Posted 2009-02-20 13:59:52 by Hassan bin Sober
I thought the music box scene went on too long, and I don't think that very often about a scene in any Stooges short. Once the boys headed into the woods though, I was thoroughly entertained. Still, I'm only giving it 2.5 pokes, rating it against other Stooges shorts.As far as the racism issue - I don't see it. The British people in the beginning of the episode were not portrayed in a flattering light. The judge pronounced them guilty without even hearing their story. Is this racism against the Brits? Of course not - it's just funny. The Stooges are never anything but bumbling goofs. Is that racism against white folks? Or Jewish American folks? Of course not - it's just funny. The Indians in the episode were bumblers themselves. It was just FUNNY! Almost everyone in a Stooges short is bumbling around in a comical way. It's funny! It's comedy! Someone, if they were sufficiently bitter and motivated to do so, could find something to complain about, not just in every Stooges comedy, but in pretty much every situation that comes up in daily life, if they're willing to read things that aren't there into situations, as is going on here. It's a mystery to me why this happens, or what triggers the people that do it decide to 'go for it', in one situation and not another.
Reviewer's Rating:

Posted 2008-01-14 16:07:46 by BeatleShemp
I give this short a two and a half poker. There were slow parts in it, but it picks up when the Stooges enter the woods and must rescue Larry from the Indians. Moe and Curly are a great team.
Posted 2001-07-02 00:48:00 by Larrysgirl
This short does drag a just seems to lack a 'spark' to bring it up to par with the other shorts. Maybe its the material the stooges had to work with. I still like this short because it's different in its plot and subject matter. G.B, I do respect your opinions, but to drop your rating to a 'bomb' is a little harsh. The indians in this short were protrayed no better or worse than other films with indians during that time. Try to remember WHY the indians and the stooges did what they did in this short. The colony needed food, but the indian Chief wanted too much money for peace, so the stooges go out into the woods to hunt for food. You'd do that if you were hungry, wouldn't you? The stooges accidently shoot at the indians, and the indians, understandably, give chase. Larry is captured and would've been killed if Moe and Curly hadn't knocked out two indians,took their clothes, then knocked the other indians out. The 'hot-coals-down-the-pants' scene was done as a matter of self-defence. True, the stooges shouldn't have been out in indian territory in the first place, but they had a good reason. There are no really clear-cut right and wrong situations here. I also understand why the indians acted like they did too. So I hope everyone, you too, G.B. can step back and try and see all sides to this story. Peace.
Reviewer's Rating:

Posted 2001-07-01 15:31:00 by metaldams
(Sigh) Look G.B., you can have your opinions, and I accept that. I just happen to disagree with your opinions, and I'll tell you why, in one simple statement. Sure, the Indians, (or Native Americans), may look dumb and poked fun at in this short, but there are 190 shorts where three white Jewish guys are getting poked fun at. Nobody makes a big deal about that, (nor should they). The Stooges equally dumb aversaries in this short just happen to be Native Americans instead of Vernon Dent, Bud Jamison, Emil Sitka, etc. Actually, come to think of it, Bud jamison gets his earlier in the short as well.Quality wise, an average Curly short.
Posted 2001-03-22 19:17:00 by [Deleted Member]
Could have been an entertaining short subject if not for the blatantly racist humor against Native Americans that I just couldn't get past. I know times were different then, and ethnic humor was one thing, but this short subject just seemed so mean-spirited. I couldn't appreciate its otherwise funny humor. I don't believe in following PC rules, but this went just a little too far in my opinion. And yes, this is my opinion. There may be a lot of disagreements, grunts, and groans about my review, but I really don't care. Everyone's entitled to their opinions and I'm sticking to mine.
Posted 2001-02-19 02:28:00 by Uncle Mortimer
I have to reiterate that this is a 'slow' and somewhat 'dull' short. I wish it wasn't, but it is. However, it's "my boys" so I'll find 'something' entertaining in it.
Posted 2001-01-06 15:16:00 by Mike Holme
First of all, the film really dragged in the beginning and the middle. It was only in the chase scenes where some fun started to happen. I didn't like the colonial theme either.