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Movie Maniacs (1936)

metaldams · 41 · 26081

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I've been out-nerding people my whole life, thank you very much. I actually told a co-worker today I am planning on taking a week off.  She asked if I was going anywhere, and I told her I just plan to stay home and indulge in my nerd hobbies.  My idea of Heaven.

Speaking of guys, my brother was putting my five year old nephew to bed recently.  The kid randomly starts saying, "Wait for it....wait for it" and just blasts out a massive fart.  My brother tells this story like a proud papa.

 ;D Then I am in fine company and I feel right at home. My entire life is nerd hobbies, but you know what? We're not out at the bars or driving drunk or doing whatever. We're safe and off the streets. I am honored you guys let me play with you on this page, though the old man tells me I am a man's woman so I should fit right in nicely.

Watched Uncivil Warriors last night; the ejaculation line was gross!!!

Offline Paul Pain

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e·jac·u·late [v. ih-jak-yuh-leyt; n. ih-jak-yuh-lit]
verb (used with object), e·jac·u·lat·ed, e·jac·u·lat·ing.
1. to utter suddenly and briefly; exclaim.
2. to eject (semen).
3. to eject suddenly and swiftly; discharge.

So Moe actually uses the word correctly.  It's just come to mean a vulgar definition in recent times.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline metaldams



e·jac·u·late [v. ih-jak-yuh-leyt; n. ih-jak-yuh-lit]
verb (used with object), e·jac·u·lat·ed, e·jac·u·lat·ing.
1. to utter suddenly and briefly; exclaim.
2. to eject (semen).
3. to eject suddenly and swiftly; discharge.

So Moe actually uses the word correctly.  It's just come to mean a vulgar definition in recent times.

In the technical sense, you are correct.  The fact the line got by the Hays office is more proof of what you state being correct.

Still, throw the words "ejaculate" and "mouthful" in the same sentence and add in the fact that I, somebody who has seen a ton of old movies, have never heard the word uttered in another film of the era, then I am going to assume somebody behind the scenes was laughing when they came up with the line.  Just my opinion.
- Doug Sarnecky


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In the technical sense, you are correct.  The fact the line got by the Hays office is more proof of what you state being correct.

Still, throw the words "ejaculate" and "mouthful" in the same sentence and add in the fact that I, somebody who has seen a ton of old movies, have never heard the word uttered in another film of the era, then I am going to assume somebody behind the scenes was laughing when they came up with the line.  Just my opinion.

Yeah; I think the line is waaaaay too, ahem, loaded to mean anything else!! They also got another apparently loaded line past the censors, though I didn't know it until I looked it up. I think it's You Nazty Spy. Ruby Clutch; apparently people in the 40's knew it was racy.

Hey you guys; I love being on this discussion board!!

Offline MrsMorganMorgan

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Correct, for a short while when she was a teenager.  She didn't live to be very old, dead at the age of 42.

Wow; she looks like she's 50 in this short.

Question; the dancing girl in the middle; the one that Larry that Harley Wood? I can't find confirmation anywhere, but she's not even listed on the cast list for Cash and Carry. I swear it's her; she had such a nice smile.
You hear that? The old lady's a crook. Let's give her the razzle-dazzle!

Offline BeAStooge

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the dancing girl in the middle; the one that Larry kisses....

Althea Henley.  Refer to this site's filmography page for MOVIE MANIACS (1936).

Offline MrsMorganMorgan

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Althea Henley.  Refer to this site's filmography page for MOVIE MANIACS (1936).
Check it out; way better than IMDB. Thank you!
You hear that? The old lady's a crook. Let's give her the razzle-dazzle!

Offline GreenCanaries

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Offline MrsMorganMorgan

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Great little article on Althea, published Nov 1996 (months after her death), that I stumbled on a while back. Definitely worth a read.

That was awesome; thank you!
You hear that? The old lady's a crook. Let's give her the razzle-dazzle!

Offline Hollister56

Some of my favorites from this short are.............................. which I didn't see mentioned.

