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3 Stooges Filming Locations Presentation in Philadelphia, Jan. 11

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  • Stooges Filming Locations Presentation: January 11, 2013

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The Secret Cinema presents The Three Stooges:
Hollywood Filming Locations
at International House

On Friday, January 11, 2013, the Secret Cinema will present a combined film screening and live presentation at International House, providing new insight into the making of some of the best loved comedy films ever made. With The Three Stooges: Hollywood Filming Locations, special guest Jim Pauley will explore, with forensic precision, the various real life sites where Stooges once walked the Earth! His long and lovingly researched presentation of original and archival photographs contrasts intriguing then-and-now views of the same Hollywood streets and landscapes where Moe, Larry and Curly (and Shemp!) could create comedy magic.

Though highly profitable at their peak, the short film divisions of most studios were considered of minor importance compared to their more prestigious feature film productions, and in most cases no studio records or press coverage survives to tell just where these now famous films were made. Pauley will explain the tricks and methodology used to reverse engineer, from the smallest scraps of information, where this cinema history was created. Since in most cases the sites have changed drastically from how they looked in the 1930s and 40s, this was no small feat!

Pauley's years of work studying videos, directories and maps, interviewing directors, supporting actors, and Stooge family members, and regularly travelling to Los Angeles to sniff out leads and confirm suspicions, have also resulted in a deluxe book. Like our event, it's called The Three Stooges: Hollywood Filming Locations. The book features an introduction by Leonard Maltin, and was just published by Santa Monica Press.

At International House, Jim Pauley's book will come to life, both with his stories and anecdotes about trailing the Three Stooges 60+ years after the fact -- and with screenings of some of the funniest of the actual shorts he researched. The films will be shown as they were meant to be seen: projected from real film onto a giant screen, with a (hopefully) large and (undoubtedly) laughing audience. Following the presentation and screening, there will be a Q & A session.

There will be one complete program, starting at 8:00 pm.

As always with Secret Cinema events, the films will be shown using real film (not video) projected on a giant screen.

Admission: $9 General Admission, $7 Students + Seniors, $5.00 IHP Members
(Information on advance tickets and the venue can be found here:

Copies of the book The Three Stooges: Hollywood Filming Locations will be available for purchase at this event, and can be autographed by the author.

About our speaker
Jim Pauley is the recognized expert on the Three Stooges filming locations, having written articles on the subject since 2001 for the Three Stooges Journal, a publication of the Three Stooges Fan Club. Pauley has also presented on this topic at the Hollywood Heritage Museum and the Stoogeum, a Three Stooges museum in Pennsylvania. Pauley lives in Philadelphia.

For further press information, call Jay Schwartz (Secret Cinema) at 215-742-4224 (this number is not for publication).



International House, 3701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
(215) 387-5125