Children of Hollywood (Accounts of Growing Up as the Sons and Daughters of Stars)
Old King Cole grants his three fiddlers permission to marry their sweethearts as soon as Princess Alicia gets married. But the evil magician Mergatroyd arranges for her to be kidnapped, so he can marry her himself and become King, and it's up to the Stooges to save the day!
Reworked, with stock footage, as MUSTY MUSKETEERS (1954).
A brief scripted sequence, which did not appear in the final cut of the film, is discussed in The Three Stooges Journal # 137 (Spring 2011).
Larry Fine
Shemp Howard
Moe Howard
Vernon Dent
Old King Cole
Virginia Hunter
Princess Alicia
Larry Fine
Lilltle Miss Muffet
Moe Howard
Simple Simon
Shemp Howard
Shemp Howard
Phil Van Zandt
Mergatroyd the Magician
Joe Palma
Lancier, Captain of the Guard
Al Thompson
King's aide
Cy Schindell
3rd guard
Sherry O'Neil
Girl in magician's box
Harold Breen
Shemp's stand-in
Joe Murphy
Larry's stand-in
Johnny Kascier
Moe's stand-in
Jules White
Jules White
Felix Adler
Story and Screenplay
Allen G. Siegler
Director of Photography
Edwin Bryant
Film Editor
Charles Clague
Art Director
Jack Corrick
Assistant Director
Jules White
Music and Lyrics
Hugo Friedhofer
Paul Mertz
Prod. No.: | 4070 |
Shooting Days: | 4 days From: 1947-05-26 To: 1947-05-29 |
Locations: |
No audio files are available for this episode.
MOE HOWARD........................ MOE
LARRY FINE........................... LARRY
SHEMP HOWARD.................... SHEMP
VERNON DENT...................... OLD KING COLE
AL THOMPSON................... CUP-BEARER
HAROLD BREEN................... SHEMP'S STAND-IN
This short starts off with this wise and very profound saying:
A small kingdom in ye old country
where men are men and ye
woman are glad of it.
We are now inside of the dark, cold, drafty, dilapidated, eerie and damp castle where we see Old King Cole sitting on his throne with his beautiful daughter the Princess Alicia sitting by his left side. Standing by the King's left side was Mergatroyd the Magician and Lancier the Captain of the Guard. Standing behind the King was his Cup-Bearer and two guards. On the King's right side stood Shempeth, Larryeth, and Moeth. As there are two guards by the front entrance way holding humongeous-sized lances.
We now see Shempeth, Moeth, and Larryeth standing by the King's side as they are preparing to do a skip style of dance while they are singing as Larryeth is doing the fiddling:
"Old King Cole is a merry old soul.
Yes he is, it's plain to see.
He called for his pipe.
He called for his bowl.
And he always called for his Fiddlers Three."
"Oh, Old King Cole, you'r a merry old soul.
Without a care and fancy free.
Please call for your pipe, {Old King Cole saying as his Cup-Bearer is handing it to him "P-I-P-E!"}.
Please call for your bowl, {Old King Cole is saying as his Cup-Beared is handing it to him "B-O-W-L!"}.
An here are your Fiddlers Three, that's we!"
We now hear Shempeth and Larryeth laughing hysterically as Moeth is now taking his fist and is klonking both of them on top of their coconuts.
OLD KING COLE to SHEMPETH, LARRYETH, and MOETH: (As he is sitting there holding his pipe and bowl and has a giant grin on his face as he is saying joyfully): "Haaah; haaah; haaah; haaah; haaah; haaah; haaah; haaah; twas good my lads, twas very good, haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa. And now for our daily laugh. There's nothing so good for the soul as a hearty laugh, everybody laugh!"
We now see Old King Cole, Princess Alicia, Shempeth, Larryeth, Moeth, Mergatroyd the Magician, Royal Cup-Bearer, Lancier the Captain of the Guard, and five guards standing there with giant grins on their faces as they are now laughing up a storm. As Moeth was lauging he was saying gleefully, 'ooooowh; ooooowh; ooooowh; ooooowh; haaaaa; haaaaa; haaaaa; haaaaa; haaaaa'. As Shempeth was laughing his head off was also throwing in a few 'eeeb; eeeb; eeeb; eeeb; eeeb; eeeb; taa; taa; taa; taa; taa; taa'!
SHEMPETH to MOETH and LARRYETH: (As they are now gathered in a huddle as they are still cracking up profuciously as Shempeth is saying in a happy voice): "I say there, while the King is in a merry mood let's ask if......{Shempeth is now whispering here about them getting hitched. We now see Moeth and Larryeth shaking their heads affirmatively}.
MOETH to OLD KING COLE: (As they are now approaching the King with giant smiles on their faces as Moeth is asking him in a gleeful voice): "Your Majesty, our sweetheart's have threaten to giveth us the gait, unless we marry them soo. We beg your permission." {Here we see Moeth, Larryeth, and Shempeth bowing down at the King in respect}.
OLD KING COLE to SHEMPETH, LARRYETH, and MOETH: (As he has a very carrying look on his face as he is using a kind voice): "Permisson, granted!"
We now see Shempeth, Moeth, and Larryeth leaping backwards in total deling as they have giant grins of happiness on their faces.
OLD KING COLE to SHEMPETH, MOETH, AND LARRYETH: (As he now has a stearn look on his face as he is saying this re-buttle in a serious voice): "But, not until after Princess Alicia has wed Prince Gallant the III of Rhododendron!"
Just after the King has now announced about his daughter's wedding we now see Mergatroyd the Magician turning and looking at Lancier the Captain of the Guard that he was standing next too with a really evil and wicked look on his face.
LARRYETH to OLD KING COLE: (As Larryeth is now looking at the King with a really worried look on his face as with Shempeth and Moeth as Larryeth is asking in a begging voice): "But Sire, when will that beeth?"
OLD KING COLE to SHEMPETH, MOETH, and LARRYETH: (As the King has a joyous look on his face and is saying in a really joyful voice): "When the flowers bloom in the Spring, tra-la!"
We now see Shempeth, Larryeth, and Moeth in a really happy mood as they are singing gleefully in unison: {Tra-la-la-la; tra-la-la-la; tra-la-la-la; tra-la-la-la; tra-la-la-la' we're going to wed in the Spring. Tra-la-la-la; tra-la-la-la; tra-la-la-la; tra-la-la-la; tra-la-la-la, we're going to Wed in the Spring!}.
