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Released October 02, 1936
Featuring Ted Healy (Solo)
50.5 min. (Feature Film)

Department store salesgirl Joan Sutton suspects that her sister Eve is caught up in trouble involving stolen store merchandise with Carl Briggs. Briggs' mother is the store's advertising manager, and after Joan confides her concerns, Mrs. Briggs is found murdered. Under the command of blustering Capt. Holt (Sidney Toler) and blundering Sgt. Magee (Ted Healy), the police lock down the store with a group of straggling employees, customers, and an unknown killer amongst them. But it's the store's playboy owner Charley Phelps (Robert Young) who rises to the challenge and takes charge of the crisis.

In MGM's production history, THE LONGEST NIGHT is the studio's shortest feature film, released @ 51 minutes. During the main storyline, Ted Healy and 3 Stooges costar Kitty McHugh (HOI POLLOI, GENTS IN A JAM, LISTEN JUDGE) are bickering acquaintances... but in the closing scene, they are engaged. This development infers that THE LONGEST NIGHT's brief running time may be due more to edited footage, than a planned production outcome.

Reworked by MGM as THE BIG STORE (1941), starring The Marx Brothers.

View the original theatrical trailer at TCM.com

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Avg. Rating: [7.00/10]

Robert Young
Charley Phelps

Florence Rice
Joan Sutton

Ted Healy
Sgt. Magee

Sidney Toler
Capt. Holt

Julie Haydon
Eve Sutton

Leslie Fenton
Carl Briggs

Janet Beecher
Mrs. Briggs

Catherine Doucet
Mrs. Wilson G. Wilson

Samuel S. Hinds
Mr. Hastings

Tommy Bupp
Albert Wilson

Etienne Girardot
Kendrick Kinney

Victor Adams
Sam Thursday

Paul Stanton
Mr. Grover

John Hyams
Mr. Fergus

Minor Watson
Mr. Hardy

Olin Howland
Mr. Smythe

Sherry Hall
Switchboard operator

Henry Sylvester
Slugged policeman

Gertrude Sutton
Miss Ashforth

Ben Taggart

Baldwin Cooke

Eddie Coke

Frank Bruno

Paul Sutton

Mathilde Comont
Fat scrubwoman

Louise Carver

Samuel Marx

Lester H. White

Robert Kern
Film Editor

Douglas Shearer
Recording Director

James Burbridge
Assistant Recording Director

Cedric Gibbons
Art Director

Eddie Imazu
Associate Art Director

Edwin B. Willis
Associate Art Director

Edward Ward
Musical Score

Chet Forrest
Music and Lyrics

Bob Wright
Music and Lyrics

Harry Sharrock
Assistant Director

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