Stooges' Lost Episodes, The (The Fifty Never Before Released Stooge Adventures)
The Stooges play Ted Healy's children, and they're giving him a hard time about going to sleep. He tries singing a comic version of The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, but it doesn't help. Ted's date "The Good Fairy" (Bonnie Bonnell) tells them her own bedtime story, courtesy of a musical revue.
The team's first musical comedy, and the first of two experimental 2-strip Technicolor shorts they made with MGM, billed as Colortone Musical Revues. Color was used as a means to match the musical numbers, footage from earlier MGM Technicolor feature film productions. The Woman in the Shoe originates from the MGM musical LORD BYRON OF BROADWAY (1930), and The Turn of a Fan from the unreleased THE MARCH OF TIME (1930). See articles in The Three Stooges Journal # 52 (Winter 1989) and The Three Stooges Journal # 63 (Fall 1992).
Ted Healy
Jerry Howard
Moe Howard
Larry Fine
Bonnie Bonnell
The Good Fairy
Ethelind Terry
The Woman in the Shoe
The Rounders
Woman in the Shoe quintet
The Dodge Twins
Turn of a Fan dancers
Lottice Howell
Turn of a Fan singer
Unidentified NERTSERY RHYMES 1
Girls in the closet
Unidentified NERTSERY RHYMES 2
Woman in the Shoe players
Jack Cummings
Moe Howard
Ted Healy
Matty Brooks
Story and Screenplay
Nacio Herb Brown
Music and Lyrics
Herbert Stothart
Music and Lyrics
Arthur Freed
Music and Lyrics
Clifford Grey
Music and Lyrics
Sammy Lee
Working Title(s): | Nursery Rhymes |
Prod. No.: | 685 |
Shooting Days: | 0 days From: 1933-04-30 To: 1933-04-30 |
No audio files are available for this episode.
{Personal notational here. "NERTSERY RHYMES" was released in two colour; {pale pink and white}; technicolour; just to match the look of a musical number they wanted to get rid of. Enter Bonnie Bonnell, the fifth member of 'Ted Healy's Troupe,' who might be called a 'Stoogette.' Like to state, that she sure did make an excellent 'Stoogette,' she was truly excellent here}:
We open "NERTSERY RHYMES" where we are seeing Moe; Larry; and Curly dressed in Bunny Suit; {footed}; style of pyjamas as they are now in their bed and are fast asleep snoring and dreaming merrily, plus we are hearing in the background a cookoo clock chiming five O'clock in the morning.
We are now seeing Pa-Pa Ted who is dressed in a tuxedo, and a top hat and is using a walking cane as he is now quietly entering the boys bedroom quarters as he has now removed his top hat and is quietly and gently patting Son Curly on his forehead. Son Curly now awakens and raises his head to see who has patted him on the forehead. Curly is now sitting up in the bed.
SON CURLY to PA-PA TED: {As Curly is still sitting up in the bed with a dazed look on his face and is asking Pa-Pa in a pleasant and slightly pleading tone of a voice}: "Pa-Pa, Pa-Pa, please tell me a bedtime story!"
PA-PA TED to SON CURLY: {As Pa-Pa has a pleasant look on his face as he is stating to Son Curly in a low and calming voice as he has now gently patted Curly on his left shoulder}: "Shhhh, quiet, son!"
Pa-Pa Ted has just now turned on the the light in The Sons bedroom quarters. Their bedroom quartes is decorated with a teddy bear sitting on an end stand playing with letter blocks. A pull string elephant toy that is designed like a rocking horse, plus a camel rocking toy. A padded seat toy chest, ply a small kid sized school desk and chair in the left corner by their clothing closet. Plus a six drawere white clothing chest. There are three toy sailing boats sitting on top of their dressing stand. Their dressing stand is solid white wood with engraved pink rope braiding along the top with the numbers; {7-5-9-3-2-4-8-0-6-1 painted on it in black paint, with a dark-grey shadowing in a zig-zagged style of a pattern}: Plus there are murals on their walls of kids playing outdoors in the beautiful Summer Time; {Lovely daisy flowers, beautiful sunshine, and the trees are in full leaf plus there are butterflies and boids flying in the beautiful skye}: There is also three kiddie sized chairs and tables. A basketball in in a corner next to their dressing stand. A stack of picture blocks stacked next to the basketball. A pull toy doggie. An armed chair and a davenport. Tied back with white braided roping pink satin and white laced curtains. Pink and white bed clothing. A white wooden bed with pink rope edging engraved on it with a huge black rabbit painted on the foot board. Plus there are two photo shots on their walls. The first one is that of a gorgeous bevelled golden curtain with golden braided roping wrapped around it with two peacocks one in each of the lower corners. The second photo shot is that of 'The Olde Woman Who Lived In A Shoe.' Plus sitting on their dressing stand is a huge golden mirror outling with huge golden butterflies. Plus also on the pink night stand next to their bed is a small white and pink night light sized lamp.
SON CURLY to PA-PA TED: {As we are now seeing Son Curly still sitting on the edge of the bed with a pleading and hurt look on his face and is asking him in a low and slightly shouting and pleading tone of a voice}: "Pa-Pa, would you please tell me a bedtime story!"
PA-PA TED to SON CURLY: {As Pa-Pa now has a look of dismay on his face as he is stating to him in a low and dismayed style of a voice}: "Would you please be quiet, you'll wake up the other two boys."
SON CURLY to PA-PA TED: {As he is still sitting on the edge of the bed with a hurt look on his face and is now using a slightly shouting and pleading voice as Curly now has hands clasped together}: "I don't care about the other boys!"
PA-PA TED to SON CURLY: {As Pa-Pa now has a slight mad look on his face as he is now gently patting Son Curly on the shoulder and is stating to him in a slightly shouting but yet caring voice}: "Pa-Pa is talking to you, be quiet, you'll wake up the other two boys!"
SON CURLY to PA-PA TED: {As Curly is still sitting on the edge of the bed with a hurt look on his and is still clasping his hand together, and is shouting and pleading loudly to Pa-Pa}: "I want to hear a bedtime story!"
PA-PA TED to SON CURLY: {As Pa-Pa now has a slight mean look on his face as he is now laughing mischievously as he is now slapping Son Curly hard on his forehead sending him to fall backwards and is now landing on top of Moe}: "Haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa; I'll gouge your eyes out, quiet, I told you, quiet!"
Son Curly has now woken up his brothers Moe and Larry.
BROTHERS MOE and LARRY to BROTHER CURLY: {As Moe and Larry are now sitting up in the bed both with mad looks on their faces as brother Moe is now giving brother Curly several eyepokes and Moe is shouting loudly to Curly}: "Hey, what's the idea?"
BROTHER LARRY to BROTHER MOE: {As he hits Moe hard on his face and states to him in a mad voice in reference to Moe picking on Curly}: "Leave him alone, will ya?"
Brother Moe in a full blown state of madness is now reaching over and administering several eyepokes to his brother Larry.
PA-PA TED to SON CURLY: {As Pa-Pa now has a really wicked and mad look on his face and is now shouting to Son Curly in a mad voice}: "Now, wait a second, wait a minute, you know, you started the whole thing, you know that don't you? You're a very, very bad boy!"
Pa-Pa Ted has now once again boinked Son Curly hard with his fist in the middle of his forehead as we are now hearing bells chiming.
PA-PA TED to HIS SONS: {With a dismayed look on his face and is using a low and worried voice}: "Did you hear that? He's got a musical head!"
SON LARRY to PA-PA TED: {As Larry is now looking at Pa-Pa with a look of mischief on his face and is saying to him in a mischievous voice as he is now reaching over and is boinking Curly on the top of his cocoanut}: "Yeah, he's got a musical head, let me try it!"
PA-PA TED to SON LARRY: {As Son Larry has gotten no results in hitting his brother Curly on the top of his cocoanut}: "No, no, that's not the place, that's not the place, here!"
SON MOE to PA-PA TED: {As Moe is now getting into the game with mischief on his face and mischief in his voice as he is now taking his turn at boinking Curly on his cocoanut to try and is trying hard to find his musical spot and is getting not results as Moe asks in a questionable tone of a voice}: "There it is?!"
PA-PA TED to HIS SONS: {As Pa-Pa now has a look of mischief on his face as he is slightly laughing and using a mischievous tone of voice slightly peppered with worry in reference to Son Curly's musical head}: No, no, that's not the place, here!"
Pa-Pa has once again conked his Son Curly right in the middle of his forehead and once again we are hearing bells sounding.
PA-PA TED to SON MOE: {As Pa-Pa has a look of mischief on his face and is stating to Moe mischievously in reference to where the musical spot on Curly's head is}: "There it is, mark that!"
