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Gents Without Cents (1944)

metaldams · 54 · 25267

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Offline Paul Pain

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And she played in a second episode as General Burkhalter's niece, marrying a count played by Dick "Mr. Whipple" Wilson, who felt the same way about her looks as we all do.  She was mentioned as weighing 210 pounds.

When she sat around the house...
Something about income tacks season...

Offline GreenCanaries

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The talent, though?  Most of these girls are marginally talented and are just pretty, let's be honest.  For every talented actress like Christine McIntyre and Lorna Gray, there's some pretty 20 year old who is playing a role anyone can handle.  The three ladies in this short?  Genuinely talented and I'd wager the average person on the street can't handle their acrobatic routines.

Could've been the work of Del Lord (or Jules White).!topic/alt.comedy.slapstick.3-stooges/fOU8Lsg6q8w

And as for this particular short: I haven't watched this particular one in a bit, but I remember it being a fun effort.
"With oranges, it's much harder..."

Offline metaldams

Could've been the work of Del Lord (or Jules White).!topic/alt.comedy.slapstick.3-stooges/fOU8Lsg6q8w

And as for this particular short: I haven't watched this particular one in a bit, but I remember it being a fun effort.

Oh yes, the thought crossed my mind, and I have read that.  There weren't as many random hotties on the Hal Roach lot, shall we say.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline GreenCanaries

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Oh yes, the thought crossed my mind, and I have read that.  There weren't as many random hotties on the Hal Roach lot, shall we say.

True. I only found that thread recently; it came up when I Googled why the Stooges and Vera Vague disliked working with Harry Edwards and found the post about him "trying to force himself" on the latter (yikes!).
"With oranges, it's much harder..."

Offline Larrys#1

Not a bad episode, but not great either. This episode is worth watching just to see their Niagara Falls bit. I do admit, a big chunk of time was used to show the dance numbers from the girls. It was a bit of a filler, but I admit, those girls were very talented and their dance numbers were quite pleasing to watch. Hard to believe that such attractive, talented girls would be so attracted to the stooges, lol.

Other than the Niagara Falls bit, there's not much laughs here since most of the episode consists of singing and dancing. But as I said, the dancing numbers were quite entertaining.



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Being named Flo, you'd think I'd be predisposed to this one. I think the best part of this is the girls' routine; actually. Otherwise you have a weird Niagara Falls routine, seems like it was written for someone else almost, and an ear worm of "Ratatooey, day to day, rum bay, rum bay, rum bay, rum bay" in your head all day. Bleh.

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

Niagara Falls was indeed written for someone else: it's a venerable old Vaudeville/Burlesque routine.  It was old when the stooges got hold of it.

Offline Shemp_Diesel

I know the stooges and Abbott and Costello did their own takes on Niagara Falls, and I heard that Lucille Ball did it too--were there any other comedians who tackled that old vaudeville routine?
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.


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Niagara Falls was indeed written for someone else: it's a venerable old Vaudeville/Burlesque routine.  It was old when the stooges got hold of it.

I just seemed almost like wartime recycling; too stagey and un-Stoogelike; apparently not written for them or with them in mind. Just an opinion. And then I went to Niagara Falls last November for our honeymoon and found out it was a tawdry, crappy and cheap mess not worthy of utterance by my Boys.

Offline GreenCanaries

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I just seemed almost like wartime recycling; too stagey and un-Stoogelike
I believe the actual performance was filmed for Good Luck Mr. Yates, right?
"With oranges, it's much harder..."

Offline Shemp_is_Awesome78

 In my honest, humble opinon, I like the Niagara Falls and feel that it was honestly made perfectly for our three Stooges. In fact, my kid and his friends were going to do Niagara Falls routine for their school talent show, but instead my kid wrote entirely original Stooges material ( my kid and I both agreed that it was better than The  Farrelly Brothers Movie. No offense to C3.).
Abbottt: Stop smoking in here, Costello!
Costello: What makes you think I'm smoking?
Abbott: You have a cigar in your mouth!
Costello: I got my shoes on, but I'm not walking!

Offline metaldams

I believe the actual performance was filmed for Good Luck Mr. Yates, right?

Yeah, that's what I've heard as well, unused footage from an older movie.

Also, as somebody who has watched a "healthy" amount of silent comedy and early talkies, I'm almost shocked when I do see a Stooge gag that has been written expressly for them.  The Three Stooges came along relatively late in the slapstick era of film comedy and had writers who have worked with several people before them, so they do plenty of things not originally written for them.  Fortunately, their characters were unique enough where they could take old gags and make them their own. 
- Doug Sarnecky


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Okay; okay; okay. Maybe a lot of their stuff was done by other people before them, or recycled by tired writers. They took that and then made it so much their own that that is the only way I know it. I just "feel" the Niagara Falls routine is not right. Just an opinion.