Did you see a wheat cake, don't tell me you lost it, Moe looks up and gets the wet side in the face, oh there it is, you can have that one I'll make another......................

What do we know about making movies?  Moe, there's a couple of thousand people already in Hollywood who know nothing about it, 3 more won't make any difference......................

I can't quit, why not, because you're fired, you can't fire him, and why not, because he quit...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is one of my favorites and probably watched it 100 times over my 50 plus years of watching the 3 Stooges.

Offline Percy Pomeroy

One consequence of seeing this short multiple times. Whenever when I've ironed pants, I can't help thinking about painting them.

Larry: I sure will miss this old boxcar. I wonder who loaned us their furniture without knowing it.
Moe: If the cops get us you'll find out.

Rath: Gentlemen, will you join us in a toast?
Curly: I don't like toast. That black stuff gets in my teeth.

I like Larry's innovative way of going through the stage door. Is he just being a goof or is there something that I'm missing?

Moe: It was no good from the first kiss.
Swinehardt: Kiss. What do you know about kisses!
Moe: Tell'em what we know about kisses.
Curly: Ahhh...
Moe: That's enough.

After our reviewing of all the Bessers, how refreshing is it to see a young Moe meting out proper punishment when it's due.

Offline LibraSun

Curly gets credited as "Curley" on the opening title sequence of "Movie Maniacs", something I don't recall seeing mentioned before.

Anyone else notice that? And was it commonly done on other shorts?

Offline GreenCanaries

  • President of the Johnny Kascier Fan Club
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Curly gets credited as "Curley" on the opening title sequence of "Movie Maniacs", something I don't recall seeing mentioned before.

Anyone else notice that? And was it commonly done on other shorts?
He was miscredited as "Curley" in all shorts up to (I believe) DISORDER IN THE COURT, when it was finally fixed.
"With oranges, it's much harder..."

Offline Dr. Mabuse

"There's a couple of thousand people in pictures who know nothing about it. Three more won't make any difference."

Another Del Lord gem with the boys in splendid form. Unfortunately, "Movie Maniacs" lacks a strong finish — a recurring problem throughout the Stooges' film career.  Nice use of the Columbia backlot.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2021, 01:17:39 PM by Dr. Mabuse »

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

Coming in at #184 on my countdown is "Movie Maniacs."  I love Shemp and can tolerate Besser, but I'm a Curly guy at heart.  In fact (spoiler), my Top 18 Stooge shorts are all Curly masterpieces.  So, it pains me to rank this one so low.  Maybe I have a higher standard when judging the 1930s Curly shorts, but this one just doesn't do much of anything for me.  I can't quite put my finger on it, but this short just doesn't make me laugh the way most Curlys do.  Or maybe I was in a bad mood the day I watched it (although another recent viewing didn't make me change my mind).  I think one of the problems is that the Stooges in drag never hit my funny bone.  Looking at the other posts, I'm certainly alone in my lukewarm response to this short.  The high point for me is probably Curly's "success" line.

#184. Movie Maniacs

Offline metaldams

Coming in at #184 on my countdown is "Movie Maniacs."  I love Shemp and can tolerate Besser, but I'm a Curly guy at heart.  In fact (spoiler), my Top 18 Stooge shorts are all Curly masterpieces.  So, it pains me to rank this one so low.  Maybe I have a higher standard when judging the 1930s Curly shorts, but this one just doesn't do much of anything for me.  I can't quite put my finger on it, but this short just doesn't make me laugh the way most Curlys do.  Or maybe I was in a bad mood the day I watched it (although another recent viewing didn't make me change my mind).  I think one of the problems is that the Stooges in drag never hit my funny bone.  Looking at the other posts, I'm certainly alone in my lukewarm response to this short.  The high point for me is probably Curly's "success" line.

#184. Movie Maniacs

Can’t say I agree, but to each their own.  I’m not a Half Shot Shooters guy and most disagree with me.  I’m curious as to how you’ll rank the Shemp stock footage jobs.
- Doug Sarnecky