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shemps#1 · 1290 · 429047

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Offline duddman

Being a newbie, I wasn't sure where to post this, so my apologies ahead of time.

I noticed something missed in the notes for "Crash Goes The Hash". I think this would fall under "Out Of Character". At the end of the short, Curly kisses Moe instead of the actress. The scene cuts, and Moe drops his hat. Watch Larry. He looks down, notices that there is a mark on the floor (I assume it's a mark for Moe), and kicks Moe's hat over it. He also seems to double check to make sure it's not visible.

Thanks for the great website!!

Offline rhood123

Very new to the site. Is realplayer the only player that will play the short clips?


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::)i think the three stooges are the most underrated comedy team in motion picture history   hey have the same pathos & charm of a charlie chaplin, if one looks at their short films closely   hey are so humble, it is easy to forget for many that they are great comedians   heir comedy is classical - it will live forever - what is funny about the three stooges short films is the statement they make about the human condition
o matter how intelligent we think we are, in the end we are just like them, & everything we try ultimately leads to disaster

 Capitalization/Punctuation S#1

Offline shemps#1

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Rhood: I believe they Real Player is the only player compatible with the shorts.

Vincent: I would bother to read that mess if you bothered to use proper capitalization and punctuation. It's right in the forum guidelines...the first rule if I remember correctly. The warning is nothing major so don't flip out, just use capital letters and periods and such and you'll be ok.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown


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i am sure that the three stooges never used proper punctuation, & neither did e e cummings\ :obut if you want to put fig leaves on statues, thats up to you\(why dont you just retype all of my entries with dotted is & crossed ts, so that you are happy?)\


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i am sure that the three stooges never used proper punctuation, & neither did e e cummings\ :obut if you want to put fig leaves on statues, thats up to you\(why dont you just retype all of my entries with dotted is & crossed ts, so that you are happy?)\

That's not a smart move to talk like that. To tell you the truth, your typing has just gotten worse and it is kind of hard to figure out what you're saying at times. The reason why the moderators want people to type properly is because they want people to understand what the posts are saying. They're not trying to be unreasonable or anything. So, it would be a better idea to improve your typing a little bit.

Offline JazzBill

i am sure that the three stooges never used proper punctuation, & neither did e e cummings\ :obut if you want to put fig leaves on statues, thats up to you\(why dont you just retype all of my entries with dotted is & crossed ts, so that you are happy?)\
Ah, let me think here........How many posts before he gets booted? We should start a pool and see who gets the closest.  [scratchchin]
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".


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I'm sure he will get booted if continues his act. He was asked nicely to improve the way he types, but instead, he answers back.


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i apologize for my last entryif i should have the right to use unstandard punctuation, & use no capital letters, you should all have the right to use standard punctuation, & even make it a rule of the websitei didnt mean to offend anyone, i am just trying to say that if everyone does everything just like everybody else, then there is no originality, there is no art - as good as the things charlie chaplin did are, if curly had simply immitated chaplin, there would be no "curly shuffle", & no running around on the floor yelling "woo! woo! woo!"as a matter of fact, there would be no three stooges at all, just a sort of continuation of chaplins workpeople have to be allowed to be different, that is the basis of all art, of all individual expressionanyway, you all have the right to do whatever you want to do - best wishes to everybody

 Refusal to follow the rules, and for being ghey. S#1


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Has James Joyce come back from the grave solely to post here? I'm having flashbacks to the last chapter of "Ulysses".

i am sure that the three stooges never used proper punctuation

I am sure that there is proof otherwise. Both the "My Pal Moe" cd-rom and the book "One Fine Stooge" feature letters handwritten by Moe and Larry.

Offline shemps#1

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Just when it was getting peaceful, and dare I say I "dull" on the administrative front...

i am sure that the three stooges never used proper punctuation, & neither did e e cummings\ :obut if you want to put fig leaves on statues, thats up to you\(why dont you just retype all of my entries with dotted is & crossed ts, so that you are happy?)\

As Thump The Shoes said (I love your username for some reason, btw) there are handwritten letters by a couple of the Stooges out there that prove you to be wrong. Also, I have neither the time nor patience, nor do I care to edit your posts for punctuation/capitalization. That's your job, to make sure you follow the rules if you want to continue to post and use the site. My job is to make sure you follow the rules and kick your ass out if you continue to fail to do so.