We are now seeing Son Moe in a full blown state of mischief taking a black marking pencil and is drawing an "X" on Curly's forehead.
PA-PA TED to his SON MOE: {As Pa-Pa is now smiling happily and mischievously as he is stating to him}: "Here, that's it!"
Pa-Pa has just now boinked his Son Curly on his 'Musical X' and once again bells have sounded. This is the introduction to father's musical bed time story.
PA-PA TED to his THREE SONS: {As Pa-Pa is sitting on the armed chair and is now using his cane to support himself as he is now happily singing to them}: "Listen, my children, and you shall hear, of the midnight ride of Paul Revere!"
SONS to PA-PA TED: {As they are now bouncing up and down in their bed in a totally happy state are singing}: "Why, you don't mean the ride of Paul Revere?"
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa is now pacing to and fro along front of their bed with a happy look on his face and is singing happily}: "Yes, I mean, the ride of Paul Revere!"
SON LARRY to PA-PA TED: {As Larry has a questionable look on his face as he asking Pa-Pa in a spoken questionable voice}: "Who was Paul Revere?"
PA-PA TED to SON LARRY: {Spoken and in a full blown mischievous voice to son Larry in reference to his question}: "Who, was Paul Revere?"
SON LARRY to PA-PA TED: {Spoken and still in doubt as he is asking him in a questionable voice}: "Yeah!?"
PA-PA TED to SON LARRY: {Spoken to Son Larry in a dumbfounded voice}: "Are you kidding?"
PA-PA to SON CURLY: {With a look of wonderment and is asking Curly in a spoken voice of dismay}: "Look at me son, what happened in 1776?"
SON CURLY to PA-PA TED: {As he is smiling mischievously and is using a mischievous tone of voice}: "What street?"
PA-PA TED to SON CURLY: {As he is laughing wickedly at him and now mischievously hits Curly on his 'Musical X' and is once again singing}: "What street, haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa; aren't you the one?"
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As he is now once again singing merrily to them}: "Paul Revere, was told to me, was the famous jockey of history!"
SONS to PA-PA: {Singing in glee and are now getting into the groove of the story}: "Not, the famous jockey of history?"
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa is now smiling happily and is singing merrily}: "Yes, the famous jockey of history!"
SONS: {As they are now really involved with the musical story are now still in their bed as they are making movements like riding horses as they are stating mischievously}: MOE: "That's it boys!" CURLY: "They're off!" LARRY: "At the last run, come on, come on, come on, whoop dee-do." CURLY: "The Winner!"
Pa-Pa has now once again boinked Son Curly on his 'Musical X' to sound the bells to start singing once again.
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa is smiling gleefully and singing in a gleeful voice}: "Listen, my children, and you shall hear, the midnight ride of Paul Revere!"
As Pa-Pa Ted was singing the above phrase the Sons dove for cover under their bed clothing. The Sons are now un-covering themselves and are sitting up in the bed.
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As the Sons are sitting up in happiness and are pushing back their bed clothing as Pa-Pa is stating to the in a happy voice}: "Now, children, I am gonna tell you a bedtime story!"
SON MOE to PA-PA TED: {As they all are getting all excited and are jumping up and down in their bed in glee and are applauding joyfully as Moe is saying joyfully}: "Oh, good tell us a bedtime story."
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As the Sons are now all excited and Pa-Pa is sitting down on the chair}: "Wait a second, so sit upon my knee little ones!"
The Sons are now leaping out of their bed getting ready to sit upon Pa-Pa's knee, and instead of ending up on Pa-Pa's knee, we are now seeing Pa-Pa taking the bed and is lounging comfortablly as we are now seeing Moe, Larry, and Curly sitting in a chain, Moe and Curly are sitting on the chair as Larry is sitting on the night stand.
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As the Sons are now in the chair and on the end stand and Father is relaxing happily on the bed states happily}: "Haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa; thank-you very much children!"
SON LARRY to PA-PA TED: {As Larry has a mad look on his face and is stating in a mad tone of voice as he is watching his Father lounging comfortablly on the bed states}: "I thought you were gonna tell us a bedtime story!?"
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As he is now getting up from the bed in a state of madness as he is now rapping his cane on the floor and states to them in a mad voice}: "I'll tell you a bedtime story, relax!"
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa is now saying in a really embellished voice}: "Once upon a time, there was a fella called Paul Revere!"
SON LARRY to PA-PA TED: {As Larry has a quizzical look on his face as he is asking him in a questionable tone of a voice}: "Where was he born?"
PA-PA TED to SON LARRY: {As Pa-Pa is now walking around their room and slightly pounding his cane on the floor with a look of mischief on his face}: "He was born in Canada."
SON MOE to PA-PA TED: {As Moe has a look of question on his face and is asking Pa-Pa in a questionable tone of voice about the Canadian location}: "What part?"
PA-PA TED to SON MOE: {As Pa-Pa is now in a full blown state of mischief answers back}: "Houston, Texas!"
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa is now using a serious tone of voice and with a serious look on his face answers back}: "No, No, he lived, he lived, ah in Montréal, that's a beautiful city, Montréal. You go way up in the mountains in a log cabin and you open the window and the sunshine in the morning smacks you right in the face." {Pa-Pa Ted now smacks Son Curly hard on his cheek}:
SON LARRY to PA-PA TED: {As Larry has a look of dismay on his face and is asking Pa-Pa in a questionable voice}: "What was that?"
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa is no sitting there in the chair in a happy state as he is now pointing his finger into the aire and has a state of slight madness but yet is still embellishing it states}: "I say, you get yourself a log cabin, and you open the window and the morning sunshine smacks you right in the face." {Here once again, Pa-Pa smacks poor Curly hard once again on his cheek}:
Pa-Pa Ted is now trying hard to continue his story as he is now in the process on once again pointing a finger into the aire.
SON CURLY to PA-PA TED: {As Curly is now down on his knees and is rudely interrupting his Fater in a questionable state}: "Pa-Pa, will you get up in the moonlight?"
PA-PA TED to SON CURLY: {As Pa-Pa is now looking at his Son Curly with a really demented look on his face as he is stating to him in a really mad tone of a voice}: "I will son, I will!"
Son Moe now reaches ove and smacks his Brothers Curly and Larry hard on the top of their cocoanuts with his fist.
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {With a look of madness on his face as he is shouting to his Sons in a really mad voice}: "Now, wait a minute boys, don't start no argument, Dad is telling the story!"
We are now seeing Sons Moe; Larry; and Curly sitting on the floor as ther are now gathering around their Pa-Pa with looks of happiness and contentment, as Father is once again getting ready to tell his bedtime tale once again.
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa is now using a happy and slightly excited voice as he is stating to them}: "One night, late, late, it was around midnight, Paul Revere, he started for the cabin door, and he met a wild, ferocious looking Indian!"
SON LARRY: {As he is now really enjoying the story as he is now in a full state of mischief as he is now putting his hand to mouth and is saying mischievously}: "Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo!"
Pa-Pa is now in a bonifide state of madness as his now taking his cane and is cracking Son Larry hard over his cocoanut with it.
SON CURLY to PA-PA TED: {As he is kneeling on the floor and is asking Father in a questionable state}: "What was the Indian's name?"
PA-PA TED to SON CURLY: {As Pa-Pa has a full blown happy and mischievous look on his face as he is answering back to his son}: "The Indian's name happened to be 'Chief-Belch-In-The-Face'.
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa is now once again using a slightly low pitched and excited voice as he is stating}: "And he was a wild character, a wild looking Indian, and he bumped into Paul, and he says Paul, and hit Paul right there; {once again Poor Innocent Son Curly gets boinked hard on his forehead by his Father}:
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa is now getting really wrapped up in the story has now for the enth time grabbed poor Son Curly and is now smacking his hard and slightly viciously on his cheek as he is saying in a wild tone of a voice}: "And then Paul grabbed him."
PA-PA TED to his SONS: "And he slapped him, and he holds him." {Right here Pa-Pa Ted is now getting so engulfed with the story that hie is now boinking Son Curly on his forehead, then wildly slaps him on the cheeks, then he is now taking Son Curly's cocoanut and is squishing it hard and is shaking it rapidly and then gives him several eyepokes as Pa-Pa Ted is now continuing his story}: "An he slapped him, and he holds him, and he stewed him, and he holds him, and then he stews him, and he holds him, and he slaps him!"
{As Pa-Pa Ted was telling this portion of the story in a mean state, hitting poor Son Curly witlessly, we are seeing Brothers Moe and Larry looking at their brother Curly in pain and are giving Pa-Pa horrified looks of pain}:
SON CURLY to PA-PA TED: {As the battered and badly bruised Son Curly now frees himself from the clenches of the demented Pa-Pa states in a really hurtful tone of a voice}: "Pa-Pa!"
