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CINEFEST, Mar. 13 - 16, Liverpool NY

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  • CINEFEST 28 in Liverpool NY: March 13, 2008 - March 16, 2008

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Offline BeAStooge

Cinefest 28 will be held March 13 -16, 2008 in Liverpool, NY. Cinefest is "a celebration and viewing of rarely seen classic films."

A tentative, and growing, film schedule is available at the above link. Included is Shemp's TOO MANY BLONDES (1941), a Universal musical/comedy feature; screening date & time TBA.

Cinefest's scheduled guests include...
 - Leonard Maltin, film historian, ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT film critic, author of The Great Movie Shorts and Movie Comedy Teams, more...
 - Film historian Scott MacGillivray, author of Laurel & Hardy: The Magic Behind the Movies and Laurel & Hardy: From the Forties Forward