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Unsung hero of Stooge films

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stooged and confused

  • Guest
How about this to discuss among the fans?

I'd like to hear from those who agree that the sound man, Joe Henrie was an underrated genius. Being responsible for all of the great effects that made the Stooges' antics come to life, he never seemed to get much credit for his work. He was always excluded in the film credits and considered the Three Stooges shorts, "my babies."

Offline busybuddy

  • Busy Budy
  • Puddinhead
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Jerry Lewis said that the sound effects sold the stooges. That's not entirely accurate but can you imagine what the stooges shorts would have been like without the sound FX? It's not that the sound FX sold them, but they definately enhanced them. Their humor needed sound FX and Joe Henrie was the absolute best at what he did. My personal favorite sound effect: In "The Pest Man Wins" when Moe hits Larry with a chicken. Only a genius could come up with a perfect sound like that.
I think Birdie will go for that!

stooged and confused

  • Guest
Right you are, busy buddy:

There is no question that the Stooges had a one of a kind timing and unsurpassed showmanship. All of the mayhem needed the sound effects to help remove it from the real world and give it that exaggerated cartoon like feel.

Every now and then, there were instances when a slap was given and NO sound effect was used. One scene in "Phoney Express", the Stooges are in the cabin getting ready to place the bear traps in hopes of catching the crooks and Larry opens the door hitting Moe in the face with proper sound effect. Then Moe hits Larry and there is NO sound effect. It just seems too real without it. Why they left it out is a mystery.

One scene that had lots of effects but did not help was the telephone pole/spike shoe gag from "They Stooge To Conga." There has been a lot written about this scene and I agree that it went on way too long and was too realistic looking with the spike in Moe's eye to be funny.

Offline 3Stooges

That would be a good idea for a Stooge DVD bonus feature. Sony could do a short documentary about the sound department at Columbia. Who they were...the techniques used, etc...It could be interesting.

stooged and confused

  • Guest
What a GREAT idea! I completely agree.

After I type this, I will send that suggestion to my Sony contact so she can relay it to the proper department.

Curly: Why didn't YOU think of this?
Moe: I did!
Larry: What a brain!

"An Ache In Every Stake"