We here at encourage all visitors to the site to post freely and openly. However, just like everywhere else in life, there are a few ground rules that we would like for you to abide by.
1. Your post must be readable and make sense. This is the most important rule. This includes using capitalization and punctuation when needed. Do not use ALL CAPS unless you want to convey that you are yelling. We are not looking for perfect sentence structure, but periods and commas would be nice. We are also not looking for perfect spelling, but a post filled with spelling errors will either merit a warning, or you run the risk of being made fun of. Of course, "Net Speak" (i.e. "c u l8r") is not allowed on the message board. Also, use the default font size, color, and face: everybody else does this and by changing it up just to make your post stand out is annoying.
2. Post your topic in the right forum. I have not seen alot of this happening, but I am putting this out there as a failsafe should something arise later on. The General Discussion forum should be the only forum in which non-Stooge related topics reside (and Pilsner's Picks, but that is a different matter). Non-Stooge related posting in the General Discussion forum is welcomed and encouraged.
3. Feel free to express your opinion, but don't get offended if someone else's opinion differs. We here at encourage the Freedom of Speech that is guaranteed to all Americans in the US Constitution, even if the US Government does not. Freedom of Speech is a two-way street, meaning that if you are free to speak your mind on a particular subject others are free to disagree with you and speak their minds as well. This can (and most likely will) lead to arguments. We have no problems with arguments as long as they do not get personal (i.e. name-calling). When you have opinionated people such as myself and others here on one message board there are bound to be arguments. If you do not want someone with a differing opinion responding to your post then you should leave your post off the board. I would hate to see that happen, as I would like to see a free and open exchange of ideas. But consider yourself warned: not everyone will agree with your idea.
4a. Our policy on swearing. In my 4 years or so of experience at, I have found the youngest members of this site to be around 13 or 14 years old. By that time in life you should know all about cursing and have used plenty of curse words yourself. Therefore, swearing in moderation is acceptable. By "swearing in moderation" I mean not swearing in every post you write. The ideal would be to curse when you are making a point (see my recent post in the vulgarity thread as an example), and not littering your posts with swear words.
4b. Swearing at other people. Swearing at other people will not be tolerated at all. For example, if I were speaking with Dunrobin and said "This fucking computer is a piece of shit", that is swearing
to, or in front of, him. However, if I said "Fuck you Dunrobin, you piece of shit", that is swearing
at Dunrobin. Pretty self-explanatory, and it ties in with name-calling.
5. Do not post under multiple usernames. I feel the need to add this one since our old pal Islipp is back again on the board posting under yet another username (Viva). Using multiple usernames will not be tolerated whatsoever.
6. Do not start new topics concerning the following subjects. There are some certain topics which new members just love to start threads on. This can be very monotonous and tiresome for those of us who have been around awhile, and it is with that in mind that I will begin to compile a list of topics which are off limits. Starting threads on the topics listed below will result in a warning:
1. What's Your Favorite Stooge Short?
2. Who's Your Favorite Stooge?
3. Which short has the Niagara Falls bit?
4. Which short has the Alphabet Song?
5. Which short features Curly as a boxer?
6. When did Curly's health begin to deteriorate?
7. Who was the oldest Stooge?
7. Use the fucking search engine. To quote the link from Stoop below:
IT'S ALWAYS BETTER TO POST IN AN EXISTING THREAD THAN TO START A NEW ONE. Therefore you should use the search engine before starting a thread to make sure your topic doesn't already exist. For instance, if you have a question about the location of Stooge gravesites put "Stooge graves" in the engine and it will direct you to the appropriate thread. Posting a new thread that resembles one that has already been posted will indicate that you have not used the search engine and will subject you to admistrative discipline.
8. Our policy on fights. From time to time there will be fighting on this message board, which should be expected anytime you get various peoples from various places and mindsets together. Members should not get themselves involved in another person's fight, let admin handle it. Anyone who doesn't mind their own business as far as fights are concerned will be subject to disciplinary action.
9. The Karma System With the change of format we have recently experienced a new karma system has been ingrained into the message board. While there is a 30 minute wait period before you can applaud or smite a user after doing so a first time, I feel the need to make clear the policies on the use of this karma, and in particular the "smite" (negative) aspect.
You must have a valid reason to smite someone: If you go around smiting someone without stating a reason why did so (or if the reason is stupid), this will result in administrative action. Here are some examples of reasons for smiting another member that are NOT valid:
Smiting someone just because they smote you and you got offended. Everyone has the right to smite a member, as long as the reason is a good one. Smiting someone just because they smote you will discourage people from using the feature as they see fit out of fear for being smote themselves.
Smiting someone for cursing. Cursing is allowed on this board and it is therefore not a good reason to smite someone.
Smiting an administrator for warning you. Feel free smite one of us, not saying that you cannot. However if you received a warning is was because you deserve it, and giving an admin a smite because of it is sour grapes.
No reason at all. I already said it, but it bears repeating. Smiting someone for no reason at all will not be tolerated.
If you are found to have abused the karma system in one of the ways above administrative action will be taken. The list above is subject to change/additions. By the way, smiting me for including an artist/band that you like in MTS
is allowed.

Personally, I haven't "smited" anyone yet, although I've applauded several members. (I like to use it to give someone a virtual pat on the back or "thumbs up.") If the "Karma" feature becomes too much of an issue, however, I can always just turn it off again.
10. No flooding or spam. For the purposes of this website the term "flooding" refers to a member constantly posting messages for either no good reason or new members who are making it painfully obvious that they posting for the sole reason to get their post count up so that they may start a new thread. Spam is posting any unsolicited advertisements. Both offenses will get you banned right away.
11. No "nudie" pictures. Modified 5/11/2011Pictures of male and/or female nudes are not acceptable on this site; there are plenty of porn sites on the Internet if you are looking for titillation. Failure to follow this rule from this point on will result in deletion of the offending posts and banishment from the site. Likewise, if your post contains a link to an off-site picture or video that might be objectionable, you should include a warning that the link is NSFW (Not Safe For Work.)We here at feel that these rules are simple to follow. Violations of these rules will result in a rise of your "warning level". The warning levels are as follows:
0. "NONE". Self-explanatory.
Green. This is the first warning you receive. A green circle with the word "warned" will appear under your name until the warning is taken off.
Yellow. If policy violation continues after level 1, you will be moved up to this level. At this level your posts will be held in limbo until a moderator reviews and approves them.
3. "MUTED"
Orange. If policy violation continues, you will be moved up to this level. I have not had to Mute anyone yet, but from the name I take it that you'll be able to log on but not post.
Red. As a last resort (or at the request of a member), contuation of policy violation will resort in banishment from this website. Although the warnings automatically go down in level as time goes on (ie from BANNED to MUTED, and so on), administrators have the ability to ban a member without use of the warning system.
NOTE: Warnings can be taken off at any time when the webmaster/moderator/admin feel that the violation has been rectified. The webmaster, administrators, and moderators of this website also reserve the right to ban members without going through each step of the warning system.
So there you have it. If you made it this far down, then give yourself a pat on the back. We do not feel that adhearing to these rules/guidelines is asking too much. The Webmaster/Admin/Moderators reserve the right to change or add to these guidelines as we see fit.
These guidelines are not up for debate.Jim (shemps#1)