As Moeth, Shempeth, and Larryeth were singing their joyful song they were also doing a chorus line dance. Larreyth and Shempeth have now given Moeth a really swift kick in his backside as Old King Cole is sitting on his throne splitting his gutts as he is laughing so hard.
SHEMPETH to MOETH: (As Moeth is looking at Shempeth with a really wicked look and Shempeth is looking at Moeth with an apologetic look and is using an apologetic voice says): "I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it!"
We now see Mergatroyd the Magician standing there looking at Lancier the Captain of the Guard with a really evil and wicked look on his face as Lancier the Captain of the Guard is looking back at Mergatroyd with an evil look.
MEGATROYD the MAGICIAN to LANCIER the CAPTAIN of the GUARD: (As Mergatroyd is whispering to Lancier in a really wicked voice): "Gad-zooks, I plan to marry the Princess myself, and someday rule this kingdom!"
LANCIER the CAPTAIN of the GUARD to MERGATROYD the MAGICIAN: (As Lancier is standing there with a really wicked look and is saying to Mergatroyd in a really wicked voice): "Well, why not, your Grace?"
MERGATROYD the MAGICINA to LANCIER the CAPTAIN of the GUARD: (As Mergatroyd is standing there with a really evil look and is saying in a really nasty voice): "H-E-N-H?"
LANCIER the CAPTAIN of the GUARD to MERGATROYD the MAGICIAN: (As Lancier is standing there with a really nasty look and is using a nasty voice as he is now whispering to Mergatroyd wickedly in his ear): "My soldiers can alway kidnap the Princess and bribe the King for her ransom!"
We now see Mergatroyd the Magician and Lancier the Captain of the Guard standing there with evil looks as a Prison Guard is standing there behind the Princess Alicia with a serious look on his face as Princess Alicia is sitting in her chair with a happy look on her face.
PRINCESS ALICIA to OLD KING COLE: (As she is asking him in a polite voice): "Father, I beg leave!"
OLD KING COLE to PRINCESS ALICIA: (As he now has a gleeful look on his face as he is saying to her gleefully): "Granted!"
We now see the beautiful Princess Alicia getting up and exiting up a stairwell to her chambers as we see Mergatroyd and Lancier standing there watching wickedly as they have now bowed at her out of phoney politeness. As she was going up the stairwell she is now being followed by Mergatroyd the Magician, Lancier the Captain of the Guard, and three guards.
OLD KING COLE to HIS FIDDLERS THREE: (As he is sitting on his throne with a really gleeful look on his face as he is raising his bowl in happiness and is saying in a joyful voice): "Come, my Fiddlers, give us a song!"
We now see Shempeth, Moeth, and Larryeth dancing a skip style of a dance to and fro with giant grins on their faces as Larryeth is merrily playing on his fiddle as they are now singing in glee. Moet and Shempeth are now waltzing with one another. After Moeth has now completed his waltz with Shempeth he has now hit him hard on his forehead with his fist. They are now singing.
"Jack and Jill went up a hill.
Jack Spratt could eat no fat.
Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack.
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick.
Jack jump over the candlestick.
Jack jump over the candlestick!"
{As they were singing about Jack Spratt jumping over the candlestick Shemp was dressed like a clown as he is now jumping over a lit candlestick sitting on a foot stool. Jack has now lost his balance and has bump his backside up to the candlestick. {hope he had on asbestos trousers}. Slightly scorching it and is yelling in pain, 'oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh.'}.
OLD KING COLE to HIS FIDDLERS THREE: (As he has a really happy look on his face and still laughing joyfully): "Haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; excellent, haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa. That was excellent. Haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa!"
We now see Shempeth, Larryeth, and Moeth once again engaged in their skip dance as they are now singing while Larryeth is playing merrily on his fiddle.
"Little Miss Muffet.
Sat on her tuffet.
Eating her curds and whey.
Along came a spider.
And sat down beside her.
And frightened Miss Muffet away!"
{As they were reciting 'Little Miss Muffet', we see Larry sitting on a stool wearing a little girls dress with a huge white lace collar. Giant ribbon tied on the top of her long, curly, blonde wig, white bobby style socks and Mary-Jane style of shoes. She is sitting there eating a bowl of curds and whey and has a really scared look on 'her' face as 'she' is screaming loudly, 'aaaah; aaaah; aaaah; aaaah; aaaah; aaaah, in fear as 'she' is now being joined by a huge, ugly, creepy, black spider. 'She' is now jumping straigt-up from fear off of the stool as 'she' is knocking it up-side-down}.
We are now once again being entertained by another song and dance skit by the 'Fiddlers Three' as they are now singing accappello:
"Simple Simon met a Pie Man going to the fair.
Said Simple Simon to the Pie Man
"Lemme taste your ware!"
{At this part of the song we see Shemp dressed as 'Little Lord Faurleroy' as he is using a little kids voice and is taking a pie from the Pie Man}.
Said the Pie Man to Simple Simon.
"Show me first your penny!"
{Here we see Shemp dressed as a Baker with a bakers tray around his neck and is waving a finger at Simple Simon positively about wanting his penny first}.
Said Simple Simon to the Pie Man.
"Scram, you don't get any!"
{Here we see Simple Simon with a mad look on his face as he is waving his hand negatively at the Pie Man and is throwing a pie in his kisser. The Pie Man is now shaking in fear as Simple Simon is taking a second pie off of the bakers tray and is happily starting to eat it as the Pie Man now throws it in his kisser. We are now enjoying a slap fest betwixt Simple Simon and the Pie Man. The Pie Man has now tossed a couple of pawsful of pie in Simple Simons kisser. Simple Simon has now hit the Pie Man in his kisser with a pie. The Pie Man now throws one last pawful of pie at Simple Simon. Simple Simon smashes the pie that the Pie Man is holding right into his kisser as the Pie Man flinches backwards}.
Once again we are now seeing Old King Cole sitting on his throne roaring with laughter after the 'Simple Simon' skit. As Shempeth, Moeth, and Larryeth are standing there with gleeful looks on their faces as they are now bowing down once again to the King in respect.
OLD KING COLE to HIS FIDDLERS THREE: (As he is still roaring with laughter and His Fiddlers Three have now bowed in pride as Old King Cole is saying in a happy and joyful voice): "Haaaa; haaaa; haaaa; haaaa; haaaa; haaaa; capital, capital!"
As Old King Cole and His Fiddlers Three were enjoying that last skit we now see the 'Royal Cup-Bearer' running up to the King in a state of fear and panic.
