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Nutty But Nice (1940)

metaldams · 26 · 13132

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Offline metaldams

Another week, another short, and it's a good one in NUTTY BUT NICE.  I remember mentioning in THREE LITTLE SEW AND SEWS how I didn't care for the fact that Vernon Dent was laughing at Curly because I feel that's the audience's job, or something to that effect.  Well, the boys start out working as comedy waiters for laughs, but I feel differently about it here.  Perhaps it's because going into the short they're paid professionals trying to get laughs as opposed to idiots trying to act serious and perhaps that makes all the difference.  Funny enough, the boys lose their professional status as soon as they go out to find the girl's father, and they're still funny idiots.  Perhaps they just realize they're idiots in this short and decide they should get paid for it, which in a way wouldn't make them idiots after all.  My brain hurts.

I love the long moving camera shot when the boys are looking for the father out on the street.  It's a good chance to see them in action unedited for a bit, and the moving camera and outdoor scenery is a nice touch, something we'll rarely see in the lower budgeted Shemp era.  Gags like a mobster getting his head smashed through a door before having it lodged in a chair is like comfort food for me, though it was perfected later on in LOOSE LOOT.  Also love the light to dark sound gags that were originally done by Harold Lloyd in WELCOME DANGER.  Harold worked with Clyde Bruckman as well, a theme which will have even more meaning in a future short, but yeah, Clyde worked on this film and the aforementioned Lloyd film.

Another fun short overall, and I simply get a kick out of Moe referring to Curly as "Swiss cheese." 

« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 09:21:56 PM by metaldams »
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Shemp_Diesel

I've never been too wild about this particular short, 1) because I think it breaks up the string of consecutive good/great shorts that the stooges had starting with Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise and 2) I think the stooges as do-gooders is a bit heavy handed in this one & a bit too mushy for my tastes.

Some things I do like about this one; the leggy blonde at the opening of the short (yowsers), the stooges repeatedly knocking over the guy carrying the beer and the "light to dark" fight sequence, although I enjoy that routine much more at the end of Who Done It?...

I'm not saying it's a terrible short, but it's the only one from what I consider the golden period of Moe, Larry and Curly (1940-42) that was less than stellar.

6 out of 10 pokes....
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

It took me forever to figure out that what Curly says is: " Not me...there may be a loose piano up there ".

Offline Allen Champion

I think this short deserves all the praise that PLUMBING usually gets.  A marvelously fast-paced, wonderfully looney short packed with great verbal humor and sight gags.  Curly is at his absolute peak in this.  I especially love his "What is the world going to do without me, what will I do without myself--can you think of anything else?"  and Moe's reaction.  I love the reprisal of the dumbwaiter gag from THREE LITTLE PIGSKINS (love Moe giving Larry some extra hair--LOVE IT!)

I really love those shorts like CASH AND CARRY, LOCO BOY MAKES GOOD, OILY TO BED, etc, and this one, when the boys knock themselves out (literally in some cases!) to help widows and orphans.

And the short ends with Curly singing!  Perfection!  This one is in the top five of all time, Stoogephiles!
"What do you know of the blood, sweat and toil of a theatrical production? Of the dedication of the men and the women in the noblest profession of them all?"

Offline Paul Pain

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Easily one of the worst Stooge shorts ever made that does not involve overuse of stock footage, Fake Shemp, or Joe Besser.  The whole scene with the Stooges trying to entertain the girl in the hospital is one of the worst scenes, if not the WORST Stooge scene ever made.  I'd rather watch Beer Barrel Polecats than this rubbish.
#1 fire kibitzer

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Wow, that's some pretty strong stuff PaulPayne. I'm not the biggest fan of this short either but that's the first I ever heard someone put it in the same category as a post-mortem Shemp or Besser territory, but then again, I'm sure we all have that one or two episodes that don't do it for us. Just go back to some of the comments left for Half-Shot Shooters....

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline JazzBill

Not on my favorites list but certainly not on my worst list either. I do like shorts with outside location scenes in them. It does have some good gags in it and the boys are in good form. I think I have a problem with a short that has Vernon Dent and the Stooges all playing good guy roles. I rate this short slightly below average at 7 1/2.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline metaldams

Yeah, I'm definitely digging the diversity of opinions in this one, which I was half expecting.  Count me in as somebody who doesn't mind the Stooges as do gooders.  The shorts that tend to bother me are one where there's a completely awful situation involved, like the already mentioned HALF-SHOT SHOOTERS and a short or two we'll get to in the future.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Paul Pain

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HALF-SHOT SHOOTERS is a tough case.  There are plenty of Stooge shorts where they endure this sort of violence.  It's the fact that Sgt. McGillicuddy breaks Moe's arm and blackens Larry and Curly's eyes; HE blasts the gun in the trough; HE murders them.  If this had been assorted army characters changing scenes in a comedy of errors, we wouldn't have this conversation.

