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Horsing Around (1957)

metaldams · 44 · 22127

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Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

@ Quincehead:  All the Derita features, from Have Rocket through Outlaws, including Snow White?  If so, we could be able to do some business.

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

@ Paul Pain:  Thanks, I appreciate the compliment.

Offline QuinceHead

@ Quincehead:  All the Derita features, from Have Rocket through Outlaws, including Snow White?  If so, we could be able to do some business.

It does not include Snow White and the Three Stooges -- different studio did that one.

I sent you a Private Message on here with a list of the movies on it.  :)

For duty and humanity,
JohnH aka QuinceHead

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

@ Quincehead:  Thanks, I got the message and I'll be sending you all my particulars tomorrow.  I found Snow White for next to nothing on eBay, so I should be all set.  Thanks for stepping up.

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

@ Metal:  Snow White starts at 99 cents on eBay.  I'm grabbing one.

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
  • Bunionhead
  • ******
  • The heartthrob of millions!
@ Metal:  Snow White starts at 99 cents on eBay.  I'm grabbing one.

Way to go!
Something about income tacks season...

Online Kopfy2013

 Worst one I have seen so far. It gets a one.  If there is one worse I will pump it to a 2.  Stupid plot. I will say that Larry gave it his all. He seem to be the only one  energized.

 Joe did take some pops in this one. The most hits I've seen so far.

Offline Curly Van Dyke

Offline Woe-ee-Woe-Woe80

1/10, the worst stooge film of them all, I don't understand why they've had to make a sequel short for "Hoofs And Goofs" (which I've thought was a mediocre stooge film) with this crap, the only scenes I've find to be mildly funny was when Moe smacks Larry after falling down in the water and Emil Sitka accusing Moe & Larry inside a horse costume (although it was done much better by Curly & Larry in "Three Little Twirps"), I've thought the talking horse here was more annoying than it was in "Hoofs And Goofs".

Offline Tony Bensley

A full 6 decades before the upcoming ROSEANNE continuation, in which the last season of the original series is reputed to being ignored (Which, I believe included the death of Dan Conner!), HORSING AROUND totally ignored the "It was only a dream" conclusion of its HOOFS AND GOOFS (1957) predecessor.

The title of this short seems to sum up the state of The Three Stooges short subject series at this stage!  Did Columbia green-light this pile to fulfill some contractual obligation with Tony, The Wonder Horse's owner?  I sure can't think of any other reason for making this sequel that makes any modicum of sense!

SHITE IS RIGHT!!!!  0/10 for this short that's devoid of any horse sense, and more importantly, of laughs!  [pie]

Offline metaldams

Tony, it's cool reading these Besser thoughts, but revisiting this thread and some Shemp remakes and reviewing Keaton MGM lately, I've come to a conclusion...the lowest of Keaton, Laurel and Hardy, Marx Brothers, and just about any other great comedian, never sunk as low as The Three Stooges at their worst.

I mean, Keaton's FREE AND EASY is pretty bad, but it's a masterpiece next to HORSING AROUND.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

Agreed, and Horsing Around is far from the only one.  There were lots and lots of them in the fifties.

Offline Tony Bensley

Tony, it's cool reading these Besser thoughts, but revisiting this thread and some Shemp remakes and reviewing Keaton MGM lately, I've come to a conclusion...the lowest of Keaton, Laurel and Hardy, Marx Brothers, and just about any other great comedian, never sunk as low as The Three Stooges at their worst.

I mean, Keaton's FREE AND EASY is pretty bad, but it's a masterpiece next to HORSING AROUND.
I viewed FREE AND EASY (1930) a few years back, and I agree with you.  HORSING AROUND is one big pile!  [3stooges]

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

Okay, here it is!  Without a doubt, the most hated short in all of Stoogedom, except for me, of course (or, of horse!).  As I've said before, I'm a sucker for talking animals (yes, I loved Mr. Ed).  This was the very first Besser short that I ever saw and I thought it was so bizarre, that I looked forward to seeing it again.  The horse voice is so awful that it's actually good.  Lost in all the horse shenanigans is some pretty decent verbal and physical byplay between the boys.  All in all, I get the hate for this one, but I just can't partake.  It's my favorite Besser Stooge short (just by a horse hair over Quiz Whizz).

#130. Horsing Around

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Someone actually praising one of the Joe Besser horse shorts--that must be a first in all the years I've been on this forum...   :laugh:

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline metaldams

Someone actually praising one of the Joe Besser horse shorts--that must be a first in all the years I've been on this forum...   :laugh:


For the life of me I can’t understand how anybody can like HORSING AROUND above 60 other shorts, including some what I consider to be classics - but to each their own.  I appreciate Daddy Dewdrop’s honesty and unique take.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

HA!  I knew this would get a reaction.  Sorry, I have to call (and rank) 'em like I sees 'em.

Thankfully, there are still 129 that I like better!

Offline Curly Q Link

I've seen this one before many years ago, but decided to give it another watch.

I'm not sorry to have seen it again, but at the same time it's definitely not on my list of favorite Stooge films.

Whatever comedic elements the Bertie character actually had in 'Hoofs and Goofs' is missing here. Just moaning about her mate Schnapps and worrying about her colt.

Emil Sitka provides some comedy.

Moe is made to appear too nice at times because we wouldn't want him to abuse a horse (and his sister).

I really hate to give a low score here. After all it's The Three Stooges, but I did not enjoy this nearly as much as its counterpart Hoofs and Goofs.


Offline Dr. Mabuse

I stumbled across this clunker last night . . . and I wish I hadn't. The worst Stooge two-reeler known to man.  Just make it go away.