ROYAL CUP-BEARER to OLD KING COLE: (As he is saying in a really panicking and crying voice): "Your Majesty, your Majesty, Princess Alicia has been abducted by some names I did not recognize!"
OLD KING COLE to the ROYAL CUP-BEARER: (As he is now sitting on his throne in horrible fear as he is saying in a really panicking voice): "Call out the guard, telephone the newspapers, notify the 'F.B.I'."
ROYAL CUP-BEARER to OLD KING COLE: (As he has a dazed look on his face and is using a questionable voice): "The F.B.I.?"
OLD KING COLE to the ROYAL CUP-BEARER: (As he now has a look of mischief on his face as he is pointing a finger in the air and is saying in a mischievous voice): "Yes, Flannigan, Brannigan, and Iskovitch, detectives!"
We now see the Royal Cup-Bearer running away in a horrible state of panic to fulfill the Kings wishes.
OLD KING COLE to HIS FIDDLERS THREE: (As he is sitting on his throne still holding his pipe and bowl and has a sad and hurtful look on his face states): "Woe is me, hunh!"
MOETH to SHEMPETH, and LARRYETH: (As Moeth is calling them and is saying to them as they are nowin a huddle): "Spring is just around the corner, we must get the Princess back or we cannot wed."
SHEMPETH to MOETH and LARRYETH: (As he is looking at them with a worried look and is using a worried voice): "Quite so!"
LARRYETH to MOETH and SHEMPETH: (As he has a worried look on his face and is saying in a startled voice): "Quite, quite!"
MOETH to OLD KING COLE: (As the Three Fiddlers are now approaching the King as they are looking at the King with carrying looks as Moeth is saying in a really carrying voice): "Your Majesty, publicity of the abduction would keep the tourists away from Coleslaw-vania. Let us, your Fiddlers Three rescue the Fair Princess!"
OLD KING COLE to HIS FIDDLERS THREE: (As he has a hurt look on his face and is using a hurtful voice): "You're brave men, my Fiddlers, rescue the fair Princess and I shall reward you!"
MOETH to OLD KING COLE: (In a really happy and respective voice): "Thank-you, Sire!"
We now see Moeth, Shempeth, and Larryeth saluting Old King Cole and Moeth has now smacked Shempeth hard in the kisser with his elbow.
LARRYETH to MOETH and SHEMPETH: (As he now has a really gleeful look on his face as he is saying happily): "To whas, to whas, we will scour the countryside!"
MOETH to LARRYETH and SHEMPETH: (As Moeth is standing there with a worried look on his face and is saying in a worried and stearn voice): "Wait, out steed is not shod. Sue has not a shoe!"
SHEMPETH to MOETH and LARRYETH: (As Shempeth is standing there with a mischievous look on his face as he is saying mischievously): "Then we will shoe Sue. For if Sue has not a shoe, a shoeing Sue we must do!"
LARRYETH to SHEMPETH: (In a full blown state of mischief): "Shoe!"
SHEMPETH to LARRYETH: (In a full blown state of mischief): "Shoe!"
LARRYETH to SHEMPETH: (As he is still in full blown mischief): "Shoe!"
SHEMPETH to LARRYETH: (Still in a full mischievous state): "Shoe!"
LARRYETH to SHEMPETH: (As he is enjoying the mischievous mood he is in): "Shoe!"
SHEMPETH to LARRYETH: (As he still is having mischievous fun): "Shoe!"
LARRYETH to SHEMPETH: (As he is still in a full blown mischievous state): "Shoe!"
SHEMPETH to LARRYETH: (In one last and final state of mischief): "Shoe!"
We now see Shempeth and Larryeth saying shoe, shoe to one another at a fast rate as they are now sounding like a train as the three of them are now stomping their feet to sound like a train. As the 'Train' is now exiting from the junction, we now hear Larryeth saying in a happy voice as he is pressing a smoke pipe to make like train steam, 'whooa; whooa; whooa; whooa; whooa; whooa; whooa; whooa; whooa; whooa; whooa; whooa'! Moeth is saying, 'Hey, hep, hep, all aboard!"
We now see Shempeth, Moeth, and Larryeth entering the Blacksmith's Shoppe to have Sue shoed.
LARRYETH: (As they are now opening the door to the Blacksmith's Shoppe says in a low and quiet voice): "Oh, geese, whoose, here we are."
MOETH: (In a serious voice as he is shouting): "Blacksmith, blacksmith, blacksmith?"
SHEMPETH: (As he is looking around the shoppe in mischief as he is shouting gleefully): "Blacksmith, where art thou?"
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As Moeth is standing there in a state of wonderment says in a worried voice to Shempeth): "Wait a minute!"
We now see Moeth holding a blackboard with the following letter written on it!"
Gone to rest
under the spreading
Chestnut tree.
Will Idge
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As he has now tossed down the sign and is using a stearn and serious voice): "Shempeth, get yohn bellows and keep the forge red hot, we'll shoe Sue ourselves!"
MOETH to LARRYETH: (As Moeth is pointing a finger in the air and is saying in a stearn voice): "Larryeth stoke yohn fire, I'll help thee!"
Moeth and Larryeth have gone now and stoked the fires.
We are now on Shempeth as he is holding a bellows in his hand and is looking at it in dismay as he is now pumping it as the bellows are now saying: "B.O; B.O; B.O.!"
SHEMPETH to the BELLOWS: (As Shempeth has now taken a wiff of the pointe of the bellows and has a disgusted look on his face as he is saying in mischief): "Huuush, your best friend should tell thee!"
We now see Shempeth filling the bellows with water as Moeth is bent over and blowing on the fire while Larryeth is standing by the fire and is feedin it more coals.
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As Moeth is still bent over blowing on the fire as he now takes a quick glimpse at Shempeth and is saying seriously): "Shaketh a leg with yohn bellows!"
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As he is standing there with a tired look on his face as he is now hot from leaning over the fire says to Shempeth in a begging voice): "Fanneth me, with the breeze from yohn bellows, less I suffocate from the heat!"
SHEMPETH to MOETH: (As Shempeth is standing there with a really scared look on his face as he is saying in panicking and apologetic voice): "Nehy, but I cannot!"
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As he is standing there with a really mad look on his face as he is shouting madly): "Pump, yohn bellows, varmit, pump!"
We now see Moeth standing there with his eyes shut and a serious look on his face as poor, scared Shempeth is standing there pumping his bellows in Moeth's face as he now has a wet kisser.
SHEMPETH to MOETH: (As Shempeth is looking at Moeth with a scared look on his face and is saying in an apologetic voice): "Seeth?"