NUTTY BUT NICE has the humor, but it is dark humor on something that can't be made funny no matter how you look at it.  I will say the yodeling part when Curly is getting assaulted by falling objects is great, but otherwise it's just too hollow.  It's hard to watch something when the Stooges are doing something that the police are supposed to be doing.  Somehow taking the job of the police just never works, like in OF CASH AND HASH.

In short, they could have softened up HALF-SHOT SHOOTERS, but you can't harden up NUTTY BUT NICE.

And I will say I saw RHYTHM AND WEEP this morning; it used to be a favorite.  I still like the plot, but I hate any and all "song and dance" routines.
#1 fire kibitzer

Offline Kopfy2013

I agree with Paul, I like the yodeling and the water, plant scene.  There are a few more 'cute' scenes - the beer, how they go in and buy the guy more then still wreck it... the leggy blonde that was brought up by Diesel.  I think this short is OK... Definitely a downer from the past few.  I have nothing against the Stooges being 'do-gooders'.  Most of those shorts I like.

This one just falls flat on it's own merit.  It just seems that all their mayhem  you knew what was going to happen ... even though you can probably say that about most of their shorts - so what makes this different?  I have been trying to analyze it but maybe because I was a little bored you focus on what antics are coming next (dancing when something dropped on the foot, dumb waiter, knocking everyone out). 

Taken as one of 190 shorts or body of work.  I give it a 7.

Interesting that they do not know who played the girl.  She would be in her eighties now. Still unidentified though.

Offline Larrys#1

This is so frustrating because I posted a nice long review this morning and then the internet craps out and my review didn't post. I lost everything I typed. I have no time to retype the whole thing. So I'll just post a brief summary. Sorry. Hopefully, next week's episode will post successfully.

An ok episode. Like others, I'm not crazy about the stooges as do-gooders, but I did enjoy the whole part where the stooges search for the girl's father. A lot of funny moments there.


Offline metaldams

It's hard to watch something when the Stooges are doing something that the police are supposed to be doing.  Somehow taking the job of the police just never works, like in OF CASH AND HASH.

I think I remember in an old thread, probably HALF SHOT SHOOTERS, saying how the older I get and have my worldview more developed, some Stooge shorts and art in general have a different meaning for me than when I was younger.  Your viewpoint is a fine example of illustrating my point, because I happen to have the opposite point of view from you in this instance.  You have an interesting viewpoint of this short and one I would never take, because I feel private citizens protecting themselves and each other and not depending on the police is a good thing.  Don't want to turn this into a political discussion, but hearing points of view opposite of mine are interesting and are a reminder that doing these threads every week are a rewarding thing.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

Oh, and the leggy blonde is Etherelda Leopold, who appeared fairly regularly in Stooge shorts.  She played a lot of small parts, but she was most memorable as the Brooklyn harem girl in WEE WEE MONSIEUR and Hope in BACK TO THE WOODS.  Yes, I too noticed the legs. 
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

Offline Paul Pain

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" You have an interesting viewpoint of this short and one I would never take, because I feel private citizens protecting themselves and each other and not depending on the police is a good thing. "

Yes, I feel the same as you in that regard, but I was lost in translation.  I mean as a plot device.  Unless the Stooges ARE the police/detectives, it somehow just doesn't seem to work... like it's forced.  The Stooges are always better as failure-face tradesmen than they are as ordinary citizens trying out a trade, if that makes sense.  Somehow the whole "do-gooders" plot worked much better in CASH AND CARRY, but it fell to unbeknownst depths in EVEN AS IOU.

I think what REALLY leaves the bad taste in my mouth is the little girl.  I understand the girl is sad over her father, but the acting on her part was awful, and she doesn't seem to ever be truly grateful to any of the people who risked their lives to save her father.  Ingratitude is always a deal killer for me.  A loved one could have a heart attack, keel over, and die six feet away from, but if HIGHER THAN A KITE is on the TV at the moment, I will be laughing whilst I cry.

