
General Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: Boid Brain on November 09, 2010, 04:26:42 PM

Title: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on November 09, 2010, 04:26:42 PM
I was a hugely successful comedian on the radio, movies and T.V. Nobody knows exactly when I was born, but I died about 17 years ago in my 80's.

I had a distinctive physical characteristic, but I can't tell you what is was. I was married a bunch of times as I fairly drove my wives crazy with my bullshit. I had one wife that I kept as my manager for 20 years after the divorce so I could keep tappin' that ass. You can imagine how the subsequent wives felt about that!

I was not an alcoholic, but it was not for lack of trying. After losing one of my kids I was fucked up for years. It didn't help when that kid's mother blew her brains out on an anniversary of his death. I used to climb the big tree in my front yard with a shotgun and a quart of booze and stay perched there ALL NITE.

I distrusted all of my writers and would have them fired at the drop of a hat, even if they had been with me for 10 years and were friends. Like Desi Arnez, I was a bit of an innovator in T.V., and I was known to have the filthiest dress rehearsals in the business. I mean no holds barred cursing and ass squeezing!

How all this shit was not made public back then is a secret I took to the grave. The public loved me 'till the day I died.

Now, who in the fuck AM I?
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: metaldams on November 09, 2010, 04:35:39 PM
Pope John Paul II?
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: shemps#1 on November 09, 2010, 05:11:10 PM
My first thought was Milton Berle (due to his huge cock and being difficult to work with), but he only died about 8 years ago.

Edit: I think I figured it out, but I never heard of Red Skelton climbing trees with a shotgun.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on November 09, 2010, 06:43:08 PM
My first thought was Milton Berle (due to his huge cock and being difficult to work with), but he only died about 8 years ago.

Edit: I think I figured it out, but I never heard of Red Skelton climbing trees with a shotgun.
Fuck me! I gave you too many clues! You Stooge lovers know a lotta stuff.  I was all ready to give more clues, Like that damn Shemp referencing me as "Red Skeleton" in that P.O.S. about the ghost knight.

That shit about me in the tree was spilled by Groucho's kid Artie in his bio on me. The little cocksucker never could keep a secret! Oh well, good job Shemps #1. BTW, just curious...which clue cracked it for you?
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: metaldams on November 09, 2010, 06:44:21 PM
My first thought was Milton Berle (due to his huge cock and being difficult to work with), but he only died about 8 years ago.

Same here, and for all the same reasons.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: shemps#1 on November 09, 2010, 06:47:06 PM
Fuck me! I gave you too many clues! You Stooge lovers know a lotta stuff.  I was all ready to give more clues, Like that damn Shemp referencing me as "Red Skeleton" in that P.O.S. about the ghost knight.

That shit about me in the tree was spilled by Groucho's kid Artie in his bio on me. The little cocksucker never could keep a secret! Oh well, good job Shemps #1. BTW, just curious...which clue cracked it for you?

The losing a son and ex wife killing herself.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Curly4444 on November 09, 2010, 06:47:54 PM
Why not think of someone else to guess?
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: shemps#1 on November 09, 2010, 07:00:39 PM
Ok, since I guessed right I'll go.

Here are your clues:

1. I was always getting in trouble with the law.

2. I died of a drug overdose.

3. I was one of the celebrities featured on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

If no one guesses correctly I will release more clues.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: metaldams on November 09, 2010, 07:01:15 PM
Ok, since I guessed right I'll go.

Here are your clues:

1. I was always getting in trouble with the law.

2. I died of a drug overdose.

3. I was one of the celebrities featured on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

If no one guesses correctly I will release more clues.

Lenny Bruce
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: shemps#1 on November 09, 2010, 07:04:59 PM
Correct. Your turn.

My other clues would have been:

4. I wrote a book released by Playboy Publishing

5. I have influenced the likes of George Carlin and Howard Stern

6. My arrests were mostly on charges of obscenity
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on November 09, 2010, 07:09:00 PM
Lenny Bruce
Dammit! I didn't even have time to think of it, Metal! BTW Lenny, I have seen a lot of your act in old clips, and you were not funny! Not to mention you looked like hell! I dug your wife 'tho, Man!