PA-PA TED to SON CURLY: {As Pa-Pa has now calmed down quiet a bit as he is saying to his Son in a calmer voice}: "Yes, Son?"
SON CURLY to PA-PA TED: {As Curly is now pointing a finger at his brother Larry and says in a very pleasant but still slightly shaking tone of a voice}: "Pa-Pa, will you tell him the story?"
SON LARRY to PA-PA TED: {As Larry now has a horrified look of fear on his face as he is stating in a really fearful voice as Larry is defending himself and Larry does not want Pa-Pa to squish the stuffings out of him}: "Oh, no, no, I heard it, I heard it!"
SON MOE to PA-PA TED: {As Moe is sitting there on his bed with a gleeful look in his eye as he is stating to him in a really excited and gleeful voice}: "I didn't hear it, Pop!"
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa is using hand gestures to support himself and has a happy and excited look on his face and us using an exceted and slightly embellished voice}: "I am gonna tell you the story, and this Indian started down a narrow pathway and bumped into another wild Indian!"
SON CURLY to PA-PA TED: {As he is now happily involved in the story says to him as Curly now raises tow fingers in the aire and states}: "That makes two Indians!"
PA-PA TED to SON CURLY: {As Pa-Pa is now in a state of dismay answers back in a slightly disgusted voice}: "Yes, two, Indians!"
BROTHERS LARRY and CURLY: {As they are happily sitting on their bed and are now putting their hands to their mouths as they are stating mischievously}: "Woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo!"
Pa-Pa has now once again hit the poor battered and well bruised Curly on his forehead after he and Larry completed their Indian imatations.
PA-PA TED to his SON CURLY: {As Pa-Pa once again hits the really well bruised and tattered Curly on the forehead with his fist says to him evily}: "And that, is for nothing son!"
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa is saying in a gleeful voice}: "And these two Indians, with fire in their eyes, they, arm and arm they walked together and they bump into another fellow Indian called 'Sitting Bull'.!"
SON MOE to PA-PA TED: {As Moe is smiling happily and asks Pa-Pa in a questioning manner}: "Hey, is that three Indians?"
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa now has a disgusted look on his face and is using a mad voice}: "Yes, three Indians!"
The three brothers ae now marching up and down around their chair patting their lips and saying, woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo; like a bunch of wild savage Indians on a war rampage.
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As the brothers and doing their Indian imitations, Pa-Pa is sitting on the bed and is stating}: "They started off after him I grabbed the gun, {Pa-Pa is now using his cane like a gun}: "Then I put hands around him, and I strangled him." {Pa-Pa is now gesturing strangling motions with his hands}: "And then I grabbed a pistol, and I shot the pistol in the aire." {Here Pa-Pa is now grabbing his revolver and shot six blank shots into the aire as the brothers have now stopped their savage Indian rampage}:
BROTHER MOE to PA-PA TED: {As they are looking around in a total state of panic as Moe asks Pa-Pa in a really scared voice}: "What happened?"
PA-PA to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa is now in a full blown state of mischief}: "Haa-haa-haa-haa; and that's the story of Paul Revere!"
Pa-Pa has just now completed his bedtime story and is getting up off of the bed and is walking away.
SON LARRY to PA-PA TED: {As Larry now has a look of mischief on his face and is asking Pa-Pa in a mischievous tone of a voice}: "Pa-Pa?"
PA-PA TED to his SON LARRY: {As Pa-Pa is turning around and looking at Larry after he has tapped his cane on the floor states}: "Yes, Son?"
SON LARRY to PA-PA TED: {As Larry is sitting on the side of the chair and has a really mischievous look on his face and is using a mischievous tone of a voice}: "Was he married?"
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa is pointing his cane in the aire and states in reference to Larry's question}: "Are you getting personal? Yes, he was married, he ah, he married an English girl, and he was married a fortnight, and he came home early one night, and he rapped, he rapped upon the cabin door."
Pa-Pa has now run up to an outside door and knocks on it. A lady; {BONNIE BONNELL}: answers by saying; "Come In?"
PA-PA to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa is now in a quiet state and says as he has just made a few Indian imitations himself}: "Now, wait a second; woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo; wait a second, haa-haa-haa-haa!"
PA-PA to his SONS: {In a state of wonderment as he pointes his cane at them states}: "Boys, you haven't been holding out on the olde man, have you?"
SON to PA-PA TED: {As they have looks of dismay on their faces and are answering back in questionable voices}: "NO!"
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa now has a look of dismay on his face as he has pounded his cane on the floor and is approaching them in a state of dismay}: "There's something wrong here, som place." He married an English girl, he was married a fortnight, he came home early one night, and he knocked upon the cabin door!"
Here we are seeing Pa-Pa Ted rapping his cane on another bedroom quarters door with a look of dismay on his face as he is now hearing a Lady talking back to him through the door.
LADY BEHIND THE DOOR to PA-PA TED: {As she is using a questionable tone of voice as Ted has a dazed look on his face}: "Come in!?"
Pa-Pa Ted is now opening the door and the Good Fairy; {Bonnie Bonnell}; is now entering the brothers bedroom quarters dressed in a beautiful full length white laced and fur trimmed robe with a skimpy white two piece bathing suit underneath it and a jewelled crown upon her head.
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {With a look of dismay on his face and is using a dismayed tone of voice}: Henha, henha, henha, henha; I was right the first time!"
PA-PA TED to the GOOD FAIRY: {As Pa-Pa has now turned around and is giving her a blank look with his cane in his right hand and his left hand is on his waist says to her in questionable dismay}: "Now, wait a second, wait a second, what, ah, what do you want lady?"
GOOD FAIRY to PA-PA TED: {As she has a look of happiness on her face is asking him in a happy Olde English style of a voice}: "I am the Good Fairy, what wouldst thou of me?"
PA-PA TED to the GOOD FAIRLY: {As Ted has a look of dismay on his and wonderment in his voice and he is now rapping his cane on the floor and still has his left hand on his waist as he is saying in a low and monotone voice}: "What wouldst thou?"
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa now has a look of wonderment on his face and using a scared tone of voice}: "This girl is insane!"
PA-PA TED to the GOOD FAIRY: {As Pa-Pa has a perplexed look on his face and is using a perplexed tone of voice}: "What, eh, what you want, what's your game, you got a racket or something?"
GOOD FAIRY to PA-PA TED: {As she is looking at him with kindness of her face and is using a really caring tone of a voice}: "No, you don't understand, I am the Good Fairy and all night long I have been putting little children to sleep. Hast thou any children?"
PA-PA TED to the GOOD FAIRY: {As Pa-Pa is thoroughly perplexed to the enth-degree}: "Do you mean, have I any children?"
PA-PA TED to the GOOD FAIRY: {As Pa-Pa is now in a mischievous state as he is now turning around and is pointing a finger at his Sons states}: "What do you think they are, baboons?"
The brothers are now giving Pa-Pa looks of hurt and dismay at his editorial comment.
SON MOE to the GOOD FAIRY: {With a really sweet smile on his face and is using a sweet and kind tone of a voice}: "Good Fairy, would you put us to sleep?"
As Moe is asking the Good Fairy to put them to sleep, Curly and Larry are looking at her with glee in their eyes.
PA-PA TED to the GOOD FAIRY: {As Pa-Pa is now supporting a slight look of sleepiness and is using a mischievous voice}: "Haa-haa; good idea, would you put us to sleep?"
The Good Fairy has now raised her arm and is pointing in the directions of the Brothers.
GOOD FAIRY to PA-PA TED and the SONS: {As she is pointing at Curly in a mischievous state says}: "Get in!"
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As we are now seeing both Pa-Pa Ted and his Sons taking a flying leap for the bed all in unison as Pa-Pa is now blocking the boys off and states in madness as he has now grabbed Curly by his shoulder}: "Now, wait a second fellas, wait a minute, wait a second, no we'll start together, and once we get started, remember, haa-haa-haa-haa; it's every man for himself!"
"Now, pay attention my little man, and I'll tell you the story of the lady and the fan. She was a princess in a foreigh land, oh, a prince came along, to win her hand. She spoke a language he didn't understand. But she had a way of showing him that he was grand. And she did this with her little fan. When she moved her fan in a certain way, oh, and then she would admt that she would like to have him stay. Why, when she held he hand jus so, ad mit that she wanted him to go."
All the while that the Good Fairy was singing, Pa-Pa was shouting to her in happiness; 'sing it,' while the brothers were standing on the bed with Pa-Pa they were fighting over the Good Fairy. Moe was giving Larry slaps on his face along with eyepokes, plu Moe was dong the same to Curly. Larry is now hitting Moe on the head. Pa-Pa has reached over and smacked Curly. The brothers are now invovled in a free-for-all fight. Exchanging head smacks and coinks and eyepokes with one another. Pa-Pa reaches over ever so often and smacks Curly on his forehead. Plus the Good Fairy was doing a fast paced soft shoe dance; pacing back and forth in their bedroom quarters.