A little piece of advice for you on other message boards, if some has the title "Administrator" or "Moderator" under their name don't try to piss them off and backtalk them if you want to continue posting.

i apologize for my last entry\if i should have the right to use unstandard punctuation, & use no capital letters, you should all have the right to use standard punctuation, & even make it a rule of the website\i didnt mean to offend anyone, i am just trying to say that if everyone does everything just like everybody else, then there is no originality, there is no art - as good as the things charlie chaplin did are, if curly had simply immitated chaplin, there would be no "curly shuffle", & no running around on the floor yelling "woo! woo! woo!"\as a matter of fact, there would be no three stooges at all, just a sort of continuation of chaplins work\people have to be allowed to be different, that is the basis of all art, of all individual expression\anyway, you all have the right to do whatever you want to do - best wishes to everybody\

What a bunch of horseshit.

Now's a perfect time to use a fairly new word in the English lexicon: ghey. It's pronounced just like "gay", and is used to mean lame/stupid. The spelling has been changed in an attempt to appease offended homosexuals. Your clusterfuck style of typing is not creative, funny, original, stylish or cool: it's lazy and GHEY.

So now you know the rules of the website and yet you continue to disobey them in an act of ghey defiance. You apologize for your first post, claim you understand the rules and our right to make said rules, then continue on breaking those rules. That makes you an asshole. I don't think asking for someone to type clearly so others can read their fucking posts without getting a headache was asking too much. This is not a democracy, not the United States. This is a website/message board in which I have been bestowed with administrative powers. It is with these administrative powers that I will be banning you for your ghey and assholish ways.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Pilsner Panther

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Has James Joyce come back from the grave solely to post here? I'm having flashbacks to the last chapter of "Ulysses".

I am sure that there is proof otherwise. Both the "My Pal Moe" cd-rom and the book "One Fine Stooge" feature letters handwritten by Moe and Larry.

There's a major difference between James Joyce's "stream of consciousness" prose and the idiotic spewings of someone who can't type or spell or doesn't care to. That last chapter of "Ulysses" depicts the wandering thoughts of a woman who's falling asleep, so of course the result is run-on sentences, random changes of subject, and a dream-like quality. This is done very deliberately, and Joyce went even further with this technique (some critics said too far) in "Finnegans Wake;" the whole book is a "dream" that defies ordinary logic. That said, not only could Joyce write proper— and brilliant— English, he was fluent in several languages and once worked as a teacher for the Berlitz language schools.

Getting back to the present, I've seen quite a few examples of Vincent's attitude in the past few years; someone writes a piece of semi-literate babbling, and then when you call them on it for its being unreadable, they get defensive and claim that that's their "style," and that they're writing that way on purpose. Rubbish, I say!


What's causing this? The condition of the public school system? I don't know, but I'd say that's at least part of the problem; we're handing diplomas to people and shoving them out the door when they still don't know the basics in English and math (not to mention history, civics, geography, and science), so the result is someone like Vincent... and there are plenty more of them out there.


This board really has gotten quiet in the moderating department lately— I haven't given anyone as much as a warning in a long time.


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i apologize for my last entryif i should have the right to use unstandard punctuation, & use no capital letters, you should all have the right to use standard punctuation, & even make it a rule of the websitei didnt mean to offend anyone, i am just trying to say that if everyone does everything just like everybody else, then there is no originality, there is no art - as good as the things charlie chaplin did are, if curly had simply immitated chaplin, there would be no "curly shuffle", & no running around on the floor yelling "woo! woo! woo!"as a matter of fact, there would be no three stooges at all, just a sort of continuation of chaplins workpeople have to be allowed to be different, that is the basis of all art, of all individual expressionanyway, you all have the right to do whatever you want to do - best wishes to everybody

First of all, this is a message board, not a museum where people come to admire your "art." The purpose of message boards is to discuss things. How can people discuss anything if they can't read what you're typing?

Pilsner Panther

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If you're going to play around with the punctuation like that, why not go whole hog and remove every bit of it, along with all the spaces?