OK metal...who are you???
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: metaldams on November 09, 2010, 09:16:32 PM
Who am I?

I had a wife in common with Groucho Marx.

I was removed from the cover of Sgt. Pepper because my agent wanted too much money.

I made a living butchering the English language.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: shemps#1 on November 09, 2010, 10:15:16 PM
Leo Gorcey, Sgt. Pepper was a dead giveaway.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: middlenamewayne on November 14, 2010, 04:54:13 AM
Lenny, I have seen a lot of your act in old clips, and you were not funny! Not to mention you looked like hell! I dug your wife 'tho, Man!

Whaddaya expect from a second-rate Murray Roman knock-off?

(Actually, some of Lenny's columns in NUGGET magazine were VERY funny -- and even if they weren't his wife did pictorials for the mag as well!)

  - MNW

Anyone care to fill in the missing names from this story?

In October of 1976, ["A" & "B": 2 famous comic actors] were attending the same party at The Playboy Mansion. Hoping to ease some of the tension they had built up in recent years, [A] congratulated on his latest television series. What [A] did not realize was that the show in question had been cancelled the day before. "I liked your show," said [A], "it was a really good effort." didn't respond. "He just looked at me [as if to say] 'Fuck you,' and I said, ' Well, Fuck YOU.' ... and walked away. I'd been getting this kind of thing from him for a long time. It started when he was hosting The Tonight Show. He had this kind of dismissive way of introducing people ... and I nailed him - you know, comedic oneupmanship---and I remember he said, 'Maybe sometime I'll knock you upside the head one of these days,' and I said, 'Yeah, go ahead and try.' A couple months later ... boom ... there it was. I should never have turned my back on him. He didn't have the balls to do it when I was looking. He slipped behind Hefner and sucker-punched me. He hit me right in the head with his fist - knocked me down ... and I was down there a minute or two and he was standing over me screaming at me, 'C'mon, I'll kick your ass,' stuff like that. I've never seen him since then. I always thought, maybe if he turns around sometime I might give him a shot."
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: shemps#1 on November 14, 2010, 10:43:50 AM
How can Lenny Bruce be a "second rate Murray Roman knock-off" when Bruce hit the scene first? If anything Roman would have to have been a "second rate Lenny Bruce knock-off".
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on November 14, 2010, 11:59:52 PM
I have no idea...fill me in, Middle.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on November 15, 2010, 12:45:29 PM
Who am I?

A stage and screen actress that never stooped to TV, I have played opposite of just about all the top leading men except Cagney and Eddie G. because I'm taller than they.... My trademark is running. I managed to run in every movie I made. I once starred in a movie with my pal Joan Blondell that was shot completely indoors but I still manage to run all over the place!

I was only married once but was divorced twice, and of course, I'm dead.

Who are me ???

Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: middlenamewayne on November 15, 2010, 04:36:38 PM
I have no idea...fill me in, Middle.

Hint: Mr. Huxtable always liked Dick best!

(Answer below)

That was Tommy Smothers speaking about Bill Cosby!

  - mnw
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on November 15, 2010, 05:21:30 PM
Hint: Mr. Huxtable always liked Dick best!

(Answer below)

That was Tommy Smothers speaking about Bill Cosby!

  - mnw
Oh my!!! Cosby is a big dude. Well I gotta figure they were both hammered and Tommy said something. But Cosby definately has an asshole side to him. (Like most show bizz types)
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on November 17, 2010, 05:49:57 PM
Who am I?

A stage and screen actress that never stooped to TV, I have played opposite of just about all the top leading men except Cagney and Eddie G. because I'm taller than they.... My trademark is running. I managed to run in every movie I made. I once starred in a movie with my pal Joan Blondell that was shot completely indoors but I still manage to run all over the place!

I was only married once but was divorced twice, and of course, I'm dead.

Who are me ???

Bump...OK, another clue. I didn't like musicals. Oh, and I have an Oscar or 2.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Rich Finegan on November 17, 2010, 07:10:45 PM
Bump...OK, another clue. I didn't like musicals. Oh, and I have an Oscar or 2.
I have no idea about her running or being pals with Joan Blondell or about her marriage & divorce status, but taking a guess, could it maybe be...