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As Moeth is now wiping water from his face and is saying to Shempeth in a mad voice as he is grabbing the bellows from him): "Giveth it to me!"
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As Moeth is saying to him madly and is getting ready to squirt Shempeth with the bellows): "Thou art, a 'Lame-Brain'."
We now see Shempeth ducking out of the way as Larryeth is now being squirted in the kisser from water of the bellows.
LARRYETH to MOETH: (As Larryeth has a look of madness and is shouting in a mad and carrying voice): "Stopeth this nonsense, hath thou forgotten the Princess!?"
MOETH to LARRYETH: (As he is now in a full blown state of madness as he is once again, {tryin}, to squirt Larryeth with the bellows as nothing is coming out): "Oh buttoneth up thy lip." {Here Moeth has pumped the bellows twice to squirt Larryeth's face but nothing happens}.
MOETH to LARRYETH: (As he now has a dazed look on his face and is saying in a perplexed tone of voice as he has the bellows and is looking down the snoot of it): "Strange, there was water just a second a go!"
We now see Moeth squirting himself in the face with water from the bellows and Larryeth and Shempeth are now laughing hysterically in delight. Moeth now takes the bellows and konks Larryeth on the top of his coconut with them. We now see Larryeth crashing into a side wall and causing to him to fall down as we see him getting hit hard on the coconut with four horse shoes. He is now knocked out cold with his eyes bugging out of his head and a really spastic look on his face.
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As Moeth is saying to Shempeth in a really serious voice and a serious look on his face): "Makety haste, and get some hot horse shoes from yohn forge, time marcheth on!"
We now see Shempeth as he is now using a pick and is int he process of bringing Moeth some hot horse shoes. As Moeth has now beaten a couple of horses to the way he wants them. Shempeth has now broughten over another red hot horse shoe.
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As Moeth has a look of wonderment on his face as he is saying to Shempeth in a determined voice): "Take this hammer and beat the shoe!"
SHEMPETH to MOETH: (As he is looking at Moeth with a hurtful look and is saying in a sad voice): "Nehy, I have not the heart to beat an innocent shoe!"
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As Moeth has a mean look on his face and is using a mad voice as he is now hitting Shempeth on his coconut with the hammer): "Thou art a 'Dumb-Cluck'!"
We now see Shempeth loosing his balance as he is now falling backwards on his backside on a pile of red hot horse shoes. Shempeth now has a horrible look of pain on his face as he is yelling in a horrible state of pain, 'oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh', as he is now sitting on the red hot horse shoes. He is now in the process of jumping up and down and running around in circles frantically as he is now sitting down in a barrel of water sizzling, cooling himself off as he now has a look of glee on his face as he is saying, 'aaaaah; aaaaah; aaaaah; aaaaah'.
We now see Moeth taking a giant-sized pair of pliers and is pulling Shempeth out of the barrel of water with them. {We now see the pattern of four horse shoes on Shempeth's backside of his trousers}.
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As he is in a serious state as he in now dishing our ordures): "You bringeth forth Sue!"
MOETH to LARRYETH: (As Moeth is giving his ordures to Larryeth in a serious and mean manner): "Larryeth, you helpth him!"
Moeth is now in the process of cooling off a shoe as Larryeth and Shempeth are now getting Sue.
LARRYETH and SHEMPETH to SUETH: (As they are now gently approaching her and are saying in kindness): "That's it you silly girl, that silly girl, that's it!"
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As he is now in the process of putting nails in the horse shoe and is giving a quick glance to Shempeth says seriously): "Shempeth, lift the mules foot and pass it to me!"
SHEMPETH to MOETH: (As he has a look of mischief on his face and is using a mischievous voice): "Okayeth!"
SHEMPETH to SUZYETH: (As Shempeth is now bending over and trying to pick-up her leg is saying to her in a carrying voice): "Suzy lift your leg now, come on Suzy lift your leg. Don't be stubborn, come on Suzy, humph, lift your leg, Suzy!"
We are now in the process of seeing Shempeth lifting his leg as a demonstration for Suzy and Moeth is thinking it's Suzy's leg is now in the process of applying the shoe. We now see Shempeth with a petrified look of pain on his face as he is yelling loudly in pain from getting a horse shoe nailed to his shoe and foot.
Shempeth now is hopping around in circles with a petrified look of panic on his face as he is screaming loudly in panicking voice. {'Aaaah; aaaah; aaaah; aaaah; aaaah; ooooh; ooooh; ooooh; ooooh; ooooh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; hunha; hunha; hunha; hunha; hunha'!}.
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As Moeth is saying to the hopping in pain Shempeth with a mad look on his face and a mad voice): "Idiot, thou hast made me shoe the wrong mule, hold still!"
We now see Moeth removing the shoe from the frantically hopping in pain Shempeth.
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As Shempeth is still jumping around on one foot in pain and has a painful look on his face as Moeth is shouting at him madly as he is now removing the shoe): "Hold still, hold still now!"
We now see Moeth with a really mad and determined look on his face as he is pulling hard the horse shoe nail from Shempeth's foot as poor Shempeth now once again has a really horrible look of panic on his face as he is jumping around once again in pain yelling; 'oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh'!
SHEMPETH to MOETH: (As Shempeth has now rubbed his foot to releave the pain and is shouting to Moeth in a mean and nasty voice): "I think you didst that on purpose!"
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As he now has a really men and nasty look on his face as he is shouting at Shempeth in a wicked voice): "Quiet, seeth that?"
SHEMPETH to MOETH: (As he is saying to Moeth in a mean voice as he is now slapping Moeth's hand): "Yes!"
We now once again see Moeth taking his shoeing hammer and is hitting Shempeth hard on the top of his coconut with them.
We now see Shempeth as he is falling to the floor on one knee as he has a really painful look on his face and is once again shouting profuciously in a state of pain, 'oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; yump; yump; yump; yump; yump; yoooowh; yooooowh; yooooowh; yoooowh; yoooowh; as poor Shempeth is now rubbing and holding his sore foot and now is rubbing his sore head in pain.
We now see Larryeth petting Sue as Moeth is now bending over and is trying to pick-up one of Sue's feet to apply a horse shoe to it. We now hear Sueth braying loudly inb a state of protest.
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As Moeth is now looking at him with a perplexed look on his face as he is saying to him in a determined voice): "Leteth a man show you how to shoe Sue!"
We now see Larryeth kindly petting Suzy's head to keep her calmed down as Moeth is now trying to put a shoe on Sue as Sue is now in protest slapping Moeth thrice in his face with her tail.
