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Spook Louder (1943)

metaldams · 72 · 37374

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Offline JazzBill

The correct number of reasons is 6 7/8.  [pie]

Nice comeback Doug.  :laugh:  Actually I've been in the hospital since Thursday and haven't been feeling too well. I just wanted to post something to put my name to a review. I've been trying to get them all.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

Get well soon, JazzBill.  We need all the jazz cats we can keep.

Offline metaldams

Get well soon, JazzBill.  We need all the jazz cats we can keep.

Yeah, agree!  Definitely get well soon.  Hope it's nothing too serious.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Lefty

....and talk about irony, unbeknownst to me, my brother and nephew are watching THE GHOST TALKS as I made the post above.

And the irony of the irony is that I watched "CREEPS" last night.  (Actually, if you include the Phillies, that would be twice yesterday.)  That was the last official Shemp short released.

As for "Spook Louder," I would have loved to have heard "the whole song" as Curly refers to when the clock strikes 5:00 in Russia.  Da, tovarich!

Offline JazzBill

I would have loved to have heard "the whole song" as Curly refers to when the clock strikes 5:00 in Russia.  Da, tovarich!
I believe that same clock was used in other shorts as well.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Paul Pain

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And the irony of the irony is that I watched "CREEPS" last night.  (Actually, if you include the Phillies, that would be twice yesterday.)  That was the last official Shemp short released.

As for "Spook Louder," I would have loved to have heard "the whole song" as Curly refers to when the clock strikes 5:00 in Russia.  Da, tovarich!

Really?  The Phillies aren't creeps!  They're too crappy of a team to be "creepy."  Rivals, maybe, but no threat to any other NL East team this year.  Who do you root for?
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

Incidentally, I hope I'm adding to the pool of knowledge and I'm definitely not trying to be condescending if I tell some of you who are much too young to know that when Curly says "Kitten on the Keys", that's actually a joke and not just an observation.  " Kitten on the Keys " is the title of a skitteringly fast piano ragtime piece that was well-known then.

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Not condescending at all Big Chief; it's always good to learn something new about the stooge shorts. I'm sure there are still a ton of dated references that have gone over my head....
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Lefty

Really?  The Phillies aren't creeps!  They're too crappy of a team to be "creepy."  Rivals, maybe, but no threat to any other NL East team this year.  Who do you root for?

Who do I root for?  Two teams:  The Phillies, and the opponents of the Yankees.

The Phillies have become basically unwatchable as General Manager Ruin Tomorrow Jr. (Curly), Chairman Carnival Barker Giles (Larry), and President .300 Monty (Moe) have destroyed this rarely-proud franchise.

Offline Paul Pain

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Who do I root for?  Two teams:  The Phillies, and the opponents of the Yankees.

The Phillies have become basically unwatchable as General Manager Ruin Tomorrow Jr. (Curly), Chairman Carnival Barker Giles (Larry), and President .300 Monty (Moe) have destroyed this rarely-proud franchise.

Well there's a difference between being creeps and being run by  [3stooges]

I personally root for the Mariners... and the opponents of the Yankees.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Kopfy2013

I think this short is stupid. However the Stooge antics are topnotch. I think Curly does fantastic.

I really like the bookcase scene with the boxing gloves. The door-to-door salesman.  I would give the short a 6 but because the timing is perfect and the Stooges, especially Curly,  perform the physical comedy excellent I'm going to give it a seven.
Niagara Falls

Offline metaldams

I root for opponents of the Yankees myself.

It's a time honored American tradition.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

Very incidentally,  I have two more arcane comments about this short, which I wouldn't bother to raise if this weren't one of my favorites: first, Graves is never referred to as a Mad Scientist, as someone has quoted; he is referred to, I think without irony, as "the great inventor", and Ted Lorch certainly plays the part in that dignified way.  This would be irrelevant, except that if he is a great inventor and not a Mad Scientist, his annihilation bomb may well be workable, which obviously would add tension, even if as it happens the ultimate extent of the devastation is only to blow the bad guys through the back wall.  And second, a round of snaps for actor Stanley Brown, on paper just another pretty face, who plays the reporter Wallace.  He elevates nicely from professionalism to hysteria.  Between him and Lew Kelly ( Dunkfeather ), two-count-'em-two one-hit wonders, the detective office scenes are way better than one might expect, even before Dunkfeather takes the major-league pie.