Katharine Hepburn?
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on November 17, 2010, 07:35:53 PM
I have no idea about her running or being pals with Joan Blondell or about her marriage & divorce status, but taking a guess, could it maybe be...

Katharine Hepburn?
Amazing! All you knew was she was 5'7'? As to the running: she did in fact find an excuse to show off her athleticism in every picture by running, golfing, swimming or whatever from "Little Women" to "On Golden Pond".

Her insistence in doing her own stunts led to a VERY serious eye infection when she dived into the filthy Venice canal in one movie. She was divorced twice from the same guy. 1st in Mexico. Then once more over here to make sure it stuck!
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Rich Finegan on November 17, 2010, 08:08:39 PM
Amazing! All you knew was she was 5'7'? As to the running: she did in fact find an excuse to show off her athleticism in every picture by running, golfing, swimming or whatever from "Little Women" to "On Golden Pond".

Her insistence in doing her own stunts led to a VERY serious eye infection when she dived into the filthy Venice canal in one movie. She was divorced twice from the same guy. 1st in Mexico. Then once more over here to make sure it stuck!
I didn't know how tall she is. But I know she did make one movie with Joan Blondell that took place indoors ("Desk Set", 1957) and had a few Oscars, and hadn't done musicals. So just those few clues were enough. But now that you've mentioned it, I'll have to watch more closely for scenes of her running in her films.
Yes, I'd heard of that eye infection situation. The movie was "Summertime" (1955).

Interesting that she was pals with Joan Blondell. Throughout their entire careers they rarely ever worked at the same studios at the same time.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on November 18, 2010, 01:09:03 AM
I didn't know how tall she is. But I know she did make one movie with Joan Blondell that took place indoors ("Desk Set", 1957) and had a few Oscars, and hadn't done musicals. So just those few clues were enough. But now that you've mentioned it, I'll have to watch more closely for scenes of her running in her films.
Yes, I'd heard of that eye infection situation. The movie was "Summertime" (1955).

Interesting that she was pals with Joan Blondell. Throughout their entire careers they rarely ever worked at the same studios at the same time.
"Desk Set" is in fact the movie I was referring to. I don't know that she was "pals" with Joan or not. I just said that because they were pals in the movie.

She, and her siblings were raised to play tennis, ride horse's and lots of swimming. She was QUITE the lady athlete. If you get a chance, check out "Pat and Mike" where she lines up about 10 golf balls and rapid fire hits all of them strait out into the fairway with NO camera cuts! As a golfer, for me it was sickening to watch. I can't do 2 in a row.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on November 29, 2010, 07:04:25 PM
I'm a dead actor that spent most of my time on the "B" list. I have won Tony's, Emmy's, an Oscar and many other acting awards. I started out as a romantic lead. In spite of the fact that I'm incredibly uncoordinated I had 2 big roles as athletes.

My manager persuaded me to do an album after the success of Sal Mineo with his singing. I can't sing, but it was a hit and I did 2 more albums. Then I got a role in a MONSTER hit...this movie is in the top 20 on everybody's all time list. It was so successful that it spawned sequels, a remake and even a TV pilot. (It failed, thank god)

I knocked off a few starlet's when I first hit the scene, but later decided to switch to men, and I remained a closet fag for the rest of my life.

Who am I?
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 01, 2010, 11:32:26 AM
OK...I guess more clues are in order: I played in a very few comedies, and in those flicks I had a strait part as I have NO comedy skills. One of my last roles in a big flick paired me with a famous non-actress. Big mistake on my part as the film was pure shit.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 10, 2010, 12:28:47 AM
OK.... I guess a big clue is in order...the blockbuster movie I made was filmed by a TV crew...that's was a made for theaters TV movie! And the director was one of the tip top directors of all time.

Who am I?
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 11, 2010, 12:42:07 AM
My God! You smartfolks don't know who I am?? I am a creepy actor....handsome but creepy....I'm skinney and tall, and my 1st big movie was with Jane Fonda.

Who am I?
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 12, 2010, 12:54:44 AM
The sports movies I did had me as a basketball player and an outfielder....I can't dribble and I throw like a girl.