As Moeth was in the process of being slapped in the face by Suzy's tail he is now looking at the tail in a horribly mean way and is saying in total disgust, 'hemph; hemph; hemph; hemph; hemph; hemph; hemph; hemph. Moeth has now been slapped hard thrice more by Sue's tail in utter protest about not wanting to be shoed.
MOETH to SUETH: (As he is now living up to one of his own insults and to me it is "FEATHER BRAINED IMBECILE" as he is now in a state of sheer madness as he is now saying to Sue as he has now tied a hammer to her tail): "I will fix thee, wise-guy! This hammer will hold thy tail down, yes, sir, Smarty-Cat, now giveth me thy foot, giveth me!"
Here we go again, round-two as we now seeth Larryeth petting Sue's head to keep her calm as he is looking at Moeth with a mad look as Moeth is now once again trying to shoe Sue as Sue is once again totally disgusted at Moeth as she is now hitting Moeth hard in the face with her hammer cladened tail twice, causing Moeth to stagger wildly in pain and with a hurtful look on his face as his eyes are popping out of his head in pain as Shempeth is now grabbing the hurt Moeth to keep him from falling down again.
LARRYETH to MOETH: (As he is now approaching him in a state of pain and care as he is shouting loudly): "M-O-E-T-H!"
Sue is now beyond disgusted with all three of them as she has now swiftly kicked Moeth, Larryeth, and Shempeth hard in their backsides causing them to fall down a shoot and are falling hard on their heads and backs on a concrete floor in the lower quarters of the castle.
We are now in the lower quarters of the castle where we now see Moeth, Larryeth, and Shempeth sitting up and shaking their heads in pain as they also have painful looks on their faces as they are now also in the process of rubbing their heads in pain, as they are shouting, 'aaaawh; aaaaawh; aaaawh; aaaaawh; aaaawh; aaaawh; aaaawh; aaaaawh; ooooh; ooooh; ooooh; ooooh; ooooh; ooooh; ooooh; ooooh'!
MOETH to SHEMPETH and LARRYETH: (As they are now looking around their surroundings in a totally dazed out state): "Where are we?"
LARRYETH to MOETH and SHEMPETH: (As they are now standing up and staggering from pain as the are now regainign their balance): "Wooha, let's get outta here!"
SHEMPETH to MOETH and LARRYETH: (As they are now still in a state of worry with worried looks on their faces): "Let's find out!"
We now see Shempeth, Larryeth, and Moeth running frantically in fear out of the lower portion of the castle that they are in thinking that they are now going outside but instead are now entering another lower room quarters as they have looks of panic and fear on their faces as they see the beautiful Princess Alicia in a chair gagged and hog-tied as we Lancier the Captain of the Guard and three other guards sitting around a barrel laughing hysterically about kidnapping Princess Alicia as they are now in the process of getting 'Plastered.'
LANCIER CAPTAIN of the GUARD to the OTHER THREE GUARDS: (As he has a really wicked look on his face and is shouting at them in an evil voice): "Quiet lads, quiet we must listen for the signal bell, then we will push the Princess up the ladder into the Magicians box."
We now see Lancier the Captain of the Guards and the three other guards sitting there with evil and wicked looks on their faces as they are raising their libation cups in glee and are laughing, haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa in evil agreement as they are now totally plastered.
We now see Shempeth, Moeth, and Larryeth backing into the lower room quarters that they just came from as they are quietly closing the door with really horrible looks of fear and panic on their faces about the abduction of the Princess Alicia.
MOETH to SHEMPETH and LARRYETH: (As they are standing there with petrified looks of panic on their faces as Moeth is saying to them in a low and panicking voice): "So they got the Princess, we gotta do something!"
LARRYETH to MOETH: (As he is looking at Moeth in total fear as he is using a panicking voice): "Yeah, but they're heavily armed, and they out number us!"
SHEMPETH to MOETH and LARRYETH: (As Shempeth is standing there with a really evil look on his face as he is using hand gestures to show that he is ripping them apart in madness as he is using a wicked voice): "Let me at them. I'll tear them from limb to limb, let me at them!"
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As Moeth is looking at him in a perplexed look on his face as he is asking Shempeth in a mean and questionable voice): "Well, what's keepin' you?"
SHEMPETH to MOETH: (As he is standing there looking at Moeth with a scared look on his face and is using a scared voice as he is pointing at himself and is saying): "Me!"
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As Moeth now has an evil look on his face and is saying in a mad voice as he has now smacked Shempeth hard on his face): "Go on, Think!"
We now see Shempeth, Moeth, and Larryeth standing there with dazed looks on their faces as they are now trying to think of a plan to rescue Princess Alicia.
We are now in the main chambers of the castle where we see the King sitting on his throne as he has a dazed look on his face. We also are seeing the evil and wicked Mergatroyd the Magician standing in front of the King with his magic magicians box.
MERGATROYD the MAGICIAN to OLD KING COLE: (As the evil and wicked Mergatroyd is saying to the Kind in an evil voice): "Then it is agreed, your Majesty, that if I recover the Princess Alicia, through my magic, I may have her hand in marriage?"
OLD KING COLE to MERGATROYD the MAGICIAN: (As the King is sitting there with a really hurtful look on his face as he is saying in a sad and somewhat agreeable voice): "Yes, yes, just bring back my daughter, un-harmed!"
MERGATROYD the MAGICIAN to OLD KING COLE: (As he is standing there with a look of devilment on his face and is saying in an evil voice as he is now fully opening his magic box): "Your Majesty, will observe, that the box is quite empty. {Here we see Mergatroyd slamming the box closed lightly}. Now, then your Majesty, I will take my magic robe, and with the three magic words, 'Abra-cadabra; Abra-cadabra; Abra-cadabra, now then your Majesty!"
We now see Mergatroyd the Magician opening the magic box and we now see, {not Princess Alicia}, but the Magician's georgeous, beautiful assistant dressed in a scanty. one piece short set made of mesh material and decorated with white pearls and different colours of sequences. She is now smiling sweetly as the King as she has now winked at him sweetly and happily. Old King Cole is sitting there with a really joyful smile on his face as we see his crown jumping off his head and spinning around and landing back on his head in happiness.
MERGATROYD the MAGICIAN to OLD KING COLE: (As Mergatroyd still has an ugly look on his face and is using a wicked voice): "Now, your Majesty, watch yohn box closely, and I will perform my magic. I will take yohn Maident and saw her in half, {here we see Mergatroyd now closing the box with the georgeous assistant inside}. And in her steed, will appear the Princess, completly un harmed, observe!"
