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Wee Wee Monsieur (1938)

metaldams · 26 · 21214

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Offline Samurai

Something I want to add on this one I don’t think I’ve mentioned - or I probably did and just forgot.  Ethelreda Leopold to me is almost the First Lady of Stoogedom when it comes to very attractive women who usually appeared for just decoration.  The fact I see her pop up in a lot of other non Stooge films as an extra lends credence to this idea.  However, in WEE WEE MONSIEUR, as the Brooklyn harem girl, she is fantastic.  The best acting job I’ve ever seen from her, by far.  Makes me wonder if it was a fluke or if she had more in her and was never given the chance.
For a Chicago girl, her NYC accent is pretty good...right up until her next line "catch me and I'll give you a kiss"... where it totally disappears.  :P That said, she did deliver that line quite nicely. Much, much better than her attempt at placating the pie-faced Senator.

Back to Wee-Wee land. I love both the studio scene and the palace/harem scenes. The way Larrry gets into the first...always makes me loff (and wince). My absolute favorite line comes from Moe:

'What are you eatin' stenchy?...'