Who can I be, for Christsakes!!??
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 13, 2010, 02:54:00 PM
Last clue: I died of complications from AIDS.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: cpp on December 13, 2010, 04:29:58 PM
Anthony Perkins
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 13, 2010, 09:40:35 PM
Anthony Perkins
Of course I am! The basketball movie was "Tall Story" with Jane Fonda, Ray Walston and a very young Tom Laughlin of Billy Jack fame.

I'm sure you all know the baseball movie.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: cpp on December 13, 2010, 10:58:13 PM
If baseball great Jim Piersall's reported issues with the way the movie, 'Fear Strikes Out', was changed from his autobiography are accurate, Perkins may've gotten decent performance reviews from a lot of people, but unfortunately, Piersall apparently wasn't one of them.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 14, 2010, 12:51:17 AM
If baseball great Jim Piersall's reported issues with the way the movie, 'Fear Strikes Out', was changed from his autobiography are accurate, Perkins may've gotten decent performance reviews from a lot of people, but unfortunately, Piersall apparently wasn't one of them.
The screneplay was a typical Hollywood hatchet job. Piersall WAS pissed! It was a lousy movie, I don't recommend it.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 14, 2010, 10:48:24 PM
Who am I? I'm a lady actor...I never made it real big but I was sensational in 2 movies....I'm pretty and have an of the movies was a film noir second only to the Maltese Falcon....this flick was an awesome hit!

I died in a fucked up way. Way too young....One more hint: I can't tell you of the stars in those 2 big hits, but I will tell you one of the stars: Vincent Price.

One more clue: Like Kevin Kosner in the 'Big Chill' I was a dead character...the focus of the film..Who am I?
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Rich Finegan on December 15, 2010, 01:42:04 AM
Gene Tierney?
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 16, 2010, 01:07:49 AM
Gene Tierney?
Of course! The other big hit was 'Tobacco Road' where I played the ridiculously sexy hillbilly vixen daughter of Jeeter.

Ed. note: I know that there was a sequel to "Laura", but I never saw it...has anyone?
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 18, 2010, 11:53:42 PM
Bump because I refuse to believe that nobody saw  that sequel! Gimme the dap!
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 19, 2010, 02:56:56 AM
I started out weak in movies, but I got stronger later.....I'm  a leading man who played opposite some real iconoc ladies...but I can't tell you who.

My dick was so big that producers did not want me to play opposite of the starletes they were, I'm not Milton Berle.

One more clue: Howard Hughs was one of those producers, and I dam near split little Terry Moore in half! (No, I'm not Mighty Joe Young)

But then who am I?
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Rich Finegan on December 19, 2010, 03:28:03 AM
Bump because I refuse to believe that nobody saw that sequel! Gimme the dap!
I'm not aware of any "official" remake of LAURA.
There were some TV adaptations later and a 2005 movie made in India that had a similar story. Are you considering any of those to be real remakes?

This IMDb link lists the films that come close to being remakes:
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 19, 2010, 04:20:21 AM
I'm not aware of any "official" remake of LAURA.
There were some TV adaptations later and a 2005 movie made in India that had a similar story. Are you considering any of those to be real remakes?

This IMDb link lists the films that come close to being remakes:
iM 100 % SURE THAT THERE WAS A SEQUEL...MY SOURSE SAYS THAt Dana Andrews turned out bad,,,a crooked cop for Laura...but I ain't seen it!
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Rich Finegan on December 19, 2010, 07:57:17 AM
iM 100 % SURE THAT THERE WAS A SEQUEL...MY SOURSE SAYS THAt Dana Andrews turned out bad,,,a crooked cop for Laura...but I ain't seen it!
Sorry, I was lising remakes, but I notice that you said sequel.
Still, I don't think there was one.
If from what you said, you mean that both Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney were in this sequel, it would have to have been one of these, the only two movies they both appeared in that were made after LAURA:
While the latter has a few very minor connections to LAURA, neither can be considered a sequel to LAURA.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 21, 2010, 06:18:22 AM
Sorry, I was lising remakes, but I notice that you said sequel.
Still, I don't think there was one.
If from what you said, you mean that both Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney were in this sequel, it would have to have been one of these, the only two movies they both appeared in that were made after LAURA:
While the latter has a few very minor connections to LAURA, neither can be considered a sequel to LAURA.
After exhaustive research I find that you are correct: there was a "sequel", but not a true one...just the re-pairing of them in a similar movie.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 22, 2010, 03:50:03 AM
I started out weak in movies, but I got stronger later.....I'm  a leading man who played opposite some real iconic ladies...but I can't tell you who.