Think how much paper and ink could be saved... the Sierra Club would be thrilled about the savings in trees and the end of the mass-killing of octopi for their precious ink. Besides, I just don't approve of people who do things half-assed, so here's an example of my new writing style. All my posts will look like this from now on:


Isn't that better? You can read it faster, too, since you don't have to come to a full stop at a period, or a half-stop at a comma, or slow for the yellow at a semicolon.

[duck]  [faint2]

Offline JazzBill

That sure didn't take long !  :police:
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Pilsner Panther

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That sure didn't take long !  :police:

There's wasn't even enough time to get that betting pool started...!


"At your soivice day and night, we do the job and do it right— ACME!"


shemps#1 hasn't lost his edge yet, even though he's getting near 30. Over the hill, that is...


Offline shemps#1

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I've never been one to fuck around and give all sorts of chances. If a person doesn't show improvement after the warning they most likely won't improve at all. What did it for me with this guy was his acknowledgement of a very reasonable rule and his flat out refusal to follow it, along with the bit about me editing his posts for him. Fuck that!

40 is "over the hill" not 30, and I won't soften when I near 40 either. Follow the simple rules or eventually get tossed, it's that simple.

All was quiet for awhile, then two banishments in two days. It's funny how that works.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline barnabas

In the movie Dancing Lady, are there different prints of that movie around? Some people claim that they saw a scene where they show the puzzle that Larry isworking on
and it is apuzzle of Hitler. If so is this going tobe on the DVD being released on 6/20/06.

Offline Malibuhk22

 I need help posting!! I can't find how to post a new topic, someone please help.... thanks!!

Offline JazzBill

I need help posting!! I can't find how to post a new topic, someone please help.... thanks!!
I can't wait to see where this goes!  :police: :police: :police: :police:
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Malibuhk22

 Sorry guys, i'm just trying to figure out the title of a DVD i saw a commercial for a few days ago for a Three Stooges and Laurel and Hardy DVD that I would like to get my dad. Does anybody know what I am referring to?? I would appreciate any information you can provide. Thanks for your time!!

Offline BeAStooge

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I need help posting!! I can't find how to post a new topic, someone please help.... thanks!!

In the News & Announcements message board, topic "Posting Restrictions for New Members ...
Because of the large number of poorly written posts and repetitive questions asked by new members, I have changed the permissions settings for Porcupines (newbies.)

Porcupines may not start new topics on any of the boards, including the General Discussion board, although they can reply to existing topics.  After new members have posted  10 reply messages, they will move up the ranks to Grapehead, at which point they can start a topic as well as reply to others.

It's my hope that this will get new members to start looking around the message boards more, and perhaps seeing that their question was already answered.  (There's only so many times that I can tell people that the "Niagara Falls" bit was in Gents Without Cents before I'll start going crazy myself.)

I'm just trying to figure out the title of a DVD i saw a commercial for a few days ago for a Three Stooges and Laurel and Hardy DVD that I would like to get my dad. Does anybody know what I am referring to?? I would appreciate any information you can provide.

This site has a Videography,, listing Three Stooges (and solo) home video 1980 - Present. Available products have links.

A Laurel & Hardy/Three Stooges DVD is most likely one of a multitude of bargain-basement collections of dubious quality, with public domain material of the Stooges (DISORDER IN THE COURT, MALICE IN THE PALACE, SING A SONG OF SIX PANTS, BRIDELESS GROOM) and L&H (BE BIG, FLYING DEUCES, UTOPIA) *. There are no official, studio-released DVDs that comingle the [copyrighted] films of the two comedy teams...

With one exception... Warner Home Video's recent TCM Archives: The Laurel & Hardy Collection with two of L&H's Hal Roach feature films, and the original TCM documentary ADDED ATTRACTIONS (2003) which covers the history of the short subject, and includes discussions of the Stooges and L&H. This DVD is listed in the Videography.

* Most pd collections are not listed in the Videography.

Offline Jareth

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I would like to know a name of a Three Stooges short film when the boys are in a airplane and Moe ask Larry or Curly to roll him a citarette
Jareth Wilder

Offline JazzBill

I would like to know a name of a Three Stooges short film when the boys are in a airplane and Moe ask Larry or Curly to roll him a citarette
Dizzy Pilots (1943)
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Jareth

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  • "I'm as pretty as a picture!" "Yeah, of an ape!"