This is probably my most-anticipated volume so far but mine won't even ship until June 22nd, and then it could be another 10 days or so since I opted for Amazon's free shipping
Now I always have bought the volumes at full-retail on release day, but with school getting more expensive and the way my budgeting has gone, I'm glad I can even afford this right now. I had to re-buy Volume 4 too since for some reason my first disc is just riddled with scratches! No idea how, I keep all of my DVDs in immaculate shape. I couldn't play Beer-Barrell Polecats at all (maybe that was a good thing?

). But, of course, the only reason I re-purchased it with Vol. 6 is due to Amazon's sale on the previous volumes as well as that Sony coupon that takes $3 off each Sony product in your order.
So essentially I got two volumes for only $25 which isn't bad, I'm just really impatient!