My dick was so big that producers did not want me to play opposite of the starlets they were, I'm not Milton Berle.

One more clue: Howard Hughs was one of those producers, and I dam near split little Terry Moore in half! (No, I'm not Mighty Joe Young)

But then who am I?
More clues are in order: I was insanely misscast in a movie (big movie) where at a strapping 220 lbs I portrayed an historic character that was really a shriveled 135lbs....not as bad as little Richard Widmark playing the 6'6" Jim Bowie, but you get the drift....I was considered to have "dreamy eyes" by the ladies, but I was in fact colorblind. Have you got me?

Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Rich Finegan on December 22, 2010, 04:28:04 AM
Robert Mitchum.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 23, 2010, 12:58:55 AM
Robert Mitchum.
No, but you are VERY close. He's a big, dark hunk like me with beadroom eyes and screwed as many starlet's as me, but I played in WAY more Period and Costume films than he...'tho I did appear in a few Film Noir's like him....another clue: Jack Nicholson and I have something in common via a connection with a 3rd party in a 60's movie that flopped at the time, but has a bit of a cult following should be getting warmer now ;)
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Rich Finegan on December 23, 2010, 04:22:52 AM
Burt Lancaster?
Tony Curtis?
Victor Mature?
Clint Eastwood?

Some of your clues aren't much help, as I have to admit I've never been one to pay much attention to stuff like reports of actors' pursuits of the starlets (and related activities).
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Dunrobin on December 23, 2010, 08:00:52 AM
No, but you are VERY close. He's a big, dark hunk like me with beadroom eyes and screwed as many starlet's as me, but I played in WAY more Period and Costume films than he...'tho I did appear in a few Film Noir's like him....another clue: Jack Nicholson and I have something in common via a connection with a 3rd party in a 60's movie that flopped at the time, but has a bit of a cult following should be getting warmer now ;)

Based on that clue I am going to guess Victor Manure Mature.   ;D
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: OldFred on December 23, 2010, 08:53:13 AM
Victor Mature who co-starred in the Monkees movie 'Head', the script which was co-written by Jack Nicholson. Frank Zappa is in the movie too and the movie was filmed on the same Columbia Pictures studio lot that the Three Stooges comedies were made.

Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Rich Finegan on December 23, 2010, 09:41:55 AM
Yes, it looks like Mr. Mature could be it.
But one of the clues was confusing. He said something like "this actor started out weak in movies but got strong later". Okay I see that now as a reference to the movie "Samson and Delilah" (1949) but the way he put it, it sounded like the actor's career started out slow and he became a bigger star later. That was confusing because Mature started out in leading roles right away, and never needed to work his way up from bit parts or small roles.

And I still have no idea what was meant by that rather frightening statement about Terry Moore! (And not sure I want to know!)
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 23, 2010, 10:58:09 AM
Yes, it looks like Mr. Mature could be it.
But one of the clues was confusing. He said something like "this actor started out weak in movies but got strong later". Okay I see that now as a reference to the movie "Samson and Delilah" (1949) but the way he put it, it sounded like the actor's career started out slow and he became a bigger star later. That was confusing because Mature started out in leading roles right away, and never needed to work his way up from bit parts or small roles.

And I still have no idea what was meant by that rather frightening statement about Terry Moore! (And not sure I want to know!)

Mature is  correct...I agree that the early clues are vague, but the guys around here...well, you just can't give 'em too much info! Glad you got the 'weak/strong' inference Rich, but remember that his very 1st movie role was 10,000 yrs B.C....a grade C flick with no dialog and no name actors and the cheapest, fakest looking Allosaurus you ever saw in a movie until "Carnisaur'.

Terry Moore: The story goes that her studio boss (who ever ran the "Mighty Joe Young" movie lot) was couching Terry and she was his favorite at that time. He had info that Mature was hung like a mule, a dick of Berlean proportions and he used all his influence to put a stop to their dating. He need not have worried as Howard Hughs noticed her and she, like any other money grubbing starlet bolted from Victor post haste!

