Well this pretty much settles it for me then.
First when I say YOU Shemps1 quote the WHOLE article, like a NOOB then post that you hate the monkees I just shrugged.
then I come back and read, because you HATTE the monkees and the thread, you were going to delete the whole thing, it made up my mind.
I,sir/boy whatever your intelligence quotient is, ran an online service before you even knew of a PC and I saw what happened with just a little power when people had some.
This is/could be a much better site, but not when I now have to tread lightly around here because some overrated armchair idiot sitting at home decides what he doesn't like goes. WHY right here when someone looks over a shoulder at how you write.
Believe me, you need people here , more than they need this place.
Ban me, delete me, do what you friggen want, but you showed your ass here pretty good.