"She absolutely, psoitively, don't mean nothing else but the story of 'The Lady In The Fan."
"Oh, she absolutely, positively, don't mean nothing else but the story of 'The Lady And The Fan."
They are now raising their arms in a finish to their song. As they all are done singing, the Brothers bed has now collapsed sending Pa-Pa and them crashing to the floor and the Good Fairy is now staggering to regain her ba-lance:
TED HEALY: "In a moonlit Holiday, where dreams,a must tell."
LOTTICE HOWELL: "Like I beg your par-a-don, you can even, you can even love and dance, and you're a doll."
TED HEALY: "A girl and a fan and a fellow."
LOTTICE HOWELL: "A garden with a moonlight a meadow."
TED HEALY: "I look;"
LOTTICE HOWELL: "And I find, and turn of a fan."
BOTH: "Oh, what can we tell and we must tell it is of love."
LOTTICE HOWELL: "A smile may be sweet."
BOTH: "She's a smiling."
TED HEALY: "She's cold so beware, yet her eyes are sweet."
BOTH: "Yes, beware, it can be heard of a heart, she can be smart, oh remind me of her heart that I love and it is all because of the moonlight and a turn of the fan."
As they were singing we were seeing a beautiful golden double layered bevelled shaped curtain opening in the shape of a fan. As where we saw two men dressed like toy soldiers slowing marching off of the stage. We are now seeing the 'Dodge Twins' dressed in lovely full lenght gowns of white fur with the tranes adorned in black jewells as they are wearing feather head pieces shaped like fans and are doing a soft shoe style of a dance as they are at first taking a bow as they are waving two giant feather shaped fans. They are now slowly dancing across the stage taking bow after each step as they are waving their feathered fans. They are now doing a couple of ballet like twirls swishing their tranes in a fan like fashion. They are now holding their fans above their heads as they are now slowly doing the splits as they are now turning at their waists and are bending backwards and gently brushing the floor with their fans. They are now standing up and are gently swaying to and fro at their waists as they are waving their fans in circle like motions around themselves.
As they were dancing, we were seeing in the background a set of golden stairs and three ladies dressed in pur white gymnastics leotards and white ballet slippers with large golden feather fans on top of their heads. Two of the ladies were standing at the bottom of the steps one on each side while the third lady was standing at the top of the steps. They looked like white statutes.
We are now seeing the 'Dodge Twins' slowly turning in circles as they are doing a quick two step style of a dance waving their fans over their heads as they are swishing their tranes like fans as they are now standing at opposite sides of the stairs waving their fans and are bowing as they are now sitting on the floor and are slowly dancing across the floor moving one leg in front of the other one, with their fans raised above their heads. They are now slowly standing up and doing a slow paced dance as they are twirling themselves to and fro and are swishing their tranes and waving their fans. They are now once again doing a slow shuffle like dance as they are slowly bending backwards and waving their fans, and as they are slowly twirling themselves in a circle like fashion, they were doing a slow two step like dance swishing their tranes as they are now dancing and are meeting face to face as they are bending to and fro; backwards and forwards, in opposite ways as they are gently moving their hands in a hand like motion. We are now seeing them walking up the steps waving their arms in a circle like fashion as they are waving their fans. They are now bending slowly backwards as they are laying their fans down and are slowly turning around and taking a bow.
While they were dancing, you were also seeing first at the sides of the stairs seven ladies on each side; with the lead ladies on top of the first bottom lady, slowly rising up from behind the stage, standing in a fashion to look like fans, all dressed in white gymnastics leotards and white ballet slippers holding onto white dishes with golden fans in the. As they were completing their dance rountine we also saw twelve more ladies rising up from behind the stage also shaped like a fan, with the lead lady standing on the shoulders of the lady nearest the steps.
The ending of the routine is where we see all of the ladies coming together to make one huge white fan as the 'Dodge Twins' are slowly walking up the steps and are bending backwards and gently waving their fans several times as they are once again laying them down and are slowly walking to the end of the steps and are taking a couple more bows. We saw a beautiful water fall slowly rising up behind the twelve ladies as it is letting off in up and down sprays a soft and gentle mist.
The Brothers are now back in their bed and are once again fast asleep, snoring, and having sweet and pleasant dreams. While Pa-Pa is happily kissing the Good Fairy. Pa-Pa is now holding onto the Good Fairy's hand as they are now in the process of trying to leave the bedroom quarters in a happy manner after they have discussed where they wanted to go as the Good Fairly has a smile on her face and Ted has his right on his walking cane and his left hand on his waist as he is laughing mischievously with the Good Fairy where they planned to go, which is a beer pub.
Just as they thought they were scott free, the squeeking of the bedroom door knob has now woken up Son Curly, and Ted and the Good Fairy are now mad.
SON CURLY to PA-PA TED: {As Curly has heard the bedroom door opening and has woken up in a worried state and is saying to Pa-Pa in a really worried tone of a voice}: "Pa-Pa, will you tell me another bedtime story?"
GOOD FAIRY to PA-PA TED: {As she is now giving Pa-Pa a look of mischievous happiness and is saying to him in a really caring tone of voice}: "I'll put the little darlings to sleep with a song."
PA-PA TED to the GOOD FAIRY: {As Pa-Pa is now totally mad at Son Curly says to her in a devious tone of voice}: "I'll put him to sleep with this." {Pa-Pa then in a state of madness reaches over and boinks Son Curly on the forehead with his fist}:
As Son Curly is now again falling backwards, from Pa-Pa's hit, he has now once again woken his brothers Larry and Moe. We are now seeing Larry and Moe getting out of the bed in shear madness from the fact they have been woken up again by Curly.
BROTHER MOE to BROTHER CURLY: {As Curly now has a hurt look on his face as he is stating to Moe who have given him an eyepoke in a hurtful tone of a voice}: "Oh, no, I saw you, you did that on purpose!"
BROTHER MOE to BROTHER'S LARRY and CURLY: {As Moe now turns to Larry with a demented look on his face as he now gives Larry a good hard smack on his kisser and a couple of eyepokes to boot, says to him in a really wicked voice}: "Oh, what's the matter with you, I am really disgusted with you guys." {Here Moe is now giving brother Curly several hard face smacks and eyepokes}:
BROTHER LARRY to BROTHER MOE: {As Larry now has a really mean look on his face as he is saying to Moe in a really mean tone of voice}: "Oh, no, I saw you, you started it first."
BROTHER CURLY to his BROTHERS LARRY, and MOE: {As Curly is now stomping up and down in madness and has a mad look on his face and is using a mad voice}: "Hey, wait a minute, what's going on, I didn't mean it, I am sorry!"
The brothers are now out of their bed once again. Moe has now given Curly several eyepokes and then he turns around and gives his brother Larry a good, hard smack on his forehead again.
SON MOE to his BROTHERS CURLY and LARRY and PA-PA TED: {As Moe has a look of madness on his face and madness in his voice states}: "Every time I get to bed something happens."
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa is now sauntering past them waving his cane to and fro says to them in a mischievous tone of a voice}: "Quiet childres, please. Quiet, now wait a minute, please."
PA-PA TED to the GOOD FAIRY: {As Pa-Pa now has a worried look on his face as he is saying to her in an apologetic voice}: "These are lovely children, he states to the Good Fairy."
PA-PA to his SONS and the GOOD FAIRY: {As Pa-Pa now has a really wicked look on his face and is using a really mad voice}: "I had four boys, haa-haa; but I had to drown one. I threw him in the lake, and put a big anchor. But this happens to be the smartest of the three." {Pa-Pa is now patting his son Larry on the back in pride and Larry is smiling proudly}:
PA-PA to SON LARRY: {As he hits Larry on the shoulder says in pride}: "This is Juniour. Smile, Juniour!"
Son Larry is now standing there with a great big smile of pride on his face. All the while that Pa-Pa was bragging up his son Larry, sons Moe and Curly are standing in the background with worried looks on their faces.
THE GOOD FAIRY to PA-PA TED: {As the Good Fairy is now approaching Larry as she gently puts a hand on Larry's shoulder and looks at him in wonder as she asks Pa-Pa in a caring voice}: "You don't mind, if I interrogate him, do you?"
Larry is now standing there with a worried look on his face to the Good Fairy.
PA-PA to the GOOD FAIRY: {As Pa-Pa has a worried look on his face and is using a worried voice}: "No, he's kinda young, but it's all right!"