Offline Paul Pain

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Very incidentally,  I have two more arcane comments about this short, which I wouldn't bother to raise if this weren't one of my favorites: first, Graves is never referred to as a Mad Scientist, as someone has quoted; he is referred to, I think without irony, as "the great inventor", and Ted Lorch certainly plays the part in that dignified way.  This would be irrelevant, except that if he is a great inventor and not a Mad Scientist, his annihilation bomb may well be workable, which obviously would add tension, even if as it happens the ultimate extent of the devastation is only to blow the bad guys through the back wall.  And second, a round of snaps for actor Stanley Brown, on paper just another pretty face, who plays the reporter Wallace.  He elevates nicely from professionalism to hysteria.  Between him and Lew Kelly ( Dunkfeather ), two-count-'em-two one-hit wonders, the detective office scenes are way better than one might expect, even before Dunkfeather takes the major-league pie.

I mentioned Graves as not being the mad scientist one would expect to find inside such a creepy joint.  It reminds me of the reform school.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Larrys#1

I always liked this episode and never understood why people didn't care for it. The whole "who threw the pies" thing was funny and mysterious.... though its a mystery that was never solved. Dunkfeather claimed he was the one who was throwing the pies, but right after he admitted it, a pie was thrown into his face. So, apparently, it wasn't him. It was someone else, but who???

I do like the beginning where the stooges try to peddle the weight reducing machine to the skinny lady. Then when they encounter Graves' house, the spook begins. It's supposedly the three spies that is causing the spooks in the house, but clearly there is something else that is spooking the place. I assume it's that pie thrower (Dunkfeather??).

Curly's health is still top notch here and delivers a great performance. The way he reacts to the balloon with the face drawing is hilarious.

A very funny episode that I enjoy watching. It's not as funny as some of their others episodes, but I always enjoy these haunted episodes.



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When I was about 6, I remember drawing the balloon face (approximately from memory) on an Easter egg, because I thought it was so funny with the missing tooth and all. At the time, I had no idea it was supposed to be a "Jap" spy! I just thought it looked like my cousin, Lewis.

The short is uneven, as if it was revised halfway through and pieced together, or something. Still, it delivers the laughs.

I want the clock that goes, "Yo-ho-ho-ho-ho!" Wasn't it the same foam rubber prop used in Phony Cronies, saying, "You are next"? Been a while on that one.

Offline Larrys#1

When I was about 6, I remember drawing the balloon face (approximately from memory) on an Easter egg, because I thought it was so funny with the missing tooth and all. At the time, I had no idea it was supposed to be a "Jap" spy! I just thought it looked like my cousin, Lewis.

Whoa man, I had no idea until now that the face drawing was a Jap spy. I wasn't alive during the WW2 days, so I'm very slow in picking up those things.

Offline stoogerascalfan62

Funny that Lifebuoy and the Phillies are mentioned in this thread, because I once had a baseball book in which I read a story about someone writing something on an ad for Lifebuoy at the stadium the Phils played in then mentioning that they use the soap and the words "and they still stink" were written.

Offline metaldams

Just a random comment....amazing how this short is pushing 45 replies while A PLUMBING WE WILL GO has a mere 12.  Just goes to show how unpredictable life can be.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Larrys#1

Just a random comment....amazing how this short is pushing 45 replies while A PLUMBING WE WILL GO has a mere 12.  Just goes to show how unpredictable life can be.

Don't remember if I reviewed that. If I didn't, I'll try to post one when I get the chance. I can't keep up.... We're getting through these episode faster than you can say Fort Ticonderoga.... if you can say Fort Ticonderoga.

Offline metaldams

Don't remember if I reviewed that. If I didn't, I'll try to post one when I get the chance. I can't keep up.... We're getting through these episode faster than you can say Fort Ticonderoga.... if you can say Fort Ticonderoga.

I like it when you and others post on the older threads, so please do.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

I noticed the many posts on this thread as well.  I knew that my opinion of this one was different from many other posters, but I wasn't expecting this much comment, continuing for so many months.  I wouldn't bring this up except I'm noticing that the same thing is happening this week with If A Body.  A much broader spectrum of opinion than just "poor pathetic sick Curly, this is tough to watch".  We'll see how that one plays out as well, I guess.

Offline Larrys#1

I like it when you and others post on the older threads, so please do.

I looked through the thread and turns out, I already did post a review. Hehe, forgot I did one already. I was just about to write up another one. Hopefully someone else can bump that thread. It's one of their greatest episodes.

Offline Paul Pain

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"You're not a Jap, are you?"
"Me, a Jap?!  Nyah eh eh!  I'll tear you!"

I am surprised no one mentioned this line here.  It really shows how the war-time sentiment was injected into the shorts of this era, especially with how Curly gets so outraged.  Curly gets really raging later when Larry smashes his head in.  Different stuff, but good acting, from Curly in these bits.

I play Rachmaninoff's Prelude myself :D

I discovered a new goof as well: when Curly fires the gun for the first time, there is a jump in the picture before the boys hats get shot off.
Something about income tacks season...