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Missing 6 episodes!

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Offline ulysses

Hi. I desperately need please the 6 episodes below:
2.)Flagpole Jitters
3.)Pest Man Wins
4.)Pies and Guys
5.)Quiz Whiz
6.)Shot In the Fronteir

As far as I know, they have never been released. But if someone has them taped off of the tv and in good condition, let me know. Have they ever been released outside the US?


  • Guest
Well, stranger, you're in luck! I have those in dvd format and I'm feelin' mighty generous. Now, on the buisness side of things, a couple I'm lookin' for are:

1) Fling in the Ring
2) Rusty Romeos

Them's got to be on dvd and in fine shape, yessir! Mighty clean, uncut copies with good, crisp audio-- that's what I'm lookin' fer! (I know, the Southern dialect thing is getting old, but it seems oddly fitting here and won't happen anymore!)

Send us on a pm or reply here if you's interested, pard'ner!

(resident dumb-ass by any standards)

Offline ulysses

Hi. My copies of those episodes/shorts are not in the condition that you state, unfortunately.
They're on vhs too!
Anyhow, how did you get those episodes? Want to sell them?


  • Guest
I've gotten most of the unreleased shorts just from trading. And at the risk of sounding like Dracula, I never... sell Stooge stuff.

If you want to send me a blank dvd to put them on, though, cast a pm my way. We'll work it out.

(resident dumb-ass at least 6 days a week)