GOOD FAIRY to SON LARRY: {Larry is now looking at her adorningly and she says to Larry in a carrying manner and in a questionable voice says}: "I'm gonna ask you a question, my little man. If I gave you a dollar and your father gave you a dollar, how many dollars would you have?"
SON LARRY to the GOOD FAIRY: {As Larry has a sweet but yet mischievous look on his face and is using a mischievous voice}: "One dollar!"
PA-PA to SON LARRY: {As Pa-Pa is standing there with a really worried and caring look on his face as he is saying to Larry in a really caring voice}: "No, not right, think now, think now, son."
All the while that Larry is getting interrogated by the Good Fairly, Curly and Moe are standing in the background with worried looks on their faces.
GOOD FAIRY to SON LARRY: {In a caring an supportive state slowly asks him once again}: "If I gave you a dollar, and your father gave you a dollar, how many dollars would you have?"
SON LARRY to the GOOD FAIRY: {With a full blown look of mischief on his face as he is saying to her mischeivously and using hand gestures to support himself}: "ONE DOLLAR!"
GOOD FAIRY to SON LARRY: {As she has a really worried look on her face and is using a worried and caring voice}: "I can see you don't know your arithmetic."
SON LARRY to the GOOD FAIRY: {As he has a devliish look on his face and mischief in his eyes as he is turning around and looking at Pa-Pa states}: "I can see you don't know my father, she doesn't know you either!"
Pa-Pa is now grabbing his son Larry by the arm in a total state of anger, and has now smacked him so hard it is throwing him backwards as he is now loosing his ba-lance.
PA-PA TED to SON LARRY: {In a state of anger once again hits Larry on his face states}: "Haa-haa-haa-haa; you don't know my father!"
PA-PA TED to the GOOD FAIRY: {As Pa-Pa is now walking past his sons in a state of disgust and is approaching the Good Fairy and states to her in a state of apologetic anger in reference to Larry}: "Terrible child, terrible child, terrible child!"
The brothers are now once again engulfed in a fight. Moe has just given Larry an eyepoke and a slap on the arm, and has now slapped Curly hard on his face.
BROTHER CURLY to BROTHER MOE: {As he is now slapping Moe back on the arm in anger and says in reference to Larry}: "You're always picking on him!"
BROTHER MOE to his BROTHERS CURLY, and LARRY: {As Moe is now mad past the enth-degree as he slaps Curly on the face, pulls Larry's hair and gives both of the a double eyepoke states}: "What's the matter with you guys?"
Curly has turned around to Pa-Pa about Moe picking on Larry, but before he could say anything, Pa-Pa has once again smacked poor Curly on his forehead and once again and Curly is loosing his ba-lance as Moe is now helping Curly up as Larry is rubbing his sore bugle.
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As he is now thoroughly disgusted with them states}: "Wait a minute, wait a second, get up here, get up here!"
Moe now cuts in on the fighting by raising his finger to gesture everyone down.
SON MOE to PA-PA TED and his BROTHERS LARRY, and CURLY, and the GOOD FAIRY: {Moe now has a very feminine look on his face as he is supporting a lady type of a voice}: "A little poem!"
PA-PA TED to his SON MOE: {As Pa-Pa is standing there with mischief on his face and in his voice}: "A little poem!?"
Moe is now supporting a very feminine look on his face and is supporting a ladies voice pitch as he goes to recite his poem.
"Little fly upon the wall, ain't you got not clothes at all? Ain't you got no pettiskirt, ain't you got no shimmy-shirt? Boo, ain't you cold?"
While Moe was reciting his little poem, Larry was standing in the background batting his eyes and was giving Moe a very femininate and very friendly look.
SON CURLY to PA-PA TED: {As he has a really mischievous look on his face and says to him mischievously}: "Boo, ain't you cold?"
PA-PA TED to his SONS and the GOOD FAIRY: {As Pa-Pa is now smacking poor Curly once again on his forehead with his fist and is holding his cane and has a perplexed look on his face states}: "Haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa; wait a second, don't start that!"
The Good Fairy has now raised he hand and was getting ready to hit Pa-Pa on the head, but quickly reaches behind and is now scratching her head.
SON CURLY to PA-PA, his BROTHERS, and the GOOD FAIRY: {As he is holding his hands together and has a look of mischief on his face states}: "Little fly upon the wall, ain't you got......?"
PA-PA TED to SON CURLY: {As he once again hits Curly hard on the forehead with his fist and says to him in anger}: "I'll gouge your eyes out!"
LARRY to PA-PA TED, HIS BROTHERS, and the GOOD FAIRY: {With a look of mischief on his face and mischief in his voice and gesturing with his hands about his version of the poem}:
"Little fly upon the track, a train came along and broke his back, woo-woo!"
The brothers are now lined up like a traind and are marching and shuffling around their bedroom quarters like a train as they are now making train sounds. Curly has a torch in his pyjamas pants to represent the light on a train caboose.
Moe has now turned around and slaps the really abused Curly once again on his face. And then Moe returns the kindness by slapping Larry on his face as Larry and Curly were skipping in place and chanting; 'DOO-WAA, DOO-WAA, DOO-WAA!"
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As we are now seeing that poor beyond bruised and battered Curly once again getting a fist to the top of his cocanut states madly}: "Wait a second boys, boys, what do you want?"
SON CURLY to PA-PA TED: {As Curly has a look of dismay on his face as he is shouting loudly to Pa-Pa}: "We want another bedtime story!"
PA-PA TED to SON CURLY: {As Pa-Pa is so way beyond the enth-degree in angriness shouts back to Curly}: "A bedtime story?"
SON MOE to PA-PA TED: {As Moe is mischievously pointing a finger at him and has a mad look on his face is shouting back at Pa-Pa}: "Yeah, we want to hear the story about 'The Woman In The Shoe.'"
Moe is now pointing his finger in the direction of his clothing closet and has knocked Larry over.
PA-PA TED to HIS SONS: {As he once again takes aim and and smacks that really battered Curly by smacking him hard on the cheek and then on the top of his cocoanut with his fist}: "The Woman In The Shoe," "I'll take that shoe off of the wall and hit you in the head with it!"
Pa-Pa has now hit innocent Curly once again on his forehead on his 'Musical X' and the bells now sound and Pa-Pa is starting to sing! 'NATA-HEE, NATA-HEY, NATA-HEE, NATA-HEY, NATA-HEE, NATA-HEY, 'NATA-HEE, NATA-HEY, NATA-HEE, NATA-HEY, NATA-HEE, NATA-HEY.'
The Brothers are now diving quickly back into their bed and are hiding underneath the bed clothing and then are sitting up and looking at Pa-Pa in total dismay.
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As Pa-Pa is approaching their bedside and says to them in a mad, but yet slightly happy state}: "Are you ready, and afraid, children?"
PA-PA: "You don't want the 'Lady In The Slipper.'
BROTHERS: {Spoken in mischief}: "NO!"
GOOD FAIRY: {Sung in a happy tone of a voice}: "You don't want 'Little Boy Blue'?"
BROTHERS: {Spoken again in mischief}: "NO!"
PA-PA: {Sung in a happy voice}: "You don't want 'Jack In The Beanstalk.'?"
CURLY: {Spoken mischievously}: "YES!" {Moe now applies his fist to Curly's cocoanut}: LARRY: {Spoken in mischief}: "NO!"
BROTHERS: {Singing in a chant style of a voice}: "We want 'The Womna In The Shoe'."
PA-PA: {Looking at the Good Fairy slightly disgusted as he is singing}: "They want 'The Woman In The Shoe.'!"
GOOD FAIRY: {Singing happily}: "I guess they want 'The Woman In The Show.'!"
BROTHERS: {As they are still in their bed and are jumping up and down and are chanting mischievously}: "Not the man, not the boy, not the cat, not the dog, not the cow, not the bird, not the horse, not the sheeps, not the hogs!"
PA-PA TED: {As he is now waving his cane to and fro by his sinde and is singing merrily}: "Dee-dee-dee-dee-dee-dee!"
GOOD FAIRY to PA-PA TED: {As she is now once again doing her sauntering soft shoe style of a dance and is merrily singing}: "Oh, they want 'The Woman In The Shoe'.!"
PA-PA to the GOOD FAIRY: {As he is happily looking at the Good Fairy but also supports a look of dazement and is singing to the Good Fairy}: "They want 'The Woman In The Shoe.'!"
BROTHERS: {As they have their hands on their shoulders and are chanting mischievously and gleefully}: "You said it, we want 'The Woman In The Shoe.'!"
PA-PA TED to the GOOD FAIRY: {As Pa-Pa Ted is standing there leaning on his cane and is looking at the Good Fairy with a dazed look on his face as she is also giving him a dazed look as Pa-Pa Ted is saying to the Good Fairy in a slightly mad voice}: "I guess they want 'The Woman In The Shoe.'!"
