YouTube video for this one. You can purchase this and all the other solo Stooge shorts we discuss in the link below.
Man, it's been a while since I've reviewed anything Stooge related and it feels good. A few years back, I started the Besser shorts and got five out of the ten in the series done before stopping. In guess I needed a break but I've decided to finish reviewing these and we are now at short number six of the series, SPIES AND GUYS. If you've read the past Besser reviews, you'd see the series is surprisingly good for the most part so far considering how controversial Joe's time with The Three Stooges is. I'm happy to say SPIES AND GUYS is another winner.
Gag wise, it's typical Columbia fare. Falling into mud pits, fat man bashes person with stomach, mistaken kiss identity, chasing bad guys around corners, marching in an army line in the wrong direction, heck we even get a good, but not as good bayonet scene like in BOOBS IN ARMS and a Sgt. (played by Murray Alpar) crying about why everything happens to him. The reason why this thing works is the people involved. Murray Alpar is a good Sgt. And Besser is a ball of energy. More mature than Stinky but more energetic than his Stooge self. I think it helps that Aplar is a consistently angry foe for Joe to work with, something he tragically did not have with Moe Howard. More tragic because we all know as funny as Alpar is here, Moe in his prime can explode in circles around this guy.
There are a few good gags here, though. Joe on the bed on the jail wall getting thrown around is great and Angela Stevens kissing Joe's forehead four times in the lipstick shape of a face is also clever. Joe on a pole dodging missles reminds me of Harry Langdon in ALL NIGHT LONG. Again, not as artistic, but the energy is there, and that's what this short is all about.
Two other standouts that need to be touched upon. This is a rare 1950's Columbia short where there are a lot of outdoor sets. SHOT IN THE FRONTIER is the only other one I can think of, but yes, this short features sunlight. The other standout is of course Angela Stevens as the lieutenant. As her and Joe face a firing squad and a for once looking his actual age Emil Sitka is about to yell fire, Ms. Stevens disrobes into a one piece bathing suit wearing pantyhose and heels. She easily rivals Rebel Randall in BOOBY DUPES. The enemy acts flabbergasted as does this reviewer and they of course get distracted so Joe and Angela prevail. Actually, we all prevail. This is a very good short and at least when remakes aren't being done, I would say Besser had a better solo series at Columbia than Shemp and Derita. Yes, even Shemp. Besser was given material suited for him, Shemp was in too many jealous husband comedies.