She related a story in a playboy interview that Hugh's promised to marry her (wink wink) So she met him on his Yacht and they sailed way out and the Captain "married" them...apparently Hughs did this quite a few times with starlets and had them stashed away all over the greater Los Angeles/Beverly Hills erea. But that is another story.

Thank you for playing "Who am I?"
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 29, 2010, 01:17:34 AM
As usual, no Googling is allowed on this! We are three Hollywood/T.V. performers. We all worked in a 70s movie that revived our dying (or dead) careers. We all died THIS year!

Who are we?
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Rich Finegan on December 29, 2010, 02:31:05 AM
As usual, no Googling is allowed on this! We are three Hollywood/T.V. performers. We all worked in a 70s movie that revived our dying (or dead) careers. We all died THIS year!

Who are we?
Leslie Nielsen, Peter Graves, and Barbara Billingsley, who all appeared in AIRPLANE.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 29, 2010, 04:59:22 PM
Leslie Nielsen, Peter Graves, and Barbara Billingsley, who all appeared in AIRPLANE.
yes....and didn't Lloyd Bridges and Stack die not too long ago?
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Rich Finegan on December 29, 2010, 05:15:47 PM
yes....and didn't Lloyd Bridges and Stack die not too long ago?
Both actually have Stooges film connections.
Here are their entries in the cast listings on this site, including their death dates:
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 29, 2010, 05:46:27 PM
Both actually have Stooges film connections.
Here are their entries in the cast listings on this site, including their death dates:
Yeah, I recognized Sea Hunt man as a kid the 1st time I saw him in that phone scene, but I don't get the Robt. Stack connection from your link???
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Rich Finegan on December 30, 2010, 12:24:42 AM
Yeah, I recognized Sea Hunt man as a kid the 1st time I saw him in that phone scene, but I don't get the Robt. Stack connection from your link???
The link indicates the Stooges-related films in which the actor appeared.
In Robert Stack's case it was the 1940 SCREEN SNAPSHOTS short indicated and the 1965 compilation film HOLLYWOOD MY HOME TOWN. When you click on to the film titles you get all the rest of the details.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 30, 2010, 07:53:13 AM
I was a charactor actor...I was hired for a big movie because of a certain skill that I had...this was in the early 50s...somehow I kept getting small parts in movies and I got better and better as an actor and became a solid charactor guy.

Later on I appeared with the likes of Burt Reynolds, Alan Ladd and Cloris Leachman in very successful films (to name a few)

I'm dead, but I will always be thought of as a true LION of movies.....who do U think I am?
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: middlenamewayne on December 31, 2010, 12:56:03 AM
I was a charactor actor...I was hired for a big movie because of a certain skill that I had...this was in the early 50s...somehow I kept getting small parts in movies and I got better and better as an actor and became a solid charactor guy.

Later on I appeared with the likes of Burt Reynolds, Alan Ladd and Cloris Leachman in very successful films (to name a few)

I'm dead, but I will always be thought of as a true LION of movies.....who do U think I am?

Ummm... You just can't disguise your Lahr-in' eyes?

  - mnw
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on December 31, 2010, 02:43:59 AM
Ummm... You just can't disguise your Lahr-in' eyes?

  - mnw
sorry, I ain't Lahrin' to you...I don't think Bert ever crossed paths with Cloris or Burt...and I don't think being a goof ball is a special skill, like say W.C. Field's juggling.

OK, another clue: I played in Westerns, Cop movies and dramas, NO comedy.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on January 01, 2011, 12:17:31 AM
OK...another clue...since LION did not help I will give another: "You are going in against a stacked deck" was big line in a certain movie.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on January 05, 2011, 11:47:53 PM
My clues must be too skill was riding and roping...2 more clues: Bogdonovich and Terry Moore. I WAS a lion in the last big hit I was in.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on January 07, 2011, 11:35:20 AM
Last clue: I was 2nd fiddle to the biggest leading man since King Kong, and Shane beat the hell outa me....that dam sod buster! But many years later I WAS Sam the lion.
Title: Re: Who am I?
Post by: Boid Brain on January 10, 2011, 10:19:39 PM
Cowboy, Charactor actor Ben Johnson.