We are now seeing Pa-Pa Ted sitting on the armed chair with a dazed look on his face as the Good Fairy is standing by him with a happy but yet slightly mischievous look on her face.
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As he is sitting there in a state of happiness as he is stating to them in a really happy tone of a voice}: "Now, children, I'll tell you the story of 'The Woman In The Shoe.' Now climb upon my knee!"
We are now seeing Moe; Larry; and Curly starting to get out of their bed to sit on Pa-Pa's kness as Pa-Pa Ted now again smacks Curly on the forehead.
PA-PA TED to his SONS: {As he says to them in a mad voice and madness on his face}: "I don't mean you, sit back there!"
PA-PA TED to the GOOD FAIRY: {As he now has a really happy look on his face as he now leans her on his lap and gives her a small kiss and states to her in a happy voice}: "I mean you!"
"Once upon a time, there was an olde lad who lived in a shoe, and she had a beautiful daughter, that did not know what to do, and along came a handsome, gorgeous man, haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa, he knew what to do, he held her tight and closer and closer. He......!"
{Right here we are seeing Pa-Pa Ted looking at the Good Fairy with loving goo-goo eyes as he is now gently hugging her}:
SON CURLY to PA-PA TED: {As he along with Moe and Larry have looks of hurt and dismay on their faces as Curly is saying to Pa-Pa in a worried tone of a voice}: "Pa-Pa, would you stop foolin'?!"
PA-PA TED to SON CURLY: {As he is now giving Son Curly an evil look and is saying to him in an evil tone of a voice as we are seeing the Good Fairy sitting on the chairs arm with a dazed look on her face}: "You're Pa-Pa is not foolin', and he grabbed the young little lady and looked into her eyes and smiled, haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa, he kissed her once, he kissed her twice."
Here Pa-Pa Ted once again had the Good Fairy laying on his lap as he is now gently kissing her and giving her goo-goo eyes. As we are now phasing into 'The Woman In The Shoe.' Routine: "We are now seeing their picture of 'The Woman In The Shoe' coming to life."
ETHELIND TERRY: {Singing, as she is sitting on broken down wicker chair dressed in a tattered cotton house frawk with patches on it, and with a lace shawl with holes in it wrapped around her neck, as she has a teen-aged girly leaning on her left knee and is fast asleep wearing a tattered and well patch cotton dress. The Woman is now working on some darning}:
ETHELIND TERRY: {Singing}: "The Woman In The Shoe" had a family, and it at all put her life into a jamboree. She couldn't keep them all, looking at them all was too much for her to up keep. Dingaree!. She had to feed them all, every single day. And there were many times when she couldn't pay. She surely felt blue in the broken down shoe. She really didn't know just what to do. One day a Fairy Prince came a travelling, and saw the poor olde girl who did not have a thing. He raised his magic wand and promised if I upon made a gate and trade of great and lovely maid. The Shoe would fill with love and merry laughter and everyone would live happily ever after, instead of feeling blue just to peek and smile throught he happy olde woman in the shoe."
As she was singing we saw in the background the shoe house, which was a gigantic boot like shoe, with a hole in the toe part that acted like an entrance door, plus there were six very well beaten windows with the panes busted out, partially. The window wells were leaning profusciously out of whack, plus at the the heel of the shoe was another entrance door with the frame leaning off of its hinges with a filthy and torn valance hanging over it. There was also a gigantic shoe string well worn out and partially strung through the shoe. Plus it was well scuffed and scared with the leather totally worn off and holes scattered throughout. The place where you would insert your foot was like a roof with out any roofing shingles on it. Plus the shoe is leaning so far off of it's foundation that if a gentle north wind came by it would completely tumble it over.
There about about a dozen beautiful Maple trees in full leaf, a full and beautiful sun, totally cloudless pale blue skye, boids chirping and butterflies flying merrily about. Plus there is also some well worn, tattered and patched up washins' hanging to dry on a washins' line.
We are now seeing at least thirty kids ranging in ages betwixt five and twenty. They younger girls; {ages five to eight}; were dressed in torn and patched white pinafore style of dresses with thick black opaqué stockins' and worn out to a knubb, and scuffed, plus some had holes in them 'Buster Brown' style of shoes. The middle aged girls are dressed in white cotton dresses with long sleeved black shirts, torn and patched with white anklet style of stockins' and black very well scuffed patent leather 'Mary Jane' style of shoes. The older girls are dressed in full length patched up black cotton dresses with a boat neck line with tattered lace collars and black or white knee length stockins' and black well scuffed, scared, and some had holes in them black boot style ankle high shoes.
The younger boys; {ages five through eight}; were dressed in bibbed pant lenght jumpers, well torn, and no shirts and black scuffed up boot style tie shoes. The older boys were dressed in beat out beige or black full length trousers patched and dirty red long john's style of shirts dirty white stockins' and scuffed and un-polished black slip on dress shoes.
They are engaged in various different activities. Some of the girls were playing skip the rope, while some were playing catch with a ball, plus some of the girls were playing jacks and ball, plus a few of the younger girls were playing with baby style of dolls. Plus there was a groupe of the more teen-aged girls huddled around a boy as they were teasing him and his now walking away in disgust. Plus we see some of the older boys teasing some of the younger girls as the the girls are now running away crying in hurt. Plus some of the kids are running up the entrance ladders into the shoe hiding and then happily chasing one another in fun. Plus there is one older boy and girl hiding behind the boots heel spooning with one another. Plus there is another teenaged boy and girl engulfed in a fist fight with one another. Plus another groupe of middle aged kids were playing tug-o-war with each other. Plus there was one of the teenaged girls having story time with a groupe of three to five year olde kids. Plus some of the older boys were playing with sling-shots. Plus a few of the very young little girls were playing tea time.
We are now seeing a 'FAIRY' Prince dressed in a fur cap, long full length fur cape, short micro-mini lenghted dress with fur trim on it and a long sleeved white puffy style shirt with fur cuffs, plus he was wearing a fur cap with a long peacock feather in it. Full lenth white panty-hose style of stockins', black shoes with huge decorative buckles on them. He is now approaching 'The Woman In The Shoe' with a really happy look on his face as we are now seeing the sleeping teenaged girl coming to life as she is now jumping up with glee and a huge smile on her face as she is now taking a likeing to the 'FAIRY' Prince.
While the 'Fairy Prince' was standing by the shoe woman all of the children quit their different activities and stood there gwacking at him in wonderment. As the Prince has now waved his magical wand over the dilapidated shoe house. We are now seeing the kids all running inside of it in full love and care for one another while the 'Prince' took 'Sleeping Beauty' for his own.
Here we are now seeing 'The Woman In The Shoe' go from rags to riches. She went from wearing that tattered olde patched up cotton house frawk to now wearing a beautiful full lenghted layered white lace and chiffon long sleeved dress with a white fur stole and jewelled beading on the dress and a long string of pearls as she is now smiling in glee as she is swishing from side to side and twirlling around in circles. Her shoe house went from that tattered olde boot to an eleganté, spiked heel with a huge bow and bobble in the front and with a jewelled, bevelled, and stained glass entrance door way gigantic glass slipper.
ETHELIND TERRY: {SINGING}: "Then came along my brand new shoe. My beautiful shoe and in the shoe lots of red carpet. And jolly cuisine, and good eats. Ginger bread pies, and ah, ginger cakes, and other bakes. Aaah, and other cakes, and juicy steaks, ducks, and quakes. Hickory pies, stacked so high, past your eyes. Makes you sigh! Four and twenty black birds open their eyes, what a surprise. Jack and Jill came up the hill heeding a pail of khaki. The painted dog gave a bark and everything was so dandy."
"THE ROUNDERS:" {SINGING}: "The Woman In The Shoe" had a family. And it at all put her life into a jamboree. She couldn't keep them all, looking at them all was too much for her to up keep, dingaree! She had to feed them all, every single day. And there were many times when she couldn't pay. She surely felt blue in the broken down shoe. She really didn't know just what to do. One day a Fairy Prince came a travelling, and saw the poor olde girl who did not have a thing. He raised his magic wand and promised if I upon made a gate and trade of great and lovely maid. The shoe would fill with love and merry laughter and everyone would live happily ever after. Instead of feeling blue just to peek and smile though she happy be, olde woman in the shoe."
{As THE ROUNDERS were singing Mrs. Terry was doing a sideways sway still of a dance as she was humming, aaaha-aaaha-aaaha-aaaha-aaaha!}:
As she was singing we were seeing the following:
Here we are seeing 'THE ROUNDERS' at your right dressed in white trousers, white long sleeved dress shirts, black dress shoes, white aprons and white chefs caps holding above their heads gigantic sized cooking laddles as they are now doing a march style of a soft shie dance as they are also swaying from side to side.
