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Released April 19, 1940
Featuring Moe, Larry and Curly
17.67 min. (Short Subject)

Starting with The Three Stooges in court and accused of stealing chickens from Mrs. Throttlebottom's chicken coop, Justice does not prevail and the Stooges are found innocent. Now free, Moe, Larry, and Curly cause more mischief by fishing for their supper... in a fish tank in front of a pet store. Running from a cop, they steal a plumber's truck for a getaway, stopping at a mansion where they're mistaken for the real thing. Claiming they're "the best plumbers to ever plumb a plum," it's not long before mayhem ensues.

The script for a deleted portion of the courtroom sequence is presented in The Three Stooges Journal # 127 (Fall 2008).

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Avg. Rating: [9.60/10]

Eddie Laughton
Prosecuting Attorney

John Tyrrell
Judge Hadley

Bud Jamison
Officer Kelly

Al Thompson

Monte Collins
Professor Bilbo

Al Thompson
Man in Bilbo's audience

Frank Pharr
Man in Bilbo's audience

George Gray
Man in Bilbo's audience

Neal Burns
Man in Bilbo's audience

Claire James
Bilbo's assistant

Bess Flowers
Mrs. Hadley

Jay Eaton
Party guest in shower

Symona Boniface
Party guest

Bert Moorhouse
Party guest

Helen Godwin
Party guest

Edmund Mortimer
Party guest

Larry Steers
Party guest

Gene Morgan
TV announcer, voice

Del Lord

Del Lord

Elwood Ullman
Story and Screenplay

Benjamin Kline
Director of Photography

Arthur Seid
Film Editor

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