsburg Press ran an article on Paul Shannon, THE OUTLAWS IS COMING's Wild Bill Hickok
- Fan and newspaper writer efforts to get the Stooges a US Postal stamp
- Leonard Maltin features a BANK DICK clip of Shemp in an ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT story on famous movie bar scenes
- News of local TV station Stooge and solo films
- KGO-TV San Francisco aired a three part special and interview with Joe DeRita
- Joan Howard Maurer did a live radio interview on Buffalo's WGR-AM
Trivia questions
"Shemp Howard's honorable discharge from the US Army, 1918"
Personal stories and recollections on the life and career of Joe Besser
1988 Convention photos, featuring special guests Joan Howard Maurer, Paul Howard, Jane Howard Hanky, Marily Howard Ellman, Lyla & Nate Budnick, Sally Starr and Greg Lenburg
Review of the rare Three Stooges feature film, GOLD RAIDERS (1951)
Discussion on the history and collecting of the Three Stooges trading card series released by Fleer in 1959
- Porcelain "Moe" statue released by Expressive Designs
- Ceramic busts of the Stooges from Esco Products
- Results of the 1988 Convention memorabilia auction
- Newly licensed merchandise includes t-shirts, magnetic note pads, greeting cards, 1989 and 1990 calendars
Detailed list of 16mm film titles produced for the 1940s Excel toy projector
"Larry, Moe and Shemp clown around backstage at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium before a live show, 1949"
Fan classified advertisements
Original song
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