It's too bad because there are lots of awesome scenes in this one, such as the above mentioned beer pails.  I also love the dumbwaiter scene.  They often make jokes about Curly's gut, but this is a rare instance in which they suggest he's just a straight up fatso, much like in THREE LITTLE PIGSKINS.
#1 fire kibitzer

Offline Allen Champion

I'm astounded at all the negativity towards one of my favorite Stoogefests, but I guess that's what makes a horse race or the crow fly! (Or the Horse fly!)  [pie]
"What do you know of the blood, sweat and toil of a theatrical production? Of the dedication of the men and the women in the noblest profession of them all?"

Offline Paul Pain

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I'm astounded at all the negativity towards one of my favorite Stoogefests, but I guess that's what makes a horse race or the crow fly! (Or the Horse fly!)  [pie]

Don't be.  Tomorrow you will be astounded by all of my positivity towards what I believe is one of the best shorts ever made.

 [pie]  Right back at you!
#1 fire kibitzer

Offline Lefty

This short is okay, except for the little girl.  Maybe the Stooges should have swatted her with the balloons.  Or maybe Moe's or Larry's daughter should have played the part.  My favorite part is when Curly measures the man who is on his knees.  "Two foot nine!"  "It's a midget!"  But there was a lot of good slapstick in this episode.

Sgt. Schultz:  "You would make a war hero pay for a piece of fruit?"
Max (Ned Glass):  "I vould make Hermann Goering pay for a piece of fruit."

Offline GreenCanaries

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More IDs

* Pretty sure that's Sam Lufkin as the bartender when the Stooges enter with their Yankee Doodle number.
* More Chet Brandenburg (I'm seeing him everywhere now!!!): when the Stooges furnish the table with utensils, condiments, etc., you can see him behind Larry and Curly; he also appears clear in the background alongside Ethelreda (meeeeow...) and an unidentified female in the penultimate shot of the doctors, the girl and her father.
* Pretty sure Johnny Kascier also appears as a restaurant patron - he can be seen in the background behind the right of Vernon and the screen, laughing at the boys' antics and smoking a cigarette.
"With oranges, it's much harder..."

Offline GreenCanaries

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Quote from: BeAStooge
Ed and Chet were short, 5'6" (same height, and one of the L&H experts has Ed's WW2 draft card).  Ethelreda was approx. 5'8"... allowing for heels, she stood 2-3" taller than the Stooges; and I recall from meeting her in 1990 that she was a relatively tall woman.  The guy in the pic is a little taller than Ethelreda, or allowing for camera perspective, at least the same height.  Unless he's wearing lift heels or standing on something, I don't think it's Chet.

If you're referring to Dave Lord Heath, I supplied Ed's WWII draft card earlier:

Here's Chet's WWI draft registration card, which has him at 5'8". Given it's about 22 years earlier, but still, just thought I'd drop it off here:

Looking at Chet and Ed side-by-side in How High Is Up?, it does look like Chet has an inch or two on Ed.
"With oranges, it's much harder..."

Offline Paul Pain

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Two years later and suddenly I like this one...
#1 fire kibitzer

Yeah.  Because it's good.  Good for you, and I'm not being sarcastic.  I like the rare occasions where the stooges are heartwarming, and I like it when others appreciate that change of pace.  Goodness knows the slapstick doesn't suffer here, there's plenty of good stuff, and the interplay with the little girl takes up what, two minutes total?  Plus, Ned Glass !   Lytton Brent being tortured with his head stuck thru a bentwood chair ( genius move, by the way ) and Cy Schindell!
 Major pies for the finish !  Come on !  Vintage ! 

Offline Dr. Mabuse

Director Jules White's first Stooge misfire. Unlike "Cash and Carry," the sentimentality doesn't work and the premise never gels. Moe, Larry and Curly are in top form, but the Bruckman-Adler script is decidedly lackluster. Easily the weakest 1940 short.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2020, 02:15:51 AM by Dr. Mabuse »

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

Nice change of pace for the boys here.  Had me laughing plenty and that's what these shorts are all about.

I rank it #41 overall.

Offline PeteHale

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I love this short. Every moment is exceptionally funny: "It's putrid!"; them dressed as girls singing about lollipops; chasing down the cop; yodeling; "Quick! Kill 'em!"; the lights-out scene; throwing water on the wrong guys. All classic!

My favorite scene is Curly being punched through the door.