I do not know much about Ed Wood, but I'm sure there is someone out there who knows the studio he worked at.
I don't think Ed Wood had a studio. The 50's is when the death of the studio system began and independent producers, like Ed Wood, came along. Of course, somebody had to distribute his films, but Ed Wood didn't work for a studio the way Michael Curtiz worked for Warner Brothers.
As for WOMAN HATERS initial reception, I'm not a bit surprised. Columbia was a lowly studio at the time, and IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT, perhaps their first stab at credibility, was only released a few months earlier. Add this in with the fact a new (film) comedy team and and shorts department were just added at this lowly studio, and I see no reason why WOMAN HATERS would be billed above anything. Of course, today it stands head and shoulders over 90% - 95% of all films from 1934 in terms of public knowledge, but that's because we know what The Three Stooges initially went on to do. Marjorie White, to my knowledge (perhaps you can refute this?), was never really more than a supporting player and due to her untimely death, never had a chance to be much else.