We now see Old King Cole sitting there watching Mergatroyd, whos has now taken his saw and has hit the floor with it. The King was looking at Mergatroyd with a serious and perplexed look on his face as Mergatroyd is now taking his magic saw and is in the process of sawing the georgeous assistant into two portions. The georgeous assistant has now left the box through a door and is now going to the lower quarters of the castle.
We now see Moeth, Shempeth, and Larryeth heavy in thought about how to rescue the Princess Alicia as Shempeth is now saying, heeebeeebeeeb, heeebeeebeeeb, heeebeeebeeeb, heeebeeebeeeb, heeebeeebeeeb, heeebeeebeeeb, heeebeeebeeeb, heeebeeebeeeb, heeebeeebeeeb, heeebeeebeeeb, as he is now thinking.
SHEMPETH to MOETH and LARRYETH: (As he now has a happy look on his face as he has supposedly now come up with an idea): "I got it, I got it!"
MOETH and LARRYETH to SHEMPETH: (As they are now in a state of glee as they are asking Shempeth in a joyful voice): "What?"
SHEMPETH to MOETH and LARRYETH: (As he now has a look of mischief on his face and is saying in a mischievous voice about his thinking): "A teriffic headache!"
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As Moeth is now looking at Shempeth with an evil look and is saying in an evil voice as he has now given Shempeth an eye poke): "Get out you!"
Shempeth is now yelling, oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; in pain as he is now rubbing his eyes.
MOETH to SHEMPETH and LARRYETH: (As we see Shempeth and Larryeth looking at him with looks of wonderment on their faces as Moeth is saying in a mad voice): "Listen, we gotta use strategy, we gotta use......"
SHEMPETH to MOETH: (In a full blown state of mischief as he says after interupting him and is pointing a finger at himself): "Strategy!"
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As Moeth has a mad look on his face and is using a mad voice as he is saying to Shempeth after he has now socked him in his stomach): "Who's asking you?"
MOETH to SHEMPETH and LARRYETH: (As he has a look of determination on his face as he is saying in a worried voice as they are now in a huddle): "Listen, this is what we gotta do, we gotta lure them away from the Princess!"
Moeth, Shempeth, and Larryeth are now entering the room where the drunken guards are at with gagged and hog-tied innocent Princess with evil looks on their faces.
We are now with the laughing, drunken where we see Larryeth with his thumbs in his ears as he is waving his hands to and fro with an evil look on his face as he is saying, 'nana; nana; nana; nana; nana; nana; nana; nana; nana; nana. Moeth is standing there with his eyes bugging out of his head as he has two fingers in his mouth spreading his lips, one finger pushing up his nose as he has his other hand on top of his first hand, and is saying, aaahaha, aaahaha; aaahaha; aaahaha; aaahaha; aaahaha; aaahaha; aaahaha; aaahaha; aaahaha.
We now see the guards turning around and looking at Moeth and Larryeth in horrible fear as Moeth and Larryeth are now still standing there with their different 'lovely' looks on their faces egging the guards on. We now see the guards standing up in horrible disgusted states as they are now taking humoungeous-sized swords from the sleeves and are now chasing Moeth and Larryeth with them as Moeth and Larryeth are now running in fear from the guards, as they had planned. As they are yelling in fear uuuunha-haaah; uuuunha-haaah; uuuunha-haaah; uuuunha-haaah; uuuunha-haaah; uuuunha-haaah; uuuunha-haaah; uuuunha-haaah; uuuunha-haaah; uuuunha-haaah. As the guards are now chasing theim in madness. Moeth and Larryeth along with the guards are now totally out of sight. Shempeth is now running in and is un-tieing the Princess Alicia.
SHEMPETH to the PRINCESS ALICIA: (As he is saying to her in a carrying tone of voice and with a happy look on his face as he now has a knife in his hand and is freeing her says joyfully): "Fear not, Princess, I Shempeth shall release thee. Scrameth Princess, scrameth!"
We now see the Princess Alicia scramething for her life as Shempeth is standing there with a happy look on his face as he is saying joyfully, haaa-hunha; haaa-hunha; haaa-hunha; haaa-hunha; haaa-hunha; haaa-hunha and is rubbing his hands in glee. He has now decided to have himself a little 'drinkie' to celebrate.
SHEMPETH: (As he has a gleeful look on his face as he is saying in a happy voice): "Haaaha, now to quencheth my thirst."
As Shempeth is quenching his thirst we now see Lancier approaching him with his arms crossed in madness as he is holding his sword and is looking at Shempeth with an evil look.
SHEMPETH to LANCIER the CAPTAIN of the GUARD: (As he is using a happy voice): "Greetings!"
Shempeth has now spit out his 'drinkie' as he has now realized who he was talking with.
LANCIER the CAPTAIN of the GUARD to SHEMPETH: (As he has a really evil look on his face as he is using a wicked voice as he is now grabbing Shempeth by his hair): "All right you!"
We now see Shempeth fighting with Lancier as the two other guards are now dragging back in madness Moeth and Larryeth by their hair as Moet and Larryeth have looks of hurt on their faces and are shouting loudly in pain, 'henha-oooowh; henha-oooowh; henha-oooowh; henha-oooowha'.
LANCIER the CAPTAIN of the GUARD to HIS OTHER GUARDS: (As he now has a worried look on his face and is shouting madly as he now has his sword extended): "The Princess, the Princess is gone, where is the Princess?"
We now see Moeth, Larryeth, and Shempeth standing there with petrified looks of fear on their faces as the two guards still have them by their hair and another guard has the poor, petrified Shempeth pinned up against a wall as Lancier is now running around in circles in a state of madness looking around the room for the Princess Alicia. "Where's the Princess?" {Lancier shouted}.
We now see the georgeous Magicians assistant climbing down the rope ladder from the box as she is now swaggering away.
LANCIER the CAPTAIN of the GUARD to HIS THREE GUARDS: (As they each now have one of 'The Fiddlers Three' by their hair as the guards are now side guards as the 'Fiddlers Three' have really petrified hurtful looks on their faces as Lancier is shouting evily): "Take these miserable wretches to the dungeon and we'll do away with them, forward!"
We now see Lancier and his three guards dragging Moeth, Larryeth, and Shempeth on their to the dungeon quarters of the castle.