And I LOVED the Farrelly Brothers movie. They said that if the Stooges were making films today, they wanted to make that movie. And I think they did it. And there is a lot of special stuff in it; you can't buy better casting than Larry David; the guy playing Moe was awesome and Sean Hayes made me notice and love Larry; how does one do that? Naming the little kid Teddy, for Ted Healy? Moe on Jersey Shore getting ready to unload some whoopass and Ted, watching the show, says, "Oh boy; here we go." Tell you don't feel that way every time you know the real Moe is going to tee off on someone? I thought that movie was a Valentine to our Stooges. It's not going to be perfect; sometimes our very own Boys are not. But I loved it.

Offline shemps#1

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I can't believe you guys like this one so much, to me it's the definition of mediocre (par for the course in this time period). 5/10
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline JazzBill

I can't believe you guys like this one so much, to me it's the definition of mediocre (par for the course in this time period). 5/10
Hey Jim, glad to see you back.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Paul Pain

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Watched this short this morning, came on here, and saw that Laverne Thompson's page was updated... with her death last September just before her 90th birthday  :(

Yeah, I am sure it was posted somewhere around here when she passed, but I have forgotten where it was.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline MrsMorganMorgan

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Do you think this was the Stooge's version of wartime rationing; re-using their old standup routine? I've noticed they utilized wartime propaganda whenever they could; buying war bonds, posters in the background, pulling Curly's tooth to cut down on absenteeism. Maybe this was them making do with what they had; recycling?

I like the gals' routine. This was back in the day when you could do this and people were entertained. I especially like the shoes they're wearing when they come marching out with the rifles. And plus, one of them is named Flo. You guys all know my name is Flo, right?

Did you all think I died? My internet explorer died and I lost all my logins and links! But I'm baaaaack!!
You hear that? The old lady's a crook. Let's give her the razzle-dazzle!

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
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Do you think this was the Stooge's version of wartime rationing; re-using their old standup routine? I've noticed they utilized wartime propaganda whenever they could; buying war bonds, posters in the background, pulling Curly's tooth to cut down on absenteeism. Maybe this was them making do with what they had; recycling?

I like the gals' routine. This was back in the day when you could do this and people were entertained. I especially like the shoes they're wearing when they come marching out with the rifles. And plus, one of them is named Flo. You guys all know my name is Flo, right?

Did you all think I died? My internet explorer died and I lost all my logins and links! But I'm baaaaack!!

And this site is now that much better with your perspective back!
Something about income tacks season...

Offline metaldams

And this site is now that much better with your perspective back!

Indeed, especially with the recycle era upon us.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline MrsMorganMorgan

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Indeed, especially with the recycle era upon us.

I am very glad to be back. I'll be a Stooges retread any day! :D
You hear that? The old lady's a crook. Let's give her the razzle-dazzle!

Offline metaldams

In the past I didn’t talk about my job much.  Let’s just say I worked in the student loan industry for the past ten years and finally quit in March.  Talk about a 1.5 trillion dollar bubble about to burst.  So glad to finally be out of that racket and the job was extremely stressful, not to mention immoral.

Anyway, I bring that up as a lead in to the relaxed atmosphere of my new job that has to do with this short, a job which I’m 1000 times happier at.  I’m walking by a computer on Friday afternoon and hear a familiar voice.  I turn around, look at the screen, and say, “Moe!”  A female co worker roughly my age is being shown The Three Stooges by an older co worker and they’re both laughing.  They’re watching the “Niagara Falls” bit.  When asked about my Stooge fandom, I said jokingly, “You have no idea who you’re talking to.”   I then went on to explain how I’ve reviewed all the films online.  It was a cool experience, I work in a place where they watch The Three Stooges.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Dr. Mabuse

When I think about Niagara Falls, this short immediately comes to mind. "Gents Without Cents" was a childhood favorite and I always enjoyed the offbeat musical-comedy approach.  A few lulls but great stuff. The last Curly Classic directed by Jules White (though some may disagree with that assessment).

« Last Edit: March 12, 2020, 01:32:03 AM by Dr. Mabuse »

Offline Woe-ee-Woe-Woe80

When I think about Niagara Falls, this short immediately comes to mind. "Gents Without Cents" was a childhood favorite and I always enjoyed the offbeat musical-comedy approach.  A few lulls but great stuff. The last Curly Classic directed by Jules White (though some may disagree with that assessment).


I thought "Idiots Deluxe" was the last great Jules White short he did with Curly although I do find "GI Wanna Home" to be an underrated entry.

Offline Woe-ee-Woe-Woe80

8/10, love the Niagara Falls bit along with the scenes where the stooges first meet the girls and the ending scenes with the stooges on the road with the girls, the scene where Curly says "Gosslow" instead of "Go Slow" was funny.

Offline metaldams

I thought "Idiots Deluxe" was the last great Jules White short he did with Curly although I do find "GI Wanna Home" to be an underrated entry.

Agreed, I always loved that short, especially Moe’s performance.

Glad GENTS WITHOUT CENTS is getting some love.
- Doug Sarnecky