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Jock Mahoney, Tarzan, and The Warner Archive

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Available at The Warner Archive are the five 1960s "Tarzan" feature films.

Three Stooges costar Jock Mahoney of OUT WEST (1947), SQUAREHEADS OF THE ROUND TABLE (1948), FUELIN' AROUND (1949) [and HOT STUFF (1956)], PUNCHY COWPUNCHERS (1950), KNUTZY KNIGHTS (1954) and 50 YEARS WITH THE FUNNIEST GUYS IN THE WORLD (1983) achieved a modicum of fame as a lead in B-budget films in the 1950s, and particularly on television starring in YANCY DERRINGER (1958 - 1959) and RANGE RIDER (1951 - 1953). After playing a villain in TARZAN THE MAGNIFICENT (1960), Jock inherited the title role from Gordon Scott.

Jock Mahoney starred in UA's big-budget 1960s relaunches of the Tarzan franchise, TARZAN GOES TO INDIA (1962) and TARZAN'S THREE CHALLENGES (1963). These 2 films, plus UA's 3 "James Bond"-ish type Tarzans starring Mike Henry (1965 - 1968) are now available in The Warner Archive (singly, or in a package set).

Mahoney only had the opportunity to play Tarzan twice. Although he was over 40 when he took on the role, it was illness that lost him the part. During CHALLENGES, he contracted a virulent dysentery, but continued to work. A significant weight loss becomes noticeable throughout the film (somewhat similar to watching Curly's decline). Consequently, shortly after the film wrapped, he suffered a serious heart attack; when he finally went back to work in the mid-1960s, he was relegated only to character roles (BATMAN, THE FALL GUY, more).

Jock Mahoney was one of a handful of Stooge costars who became famous. His two Tarzan adventures are fun recommendations.