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Dunked in the Deep (1949)

metaldams · 35 · 19653

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Offline Signor Spumoni

No need to be ashamed for watching Maude, perhaps Norman Lear's finest program. Good Times self-destructed and All in the Family, while starting out good for three years, went on so long (13 years counting the Archie Bunker's Place years) it was just a shadow of its former self.

I had heard of another Maude incident concerning a practical joker wearing a carnation that squirted water.  During the same scene the flower kept appearing and disappearing under a coat.  The reason for these is that, at least at the time, sitcoms taped in front of an audience were done twice in front of two different audiences.  Jokes that didn't work out could be rewritten and the best scenes from each taping could be chosen for the final broadcast copy. Unfortunately, if things weren't done exactly the same, inconsistencies could pop up.  And they frequently did.     

Sitcoms (and dramas for that matter) that occasionally do live episodes do the same thing, except both versions are fully broadcast, one for New York (and eastern USA) and one three hours later for California. Most of the time the California broadcast becomes the official version for reruns and the New York broadcast might be an extra on a DVD release.

I am not a Norman Lear fan.  I no longer recall why I was watching "Maude."

I did not know that programs were, or are, filmed in front of two studio audiences.  Thank you for telling about that. 

Offline Woe-ee-Woe-Woe80

Great Shemp short that I've always liked a lot, I loved the scene when Shemp was sleeping on a hammock that all the sudden catches on fire and Shemp falling in a barrel that was also on fire because Shemp threw a lit cigar inside! That scene was a classic, I also liked the scenes where Moe thought Shemp puked on him and their reactions to eating the food Borscht wanted all for himself!

I give this short a 9/10, sometimes it's better when a short only has one or two supporting actors because it gives the Stooges plenty of opportunity to shine.

Offline Lefty

For this 700th post of mine, I would like to point out another goof of sorts.  The cigarette that Shemp lit while in the hammock and tossed into the trash can looked to be bent at about a 45-degree angle the entire time I saw it.  I don't smoke, drink, or chew, but I know that I have never seen a bent cigarette in use.  (I wish I had never seen any type of terbacky up close and personal, but no such luck.)

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

Coming in at #142 in my "worst-to-first" countdown we have this one.  Just an okay Shemp short.  Gene Roth is good, but the threadbare sets lend an overall cheap looking quality to the short.  Lots better Shemps to come.

#142. Dunked In The Deep

Offline Mark The Shark

Always a favorite. I watched it again today and I still crack up at the scene where Bortch keeps saying "Shut up and I mean shut up! Don't you understand what I'm saying, shut up!" And no one is saying anything.

Offline Shemp_Diesel

I hate to throw more cold water on this short, but would it be safe to say that Gene Roth's one sole highlight is playing Borscth--if I spelled it right and spell check is telling me I didn't. I especially have to think about how Gene came up very short in some of the roles where he had to reinvent a part played by someone with considerable more talent, like a Vernon Dent. Even the Borstch role doesn't grab me that much outside of his salami rant...

I apologize in advance to the Gene Stutenroth fan base...   :laugh:
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline metaldams

Not only other Stooge shorts, but other sci if films I’ve seen the guy, he never played anything this awesome.  It’s like he found one immortal role.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

Gene Roth is O K, but the short sux.  If he's this fearsome spy, why us Shemp taunting him?   Nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaah my ass.

Offline Mark The Shark

I think it's great and Gene Roth of course has the immortal line: "Give me dat fillum!" Many years ago a co-worker and I amused ourselves saying that to each other one night.

One other great moment is when Larry is busted filling in for one of the melons. I like his smile and "Hi!"

Offline Paul Pain

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I hate to throw more cold water on this short, but would it be safe to say that Gene Roth's one sole highlight is playing Borscth--if I spelled it right and spell check is telling me I didn't. I especially have to think about how Gene came up very short in some of the roles where he had to reinvent a part played by someone with considerable more talent, like a Vernon Dent. Even the Borstch role doesn't grab me that much outside of his salami rant...

I apologize in advance to the Gene Stutenroth fan base...   :laugh:

I think your comment is accurate.  Watching this one again shows me that even in this short Gene is still a pretty lousy actor who just pulled off one good accent among an otherwise lousy performance.
Something about income tacks season...