"When will they ever learn? Plunder BEFORE you burn!"
I suspect I know what the problem is, Pils - you deleted files before you changed the Pick of the Week again, didn't you? (Papa's gonna have to smack your fingers for that, as soon as I get my steel ruler back from Sister Mary Elizabeth.) 
Unfortunately, I can't fix it right now; it will have to wait until I get home tonight.
Rob, you know what a technical putz I am, but I still don't see why I shouldn't delete the old files before posting new ones. To me, that's
logical: it's exactly like wiping a blackboard clean before you write something new on it.
I suppose it could be a difference in ideas of design. I once had to use a Unix-based word processing program called FrameMaker, and the way it worked damn near gave me a stroke. It didn't look at pages as actual, physical objects, the way I was trained to compose pages in the pre-computer, mechanical pasteup era; instead, the copy would spill over from one page to the next, which made me feel like Dudley Dickerson in the kitchen: "Dis house has sho' gone crazy!"
Yet, thousands of people use the %#*&!!! screwy thing with no problems at all. For me, though, it was like suddenly waking up in England and having to drive on the opposite side of the road, with
no preparation for it.
Anyway, there's no rush, get around to fixing my glitch when you can. Mother's Day is still a few days off (ducks and covers).
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