Plus on your left also doing a march style of a soft shoe dance and also are swaying from side to side dressed in suits that looked like little toy soldiers the bakers. They are now happily marching from side to side crossing their legs in front and behind them as they are slowly going up the stairs to the shoe house.
Next we are seeing another head baker dressed in a suit that looks like that of a court jester with a spiked hat on his head as he is now briefly showing her his ware as he is now merrily jumping up to the stairs and then is slowly walking up them.
We are now seeing another baker skipping merrily up to her as he is now bending down briefly to show her his ware, dressed in black trousers, white long sleeved dress shirt, black bow tie, white dress shoes, white apron and a white chefs cap. He is now merrily skipping up to the steps as he is now going up the steps doing a sideways shuffle style of a walk.
We are now seeing four more bakers two on her right side and two on her left, dressed in white trousers, white long sleeved dress shirts, white aprons and white chefs caps, skipping merrily showing her huge stacks of ginger flapstacks as they too are merrily marching up the steps to her shoe.
We are now seeing the entire cooking staff standing happily on her stairs.
As we are now seeing twenty-four short, fat chorus girls dressed in boid suits with opaqué white stockins' and black tap shoes entering onto the stage with their backs to the camera as they are waving their fannies from side to side as they are bent at the waist with their hands on their knees as they are tapping their feet from side to side. We are now seeing the chorus boids facing the camera as they are now still bent at their waists and are swaying from side to side as they are waving their heads from side to side.
Next we are seeing Jack; {dressed in a black suit, white dress shirt, black tie and black dress shoes}; and Jill; {dressed in a short length black dress, black stockins' and black patent leather 'Mary-Jane' shoes}. They are toting a pail of water as they afe doing a fast skip like shuffle down the stage.
We are now getting a close-up on the fat chorus boids as they are still bent at the waist with huge smiles on their faces as they are still turning their heads from side to side and are kicking their feet from side to side as they are merrily watching everything.
Next we are seeing Jill this time dressed in a short flared white pinafore style of a dress, white ribbon in her hairf, white ankle high stockins' and black patent leather 'Mary-Jane's' as she is doing a tap style of a dance as she is now twirlling around in circles across the stage.
We are now seeing the fat chorus boids breaking down in the middle doing their chorus dance as we are now first seeing the bakers with huge stacks of flapstacks coming down the stairs marching happily, they are now standing next to Mrs. Terry as they are now shuffling from side to side and then are doing a soft shoe dance of skip in circles as they are now happily marching off of the stage.
Next we are seeing the baker with the huge ginger cake coming marching happily down the stairs as he is now skipping off stage.
We are now seeing THE ROUNDERS still standing on the steps smiling happily as they are still holding their gigantic cooking laddles over their heads as they are singing: {"The Woman In The Shoe" had a family, and it at all put her life into a jamboree. She couldn't keep them all, looking at them all was too much for her to up keep, dingaree! She had to feed them all, every single day. And there were many times when she couldn't pay. She surely felt blue in the broken down shoe. She really didn't know just what to do. One day a Fairy Prince came a travelling, and saw the poor olde girl who did not have a thing. He raised his magic wand and promise if I upon made a gate and trade of great and lovely maid. The Shoe would fill with love and merry laughter and everyone would live happily ever after, instead of feel blue just to peek and smile though she happy be, olde woman in the shoe."}:
Plus we are also seeing the fat chorus boids dancing their dance kicking their legs and bending them at the knees and swaying their hips from side to side.
We are now seeing two of THE ROUNDERS skipping happily down the stairs and stopping at the bottom of them. As the fat chorus boids are now forming two separate lines standing sideways at an angle still doing their chorus dance.
Now, we are seeing the rest of the baking staff skipping and shuffling merrily to the end of the stairs as we are now seeing the fat chorus boids coming together for a split second forming one long line as they are still doing their dance. The fat chorus boids are now splitting and are now standing at an angle still doing their dance as we are now seeing the rest of baking staff marching happily down the stairs toting their wares as they are now shuffling from side to side and doing a shuffle skip dance off of the stage.
Next we are now seeing Jack and Jill holding hands and their water pail as they are now happily skipping off the stage.
Last, but not least we are now seeing'Little Miss Muffett' now skipping and twirlling happily down the stairs as she is now doing a rocking style of a skip off of the stage.
We are seeing 'THE ROUNDERS' still standing on the steps in front of her shoe still with their gigantic cooking laddles held high over their heads as they are swaying to and fro as they are singing: {"The Woman In The Shoe" had a family, and it at all put her life into a jamboree. She couldn't keep them all, looking at them all was too much for her to up keep, dingaree! She had to feed them all, every single day. And there were many times when she couldn't pay. She surely felt blue in the broken down shoe. She really didn't know just what to do. One day a Fairy Prince came a travelling, and saw the poor old girl who did not have a thing. He raised his magic wand and promis if I upon made a gate and trade of great a lovely maid. The shoe would fill will love and merry laughter and everyone would live happily ever after, instead of feeling blue, just to peek and smile though she happy be, olde woman in the shoe."}:
We are now hearing Mrs. Terry humming along as we are seeing the fat chorus boids standing sideways as they are still doing their chorus dance.
We are now seeing 'The Woman In The Shoe'; {Ethelind Terry}; waving her fan as she has now bent backwards and then completes a complete twirl as she is now happily skipping up the steps towards her shoe house. As she was skipping up the steps the fat chorus boids were watching her as they are flapping their arms up and down like boid wings.
We are now seeing 'The Woman In The Shoe'; {Ethelind Terry}; happily skipping up the steps as we are seeing the fat chorus boids doing a circular style of a tap dance as they are now turning forwards and backwards doing a shuffle dance and are now bending at their waists as they are now doing a kick leg styrl of a dance where they are kicking their left legs forwards and their right legs backwards.
We are now seeing 'The Woman In The Shoe' standing in front of her shoe house as she is now waving her fans from side to side as she is now doing a waltz style of a dance. As she was doing her dance routine the fat chorus boids were doing their chours dance as they are also bending at their waists and are twirlling themselves around in circles.
We are now seeing 'The Woman In The Shoe' slowly walking down the stairs as she is swaying from side to side as we are also seeing the line-up of fat chorus boids shuffling from side to side as ther are waving their fans from side to side.
We are still seeing 'The Woman In The Shoe' slowly waltzing down the steps bending forwards and backwars as she is fanning herself with here feathered fan as we are nog gett a close-up on the fat chorus boids facing forwards and backwards as they are doing a tap style of a dance swaying and shuffling from side to side and crossing their legs forwards and backwards as they are slowly moving sideways down the stage twisting their feet from side to side. We are now seeing the fat chorus boids leaving the stage temporarilly.
Once again we are seeing 'THE ROUNDERS' as they are shuffling from side to side down the steps as they are also slowly walking down them as they are singing: {"The Woman In The Shoe" had a family, and it at all put her life into a jamboree. She couldn't keep them all, looking at them all was too much for her to up keep, dingaree! She had to feed them all, every single day. And there were many times when she couldn't pay. She surely felt blue in the broken down shoe. She really didn't know just what to do. One day a Fairy Prince came a travelling, and saw the poor oled girl who did not have a thing. He raised his magic wand and promise if I upon made a gate and trade of great a lovely maid. The shoe would fill with love and merry laughter and everyone would live happily ever after, instead of feeling blue, just to peek and smile though she happy be, oled woman in the shoe."}:
As 'THE ROUNDERS' were singing we are seeing 'The Woman In The Shoe' standing halfway down the steps waving her feathered fan across her face to and fro as we are now seeing three of her kids walking up the steps towards the shoe house. The little girls who is walking up the stairs on her right side is dressed in a black and white short lengthed flared skirt lace dress with short puffy style sleeves, blakc and white ribbon bow in her hair and white anklet style of stockins' and blac patent leather shoes. Plus we see on her left a boy dressed in beighe dress trousers, long sleeved white dress shirt, black stockins' beige dress shoes and a beige cap as he is helping a little girl who is dressed in a short lengthed all white lace flair skirt dress with white anklet stockins', white patent leather shoes and full white lace hat tote a pail of water to the house.
We are now once again seeing 'The Woman In The Shoe' standing half way down her steps waving her feathered fan from side to side as she is swaying from side to side and slowly twirlling around in circles.
We are now once again seeing the fat chorus boids coming in, in one long line as they were shuffling in twisting their legs from side to side, they are now are again doing their chorus dance.
We are now seeing 'THE ROUNDERS' coming back on the stage doing a shuffle style of a soft shoe dance still holding their gigantic cooking laddles over their heads. Plus also on the right side of the stage we are now seeing the rest of the cooking staff also backing themselves in also doing a shuffle and skip soft shoe style of a dance.
