Has James Joyce come back from the grave solely to post here? I'm having flashbacks to the last chapter of "Ulysses".
I am sure that there is proof otherwise. Both the "My Pal Moe" cd-rom and the book "One Fine Stooge" feature letters handwritten by Moe and Larry.
There's a major difference between James Joyce's "stream of consciousness" prose and the idiotic spewings of someone who can't type or spell or doesn't care to. That last chapter of "Ulysses" depicts the wandering thoughts of a woman who's falling asleep, so of course the result is run-on sentences, random changes of subject, and a dream-like quality. This is done very deliberately, and Joyce went even further with this technique (some critics said
too far) in "Finnegans Wake;" the whole book is a "dream" that defies ordinary logic. That said, not only could Joyce write proper— and brilliant— English, he was fluent in several languages and once worked as a teacher for the Berlitz language schools.
Getting back to the present, I've seen quite a few examples of Vincent's attitude in the past few years; someone writes a piece of semi-literate babbling, and then when you call them on it for its being unreadable, they get defensive and claim that that's their "style," and that they're writing that way on purpose. Rubbish, I say!
![Bash [bash]](https://threestooges.net/forums/Smileys/default/bash.gif)
What's causing this? The condition of the public school system? I don't know, but I'd say that's at least part of the problem; we're handing diplomas to people and shoving them out the door when they still don't know the basics in English and math (not to mention history, civics, geography, and science), so the result is someone like Vincent... and there are plenty more of them out there.

This board really
has gotten quiet in the moderating department lately— I haven't given anyone as much as a warning in a long time.