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new release

shempee · 28 · 7860

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Offline shempee

new remaster of Nertsery Rhymes  this comes from a 35mm print
as most of you probably know this film was made in an experimental 2 color process this is the best version i have ever seen i have seen some dvd's in the past that had this short they were prety week copies
my new dvd has 4 shorts
Nertsery Rhymes, Beer & Pretzels,

The Big Idea, and Plane nuts.
soon at

or email me at


Offline Sadistic Stooge

Ted Turner Owns all Of The Stooges Shorts They Made At MGM, And He Shows Them From Time To Time On TCM And They All Look Fine There . He also Put Out Beer & Pretzels , Plane nuts , and the curly solo short as well all on dvd .
So what makes your better then ????? [pie]

Offline shempee

where can I get this dvd ? ive never seen it for sale


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Check the Videography section of this very website for all your Stoogy-DVD needs!

Offline shempee

Hi Ive seen some of these releases of these films very poor quality video.

if you already have one of these dvd's compare it to my you tubepost



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Nertsery Rhymes was released several years ago on a laserdisc set called "Cavalcade of Shorts" and it looked pretty dern good there. A truncated version has also been released, less the music and dancing girls bits, on "The Lost Stooges", also released on laserdisc as well as VHS. Again, the colour on that one looked pretty dern good. Further, the version aired on TCM looked pretty dern good and it was completely intact.

Have a gander at these screenshots from a "pretty dern good" version lifted right from a VHS-to-DVD dub of "The Lost Stooges":

Now, a screen grab from the YouTube clip:

Mondo Differentio.

The clip you have on YouTube, there, shows a washed-out and mostly red image, indicative of the many bargain-basement releases of that title formerly on VHS (and there have been a few here in the US as well as Europe!).

What you have there is not a remaster, just a transfer of a VHS recording. It doesn't look as good as what can be found officially and, in some cases, out of print, but the point is, better versions exist.

Offline Moron4392

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Dear Sir: (Thump The Shoes): [pie]

Sir just would like to say that you did a specatcular job downloading these pictures.  And if you do not mind sir could I please ask you if it is not a bother where you can purchase the laserdisc called "Cavalcade Of Shorts?" 

In closing sir thank you and sorry if I am being a bother.  Please have yourself a poifect remaining portion of your weekend and your upcoming week.

Diane Elizabeth Hoekstra
Moron4392 [3stooges]


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..where you can purchase the laserdisc called "Calvacade of Shorts."

Likely, you'd have to check Ebay regularly. It does turn up from time to time. Although, around the holidays the price of the set can pass the $100 mark easily!

Thank you sir and please sorry for being a bother.

It's not a bother, it's a delight!

Offline shempee

Hey Genius!
you forgot to mention that all youtube videos are compressed by at least 50.% thats why they all look like crap how can you compare a youtube screen grabe to a grabe right off the dvd??????????????
even with that compression, mine acually looks better yours is too dark! Monday when I'm back at work, I will post a frame off my dvd that will blow you away! You will think you are looking back in time through a window.  ???


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Hey Genius!
you forgot to mention that all youtube videos are compressed by at least 50.% thats why they all look like crap how can you compare a youtube screen grabe to a grabe right off the dvd??????????????
even with that compression, mine acually looks better yours is too dark! Monday when I'm back at work, I will post a frame off my dvd that will blow you away! You will think you are looking back in time through a window.  ???

Not a faded-orangey window with a visible blanking interval, I hope!

Thing is, you said compare a previous release to your tube post. "If you already have one of these dvd's compare it to my you tubepost", you said. I did.
And, I like the "Genius" thing! It's very Shemp-ish, Shempee!

Offline Moron4392

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Dear Sir: (Thump The Shoes): [pie]

Sir thank you for your quick and courteous reply to my post.  Sir I will cheque out Ebay ever so often.  For laserdisc quality to me a hundred buckaroonies is rather reasonable.

In closing sir like I said may the rest of your weekend and your upcoming week be totaly poifect in every way.

Diane Elizabeth Hoekstra
Moron4392 [stooges]

Offline shempee

well thump you got me there!!! [pie] I meant look  how good this looks EVEN ON YOUTUBE'  I'll post on monday

And Diane do you think a dame like you can make a gentleman even out of me? ???

Offline jrvass

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Colour? Cheque? What next? X, Y, Zed?

It's like I went south across the bridge or tunnel into Canada! Where are the all-nude dancing girl bars and the message parlors (whoops! "Escort Services"!)  :o

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Moron4392

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Dear Sir: (JRVASS):

I would like to put in a quick apology here.  I am previously from Canada.  I was born Canadian and resided in Canada until I was 47.  Then in order to enjoy retirment at 50 I was green carded to Ypsilanti to finish off my employment with Chrysler.  Now that I will be enjoying retirement in 2-1/2 months I have decided to leave Canada and become an American.  But sir it is hard for me to give up my British way of spelling words.

Please forgive me sir if this is bothering you I do not do it to offend anyone but it is in me.  And sir please enjoy the remaining portion of your weekend and your upcoming week.

I would also like to close this post to any other ladies or gentlemen that noticed my Canadian ways.  If this is a burden to please forgive me.  But after learning the British ways it will always be in me.  Again really sorry.

Diane Elizabeth Hoekstra
Moron43492 [3stooges]


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Where are the all-nude dancing girl bars and the message parlors (whoops! "Escort Services"!)  :o

If I knew that I wouldn't be sitting here bandying words with some numbskull about a shitty quality bootleg dvd!


Offline shempee

hey wait till moday to sart flapping your gums!


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Offline jrvass

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Don't sweat the small stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff!

I'm friendly with everyone... even Canadians!  ;)

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Moron4392

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Dear Sir: (JRVASS):

Just would like to say sir that you saying is really cool.  And thank you sir for being understanding with me.  Please inclosing sir have a great Sunday and your upcoming week.

In closing sir I would like to post that I have now become an American citizen because I like your country better in alot of ways.

Diane Elizabeth Hoekstra
Moron4392 [3stooges]

Offline jrvass

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You don't have to call me "Sir"... "King" or "Lord" will do!  :laugh:

My next door neighbor is a former Canadian who became a naturalized citizen several years ago. Funny thing though... I like hockey and he doesn't watch sports. Though he does go bicycle riding with his wife and/or grandkids.

Were you originally from the Windsor area?

Here is a test: Who was Robert Homme?

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Moron4392

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Dear Sir:(JRVASS):

Sir actually I was originally from Winnipeg.  I hope sir this not a bother to you.  And being a Canadian I never did here of Robert Homme.  Sorry sir.  Please sir have yourself a great week upcoming.  I do not know if it is me or not but I am feeling that me being an Ex-Cannuck is bothering people.  Like I have said before I do not favour in bothering anyone.  In closing please except my deepest apologies in all ways.

Diane Elizabeth Hoekstra   
Moron4392 [3stooges]

Offline shempee

Offline jrvass

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Not to leave a quiz unanswered... Robert Homme was the Friendly Giant on CBC from 1958-1985. There is probably not a kid who grew up in the Detroit-Windsor area in that era who didn't know him.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline jrvass

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I like yourexelency  myself! ::)

How about "Grand Poo-bah"?  :o

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Moron4392

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Dear Sir: (JRVASS):

Sir now you know why I did not know him.  I was previously from Winnipeg Manitoba.  Sir have yourself a great upcoming week.

Diane Elizabeth Hoekstra
Moron4392 [3stooges]