We are now seeing the fat chorus boids still doing their chorus dance in the background as we are now seeing the entire cooking staff doing their soft shoe shuffle dance completelly around the fat chorus boids as they are now shuffling and skipping their way up the steps to the shoe house.
As the chours boids are still doing their dance we are now seeing the bakers of the huge stacks of flapstacks coming in also doing a soft shoe style of a shuffle-skip dance with their plates of flapstacks raised high over their heads as they have now made a big leap in the aire and have turned themselves around they have now done another leap as they have turned themselves around and are now facing one another.
We are now seeing the flapstacks bakers marching happily up the steps to the shoe house as we are now seeing the entire cooking staff along with 'The Woman In The Shoe' swaying from side to side as the fat chorus boids are still up front doing their chorus dance.
We are now seeing the entire cooking staff along with 'The Woman In The Shoe' skipping down a few steps and then going back up them backwards as the fat chorus boids are now once again bending at their waists as they are now twirlling around in circles and doing a tap style of a dance, crossing their feet over one another from side to side.
We close this dance routine where we are seeing the entire cooking staff marching down a few steps and then backwards up them as we are now seeing the fat chorus boids completeing a full somersault as they are now sitting in Indian fashion as they are bouncing their knees up and down.
We are now seeing 'THE ROUNDERS' happily running down the steps as 'The Woman In The Shoe' is slowly waltzing down the steps as we are seeing the chorus boids standing up and spiltting into two sections and leaning backwards and are raising their hands upwards in their finish, with THE ROUNDERS at their side and 'The Woman In The Shoe' standing betwixt them as she is holding her feathered fan high over her head as she is now taking a bow.
We are now seeing Moe; Larry; and Curly happily fast asleep in their bed. We are also seeing Pa-Pa Ted still dressed in his tuxedo and top hat and is holding onto his walking cane as he is fast asleep in the armed chair as he now is in dreamland with a really happy look on his face reaching over and is thinking that he is hugging and kissing the Good Fairly.
Pa-Pa Ted is now awake and is in a disgusted mood with a mad look on his face as he has now hit the arm of the chair in madness as he has now realized that the Good Fairy was not there. Pa-Pa Ted has now looked at his sons who are happily fast asleep. He also has taken a quick glance at the entrance doorway with a disgusted look on his face. Pa-Pa Ted is now standing in front of their bed holding his walking cane upwards and has a really happy look on his face.
PA-PA TED: {With a really happy smile on his face and is stating in a happy tone of a voice as he is quietlly whispering}: "He married an English girl, and he was married a fortnight, and he came home early one night, and he knocked upon the cabin door." {Here we are seeing Pa-Pa Ted merrilly skipping over to a door with a happy and mischievous look on his face as he is quietly knocking on it};
GOOD FAIRY to PA-PA TED: {As she is standing behind the door and is saying to him in a low and questionable voice}: "Come In?!"
PA-PA TED: {As he has a look of happy mischief on his face and is holding his cane in his left hand with his right hand up to his mouth is saying in low and mischievous tone of a voice}: "Woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-, haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa; it never fails."
We are now seeing Pa-Pa Ted opening the door as he is happily taking the Good Fairy by her hand as the two of them are now trying to sneak out quietly and not wake up the snoring trio. Pa-Pa Ted has now turned and smiled happily at them.
Just as Pa-Pa Ted and the Good Fairly think they have made a clean break the door knob squeeks loudly and the sons now are a awake and Pa-Pa and the Good Fairy turn around to see what they want with really disgusted looks on their faces.
SONS to PA-PA TED: {As they are now awake and say in pleading unison to him in a really worried tone of a voice}: "Pa-Pa."
SON CURLY to PA-PA TED: {As he is sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands clasped together and a look of bewilderment on his face as with Moe and Larry supporting happy, mischievous looks on their face as Curly is asking Pa-Pa in a sad and pleading tone of a voice}: "Don't go away, until you tell us another bedtime story!"
PA-PA TED to HIS SONS: {As Pa-Pa Ted is standing in front of them with a really disgusted look on his face as he is saying to them in a really wicked and disgusted voice}: "You want a bedtime story?"
Here we are now seeing Curly sitting on the edge of the bed with a really happy look on his face as he is now applauding Pa-Pa Ted as Moe and Larry are now leaning forwards in their bed with looks of happy anticipation on their faces at the fact that they are now going to get another bedtime story.
PA-PA TED to HIS SONS: {As he is now so disgusted at them is saying to them in utter madness}: "You asked for it, and you're gonna get it, and you're gonna get it good!"
SONS to PA-PA TED: {As they are sitting up in their bed all with gleeful looks on their faces as Curly is now once again applauding as they are saying to him in happy unison}: "GOOD!"
PA-PA TED to HIS SONS: {In a thorough state of disgus with an evil look on his face as he is saying to them in a really wicked voice}: "GOOD! "Once upon a time, and there was a father who had three boys, and they belonged in the Reform School. And the Three Boys would not give their father a break. So the father got terribly mad, haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa; he got terribly mad, and he reached for a hammer and he hit one; {Here Ted is taking a mallett and is hitting Curly on his head and causing him to fall backwards on the bed}: and then he hits two; {Here Ted is now taking the mallett and is hitting Moe on his head causing him to fall backwards onto the bed}: then he hits three; {Here Larry is now getting hit on the head with the mallett and is now falling backwards on the bed}: haa-haa-haa-haa, and the children died, and he grabbed the Good Fairly by the arm and he headed for the beer joints, and he lived happily ever after; haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa!"
We are now seeing Pa-Pa Ted with the Good Fairy holding onto his arm leaving in utter mischievous joy as the two of them are now heading for the nearest beer pub.
We are now on the bed of the knocked out children as we are now seeing Moe coming too and is shaking his cocoanut in pain as he is now looking at his knocked out brother Larry and then Curly. The three of them have now come too as they are now getting out of their bed and are getting into a huddle in front of the bed.
BROTHER MOE to BROTHERS CURLY and LARRY: {As Moe has a mischievous look on his face as he whispers to them in a mischeivous voice}: "Hey, I got an idea, let's do the same thing that Pa-Pa just did!"
We now see the three of them coming out of their huddle in total glee.
BROTHER CURLY: {As he now has look of gleeful mischief on his face as he is saying in a gleeful and slightly mischievous voice}: "And he married an English Girl."
BROTHER MOE: {With a look of mischief on his face as he is saying in a low and mischievous voice}: "They were married about a fortnight!"
BROTHER LARRY: {As he is now in a full blown state of mischief as he is stating}: "And he came home early one night, and he knocked upon the cabin door!"
Here we are now seeing Larry still dressed in his Bunny Suit pyjamas as he is now happily knocking on a bedroom quarters door with Brothers Moe and Curly. We are now hearing three lovely ladies responding gleefully to Larry's rap on the door: "COME IN?!"
BROTHER LARRY to his BROTHERS MOE and CURLY: {As he is looking at them in sheer mischief and is saying to them in a really mischievous voice}: "It never fails!"
Larry, Moe, and Curly all have said in unison, 'woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo' in delight.
We are now seeing Larry opening the door as we are now seeing three gorgeous ladies dressed in Flapper style of clothing; knee length beaded boat neck, no sleeved short length dresses, with long pearl strings garters on their thighs and jewelled tiaras on their heads.
We are now seeing the three sons still dressed in their pyjamas each taking one of the lovely ladies by the arm.
BROTHER CURLY to his LOVELY LADY: {As he has a look of glee on his face as he is saying to her gleefully}: "And they followed in their father's footsteps."
BROTHER MOE to his LOVELY LADY: {As Moe is looking at his girl happily and has her by her arm and says to her in a happy voice}: "And went to the beer joint for a drink!"
BROTHER LARRY to his LOVELY LADY: {As he also has her by the arm and a really gleeful look on his face and is also using a joyous voice}: "And they lived happily ever after!"
The short fades out where we are now seeing the six of them running out merrily saying; 'woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo!
Stooge Mayhem is not available for this episode.
This film was shot in color in order to match the color production numbers that were lifted from other films. Yes, this is two-strip technicolor....no yellows, browns, purples or true blues. Lots of red and green! (Real, full spectrum Technicolor didn't come in until 1934). But, some of the color prints of this short have faded and/or are very soft. Not sure if there are better ones out there.
Mostlikely due to the color photography, you can really see the heavy makeup that they packed on the guys!
Nertsery Rhymes is a charming short subject, without being overly funny. The idea of Ted Healy playing father two three bratty Stooge children is decently fun.
Final Shemps Final Word: 2 1/2 Pokes
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