Moeth, Larryeth, and Shempeth have now been spared of their sentence to the dungeon quarters as we see the georgeous assistant swaggering through as we now see Lancier, and his three guards following after her whistling in a flirtatious delight as they are following her up another stairwell.
MOETH to SHEMPETH and LARRYETH: (As we now see Moeth, Larryeth, and Shempeth standing there free as they have looks of puzzlement on their faces). "Hey, come on!"
We now see Moeth, Shempeth, and Larryeth entering the room that has the rope ladder to the magicians box as Shempeth is now getting his head caught in the ladder.
MOETH to SHEMPETH: (As he is now looking at Shempeth with a mad look and is using a mad voice as he is now pulling Shempeth from the ladder by his hair): "Get out of there!"
MOETH to SHEMPETH and LARRYETH: (In a serious state as he is yelling at them as they are climbing up the rope ladder for, {what they think is safety, but ain't}, as they do not know where it leads): "Quicketh, upeth the ladder!"
SHEMPETH: (As he is staggering in pain from being caught by the rope ladder and is rubbing his throat in dryness says): "Water, water!"
LARRYETH to SHEMPETH: (As he is grabbing Shempeth in a worried state and is yelling at him madly and is shoving him up the ladder): "Upeth the ladder, quick!"
SHEMPETH: (As he is using a mad voice is saying as he is climbing up the rope ladder): "Ladder, I needeth some water!"
Larryeth has now taken a quick glance behind him to see if the coast is clear.
Moeth, Larryeth, and Shempeth are now climbing into the Magician's box which they do now know is it yet.
LARRYETH to MOETH and SHEMPETH: (As they are sitting in the magicians box as Larryeth is saying to them in a low and quiet voice): "Shuuush, twas a narrow escape!"
MOETH to LARRYETH: (As Moeth has now nodded his head in agreement as he has a scared look on his face and is saying in a worried voice as he is leaning against a wall of the box): "I think we're safe in this box!"
We now see Moeth with a terrified look of fear on his face as he has fastly learned that he is not safe in the box as we see a saw slicing in right at Moeth's face. The saw has now slapped Moeth on his face and has grabbed a hold of his nose and it is dragging him to and fro with each slicing, thrice. .Larryeth and Shempeth were following the saw to and fro with their eyes as they too had petrified looks of panic on their faces.
We are now back in the main chambers of the castle where we see the evil and wicked Mergatroyd sawing his box with an evil look on his face.
We are now back in the box where we see Shempeth sitting there with a dazed look on his face as Larryeth has a panicking look on his face as the saw is now being inserted into the box and is sawing him on the top of his coconut.
We now see Shempeth with a panicking look on his face as he is grabbing hold of Larryeth's hand in fear as he is now putting a finger to his mouth as the shut-up signal as poor Larryeth is sitting there with a horrible look of panic on his face as he is now putting his hand up to his mouth to stiffle his yells of fear and panic, from being sawed on the top of his coconut. Larryeth has now fallen into Shempeth's lap from pain and to try and avoid being sawed on his coconut as he is now getting his backside sawed instead. Larryeth has now rolled over in horrifed fear as he is now laying his back in Shempeth's lap now getting sawed a couple of times in his stomach. Larryeth is now grabbing the saw and is lifting it up. While Larryeth was frantically fighting with the saw in fear we see Shempeth sitting there with a horrified look of panic on his face.
We now see Larryeth tossing the saw away in pure, undiluted fear and panic as he is now slapping Moeth with it right in his kisser. We now see Moeth with a really mean look on his face as he is now swinging the saw back and is hitting Larryeth again in his kisser. As Larryeth is now shouting in a stiffled voice in pain, 'oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh. Larryeth has now laid down slightly and has tossed the saw in pure madiness at Moeth as Moeth is now again being hit in his kisser again. Moeth is now sending the saw back at a high rate of speed out of sheer madness wanting to hit Larryeth in his face with it. Larryeth has now ducked enough down to void the flying saw as we now see Shempeth getting a good, hard smack in his kisser with it.The saw is now swinging out of control as both Moeth and Sempeth are now getting hit thrice moer each in their kissers. Moeth has now grabbed the saw in one hand and Larryeth by his hair with the other one.
MOETH to LARRYETH: (As he has a really wicked look on his face and is shouting lowly at him in a wicked voice): "You, Nit-Wit, you!"
LARRYETH to MOETH: (As he is laying there with a really evil look on his face and is using a mad voice): "S-S-S-H-H-H; S-S-S-H-H-H; S-S-S-H-H-H!"
SHEMPETH to MOETH and LARRYETH: (As he is sitting there with a really scared look on his face as he is saying to them in a panicking voice): "Shut-up; shut-up; shut-up!"
LARRYETH to MOETH: (As he is laying in Shempeth's lap with a really petrified look of fear on his face as he is whispering to Moeth in a low and fearful voice): "S-S-S-H-H-H; S-S-S-H-H-H-; S-S-S-H-H-H; Quiet, quiet, quiet!"
We are now back on Old King Cole and Mergatroyd as the King is sitting there looking at him with a really mean and ugly look on his face as Mergatroyd is now trying to free his saw thinking that it is stuck in the box, {here we see Mergatroyd looking at King with a devilsh look on his face as he is saying in embarrassment, 'heenh-haaa; heenh-haaa; heenh-haaa}, holding onto the saw. Mergatroyd has now brought his swor out the box and as a surprise he has now snagged Moeth's under-drawers. The King now has a look of wonderment on his face as he has now seen the 'Goodie-Package'!
MERGATROYD the MAGICIAN to OLD KING COLE: (As he has now dropped saw and is hiding the under-drawers in embarrassment as he is saying to him in an embarrased voice): "Oh, Sire!"
OLD KING COLE to MERGATROYD the MAGICIAN: (As the King has a really petrified look of panic on his face as he is shouting in a voice of fear and panic): "My daughter, my daughter, bringeth her foreth!"
MERGATROYD the MAGICIAN to OLD KING COLE: (As Mergatroyd is looking at the King with an evil, but yet slightly carrying look as he is saying to him in a wicked voice): Patience's Sire, patience's. I now take these swords, for my magic is the greatest and I plunge it into the box."
We are now back inside of the box where we see the sword being inserted through the side of the box cutting Shempeth right underneath his chin as Shempeth now has a really horrible look of fear and scaredness on his face. Mergatroyd has now inserted another sword through the top of the box as it is now going straight down over Shempeth's face as Shempeth's look of fear has now turned into pure panic. We now see Larryeth flinching back in fear and panic as he now sees Shempeth trapped by two mean and ugly swords.
