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Outer Space Jitters (1957)

metaldams · 38 · 17031

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Offline MJ

Yeah, I have heard the Mantan story but didn't know about that when I spoke with Moe. If I had, I certainly would have asked about it. That would have been GREAT if it happened. Obviously, his character would not have been anything similar to Curly or Shemp, but he could have brung some tremendous stuff to the trio!
Using the five known senses to create the illusion of a sixth is my life.

Offline Paul Pain

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MJ, thank you sharing these stories.

As for Joe Besser, my opinion is that Moe and Larry had a contract and decided that Joe was the best available choice (whatever limitations there be, maybe because he was Columbia as metaldams pointed out) to finish out that contract in as smooth and professional of a manner as possible.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Go with what you know: Besser was under contract at Columbia, had a bald head and a sort of cherubic quality about him, so if the Curly mold was called for, who "better" than an inhouse talent like Joe who was making 2-reelers of his own. The only part of the story that may get iffy is whether or not Moe called for Derita to finish the Columbia contract.

Some stories say yes, while Derita himself (I believe) says no....
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Dr. Mabuse

Surprisingly, there was a little gas left in the Stooge tank.  "Outer Space Jitters" is lively sci-fi cheesiness, with Besser not a detriment this time around. Better-than-average production values to boot. The least painful Besser outing.

« Last Edit: July 25, 2021, 01:55:33 AM by Dr. Mabuse »

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

Coming in at #189 on my "worst-to'-first" countdown is my least favorite Besser short.  Not even Hoss Cartwright as the "goon" can save this sci-fi turkey.  Look, I love Ed Wood's cheapies as much as the next guy, but this one might make even him blush.  The ultra-cheap sets and crummy make-up on "Don" Blocker are just the crust of this crap sandwich.  I never liked the whole "stooge babies" gimmick either.  The majority of this short is just plain boring.  Someone said that the Bessers are more like 1950s sitcoms and this one is a prime example.  On the plus side, the women are easy on the eyes and their scenes with the boys are about the only bright spot in this one for me.

#189. Outer Space Jitters

Offline Shemp_Diesel

There's a lot of contenders for Worst Joe Besser short & I won't disagree in the slightest, Daddy Dewdrop, that this one is yours. Of course, my own memories of this one might be a bit skewed, because I was trying to recall whether or not if this was one of the Bessers that was a part of the 130 syndication package.

If not, then that means the last time I actually watched this short was the Family channel edit from way back in the day. Either way--edited or otherwise--this short is putrid & definitely a waste of my time and energy...
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline metaldams

Like I say in my original post, I don’t understand the hatred for this one.  Not being a favorite, fine.  But worse of all the Besser shorts?  Worse than the horse shorts or TRIPLE CROSSED, a 15 minute short  where new footage of Moe doesn’t pop up until the twelve minute mark.  Worse than SWEET AND HOT?  I just don’t get this as being worst status, but it seems to be the opinion of so many.  To me, an entertaining time capsule of the 50’s and sci-fi era.  Play this one before THE GIANT CLAW for some cheesy Columbia goodness.  But yeah, I’m in the minority here, so whatever get you through the night.

As far as this being on the 130, it was.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

I hear ya, Metaldams.  Yes, I find all the other Besser shorts slightly more entertaining than this one.  As you'll soon see, I have a soft spot (some would say in my head) for the dreaded horse episodes.  But that's what makes life fun, we all have our favorites and not-so favorites.  Would be pretty dull if we were all in agreement all the time!  I can't believe how often I disagree with the opinions of my fellow Stooge fans (and this site has some of the most knowledgeable ones I've ever encountered).  As I like to say, even the worst Stooge shorts are still better than A LOT of other stuff from the time.

Offline Woe-ee-Woe-Woe80

There's a lot of contenders for Worst Joe Besser short & I won't disagree in the slightest, Daddy Dewdrop, that this one is yours. Of course, my own memories of this one might be a bit skewed, because I was trying to recall whether or not if this was one of the Bessers that was a part of the 130 syndication package.

If not, then that means the last time I actually watched this short was the Family channel edit from way back in the day. Either way--edited or otherwise--this short is putrid & definitely a waste of my time and energy...

They did air this short on AMC back in the early 2000's, it was part of the 130 syndication package.

Offline metaldams

They did air this short on AMC back in the early 2000's, it was part of the 130 syndication package.

Hoofs and Goofs, Muscle Up a Little Closer, Outer Space Jitters, Fifi Blows Her Top, Oil’s Well That Ends Well, Sappy Bullfighters.

Where’s my prize?
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Maybe no prize Metal, instead you'll have to view those 6 shorts in one non-stop sitting. Enjoy your Three Stooges block...   [pie]
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline metaldams

Maybe no prize Metal, instead you'll have to view those 6 shorts in one non-stop sitting. Enjoy your Three Stooges block...   [pie]

No! I’ll harm yououououououou!
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Woe-ee-Woe-Woe80

Hoofs and Goofs, Muscle Up a Little Closer, Outer Space Jitters, Fifi Blows Her Top, Oil’s Well That Ends Well, Sappy Bullfighters.

Where’s my prize?

I remember they didn't play Fifi Blows Her Top and Oil's Well That Ends Well as often as the other four Besser episodes.