
General Boards => News and Announcements => Topic started by: Dunrobin on April 03, 2018, 01:28:43 PM

Title: joins the 21st Century!
Post by: Dunrobin on April 03, 2018, 01:28:43 PM
After years of putting it off, I've finally updated's ( templates to be more mobile-friendly.  The design, adapted from the "Editorial" template created by HTML5 UP (, automatically re-arranges the pages depending on the device you are using, whether it's a desktop, a tablet or your smartphone.

I'm a couple days past my self-imposed deadline of April Fools Day, but better late than never.  It took me a bit longer to get pages looking the way I wanted them to appear on different devices, and I'm sure I will be tweaking them for a while until I'm completely happy with all of them.  lol  Let me know if you run into anything that looks particularly odd on your device.
Title: Re: joins the 21st Century!
Post by: metaldams on April 03, 2018, 06:08:07 PM
Nice!  Like the look of the new layout and I dig the sidebar menu very much.  Way easier to navigate on an iPad than the old website.  If I run into any issues with further navigating I'll let you know, but so far, so good.
Title: Re: joins the 21st Century!
Post by: Dunrobin on April 04, 2018, 11:52:17 AM
Nice!  Like the look of the new layout and I dig the sidebar menu very much.  Way easier to navigate on an iPad than the old website.  If I run into any issues with further navigating I'll let you know, but so far, so good.

Cool!  I'm glad it looks good on the iPad.  I have a Kindle Fire and a Motorola smartphone, so I was able to test the site on those, but for everything else I had to rely on Screenfly ( to see what it looked like.

Definitely let me know if you run into any broken or missing links, or if anything displays "odd."  I didn't create the template and it didn't come with any instructions (just some examples), so I had to experiment with the CSS classes to see what would work.  The image classes have been the most interesting; the first time I tried using them the pictures usually got stretched or enlarged, making them very pixelated.*  (Freaked poor BeAStooge out when he first saw it.  lol)

* Every time I use that word I think of those two old ladies from the original "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (" with Gary Cooper.  My mother's whole family tended to be pixilated (  :)
Title: Re: joins the 21st Century!
Post by: falsealarms on April 07, 2018, 09:25:12 PM
Big upgrade all around! Everything looks better on both a desktop and especially a mobile device.