SHEMPETH to LARRYETH: (As Shempeth is now sitting there with a really panicking look on his face as he is now caged in betwixted the two swords and is saying in a low and panicking voice): "Larryeth, helpeth me!"
LARRYETH to SHEMPETH: (As he is now approaching Shempeth in total panic as he is now trying to helpeth him and is whispering to him in a low and panicking voice): "S-S-S-H-H-H; S-S-S-H-H-H; S-S-S-H-H-H; S-S-S-H-H-H; S-S-S-H-H-H!"
We now see Larryeth bending over to help Shempeth as he now has a look of panic on his face as he is now getting jabbed in his backside with a sword. Larryeth is now covering his mouth as he is yelling in a muffled voice of pain and panic.
We are now on Moeth who is sitting in the corner of the box with a really frightful look on his face about Larreyth and Shempeth being jabbed with the swords as we now see Moeth getting jabbed in the top of his coconut with a sword, as he now flinches a tad from pain, as he has his eyes shut and is yelling in a muffled voice from pain, 'hunha; hunha; hunha; hunha!"
We are now back on Mergatroyd as he has a mad look on his face as he is now having troubles about getting the sword into the box. The King is now giving Mergatroyd an evil glare of madness as he is now getting disgusted with Mergatroyd about his horrible magic and the fact that his daughter is still missing. Mergatroyd has now taken a mallet and has hit the sword hard on its handle and has now gotten into the box.
Mergatroyd is now struggling with the sword as it is now stuck in the box. He has now successfully removed the sword and is hitting himself in the chin with the swords handle. He has now removed the sword and has found it is bent to submission.
Mergatroyd is now looking at the badly bent sword with a look of disgust on his face as he has now thrown it on the floor and has now gotten another sword and has plunged it wickedly into the top of the box as he is now evily removing a sword from the side of the box.
We are now back inside of the box where we see poor Larryeth and Shempeth with horrified looks of pain and hurt on their faces as they are now being brutally jabbed by the evil Mergatroyd's swords. Shempeth is yelling 'oooowh; oooowh; oooowh; oooowh in pain and panic from being wickedly jabbed with the swords.
We now see Shempeth and Larryeth as Larryeth is now grabbing his shoulders. head, and back and are rubbing them from the pain of the swords.
They are now jumping up from the pain of being jabbed with the swords as they are now breaking off the top of the box as they are yelling in pain and are now {trying} to run for freedom.
We now see Mergatroyd standing there looking at Shempeth, Moeth, and Larryeth as they are standing on the bottom of the box with painful and disgusted looks as Old King Cole is standing there looking at them with a look of bewilderment on his face.
SHEMPETH to LARRYETH, MOETH, MERGATROYD, and OLD KING COLE: (As he is standing there with a look of fear and panic on his face as he is holding his chest and is shouting in panic): "They got me, they got me, oh, no blood, oh, no blood, haaa; haaa; haaa; haaa." {Shempeth has now discovered as he is now patting himself on his chest that he ain't bleeding}.
We now see Old King Cole standing there with a look of fear and wonderment on his face as he is looking at Moeth, Larryeth, and Shempeth inside of the box. Princess Alicia is now running up to Old King Cole in fear and panic.
PRINCESS ALICIA to OLD KING COLE: (As she now has her hands on his shoulder and a look of panic on her face as she is saying gleefully): "Father!"
OLD KING COLE to PRINCESS ALICIA: (As he has a look of happy, worriment on his face and is saying to her in a carrying voice): "Daughter!"
PRINCESS ALICIA to OLD KING COLE: (As she is standing there pointing a finger at Mergatroyd and is saying in a hurtful voice): "Mergatroyd is the culprit, he had me abducted!"
We are now see Mergatroyd with a really freaked out look on his face, with his eyes popping out of his head and his mouth is agait, as he is now trying to high tail it out of the main chambers area trying to make a break for freedom as he is now being grabbed by Moeth, Larryeth, and Shempeth in horrible madness.
MOETH and LARRYETH to MERGATROYD: (As they are now grabbing him in madness and are shouting at him wickedly): "Why, you, get over here!"
We now see Moeth and Shempeth holding Mergatroyd down on top of the box against his wished in sheer, utter madness as Larryeth is now taking a few of Mergatroyd's swords and is evily and madly beating him on his backside to submission with his own swords.
LARRYETH to MERGATROYD: (As Larryeth is standing there with a mean look on his face and is shouting at him evily as he is wildly wacking his backside with a sword): "Abducted her, ehy?"
Moeth, Larryeth, and Shempeth are now beating Mergatroyd wickedly on his backside with the swords as he is laying on the box with a really hurtful look on his face as he is yelling from pain, yeeeowh; yeeeowh; yeeeowh; yeeeowh; yeeeowh, in horrible pain as Princess Alicia is standing there with one hand on her waist as she is watching the proceeding with a happy look on her face as with Old King Cole.
We now see the georgeous and beautiful magicians assistant entering the main chambers area still being followed by Lancier and his three guards as they are still whistling at her flirtatiously. Moeth, Larryeth, Mergatroyd, and Old King Cole are now jumping on the band wagon and are following like some more ducks in a line as ther too are now whistling flirtatiously at her as they are now going up a stairwell to the upper regions of the castle.
We now see Princess Alicia standing there watching the parade of 'Merry Idiots' with a dazed look on her face as Shempeth is standing there with a look of hurt on his face as he is now rubbing his throat from dryness.
SHEMPETH to PRINCESS ALICIA: (As he is standing there rubbing his throat in a state of thirst and has a look of pain on his face as she is looking at him in worry as Shempeth is now saying): "Water, I must haveth water, If I, oooooh......"
We now see Princess Alicia standing there watching Shempeth in a state of dazement as Shempeth has now found a cup of water and is happily drinking it as he, {thinks he is spilling it} down the front of himself.
We now see that Shempeth has now discovered that he was wounded by the swords tadly as he is now happily drining his water as it is spraying out of his chest through the different holes like a badly damaged and leaking garden hose. Princess Alicia is now jumping back and sitting in the Kings throne as not to get sprayed by the badly leaking Shempeth.
SHEMPETH to MOETH and LARRYETH: (As he is standing there in a state of panic as he has now noticed himself spraying water all over the place shouts in panic). Moeth, Larryeth, get a plumber, I think I sprung a leak!"
No trivia have been logged for this episode.
A good short & the scenes after the stooges put down their fiddles and head into the blackmith's shop are definitely the highpoint (Thou art a lamebrain).
7 pokes
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