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ALIEN NATION - Chains of Love

Air Date/Released Monday, November 27, 1989
Station/Studio Fox / 20th Century Fox TV

Alien slaves whose ship crashes in the Mojave Desert in the 1990s assimilate into the population of Los Angeles over the next several years. The “Newcomers” become valuable members of society, including George Francisco, a police detective partnered with human Matthew Sikes. Stories cover both their personal and professional lives.

A Newcomer woman is sought as a suspect in the deaths of men who were reported to have dated her. George has concerns about his wife Susan’s fidelity, while Matt’s romance with Newcomer Cathy Frankel hits a rough spot when she does not appreciate his love of The Three Stooges. During their investigation, George and Matt question a man named Ted Healy, who later turns up in the morgue. Later, Matt invites George to his house to watch some Three Stooges shorts...
Matt: Listen... I just bought this great Three Stooges tape. All the best shorts. You wanna come over tonight and watch it?
George: The Three Stooges?
Matt: Larry, Moe and Curly. Woob, woob, woob, woob, woob, n’, n’yah, n’yah... C’mere Porcupine... I’ll moider ya!
George: I’m going to murder you?
The invitation to George declined, he uses his Three Stooges tape for his date with Cathy, but the Stooges’ brand of comedy is lost on his alien girlfriend...
Cathy: I don’t understand it.
Matt: What’s to understand? It’s funny.
Cathy: He scraped a saw across his forehead.
Matt: Ha, ha, ha... I love it.
Cathy: He could have hurt him.
Matt: Nobody gets hurt... look what happened to the saw!
Cathy: Why is the dark haired one so mean to his friends?
Matt: Moe. That’s just the way he is. Just go with it. Try and enjoy it.
Cathy: He’s hitting them, and poking them... in the eyes!?
Matt: Cathy, it’s make believe.
Cathy: I don’t understand why anyone would hire them as carpenters. They’re totally incompetent, and they’re destroying the house. And the language! Do you know what “n’yuk, n’yuk, n’yuk” means in Tenctonese?
Matt: (turns off TV) Look, I’m trying to share something special with you. If you can’t appreciate it, just forget it.
Cathy: I’m trying Matt, but it’s just not funny.
Matt: How can you say that’s not funny? What’s your idea of funny?
Cathy: I rented a tape of HERBIE THE LOVE BUG. I thought that was very funny, with Dean Jones and Buddy 'Hatchett.'
Cathy: Remember at the end, when the car separated in two?
Matt: That’s not funny, that’s stupid. That’s for kids!
Cathy: And this is for adults?

Cast: Gary Graham (Matthew Sikes), Eric Pierpoint (George Francisco), Michele Scarabelli (Susan Francisco), Terri Treas (Cathy Frankel), Lauren Woodland (Emily Francisco), Sean Six (Buck Francisco), Molly Morgan (Jill Molaskey), Jeffrey Marcus (Albert Einstein), Jeff Doucette (Burns), Ron Fassier (Capt. Byron Grazer), Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs (Sgt. Dobbs), Caitlin O’Heaney (Jenny Moffat), S. A. Griffin (Marvin Gardens), Diana Barton (Emma Bovary), Teddy Wilson (Dr. Roscoe Brennan), Jeffrey Nordling (Ted Healy), Darren Dalton (Leonard), Ted Raimi (Johnny Appleseed), Bennett Liss (Ralph Emerson), Thom Zimerle (Daniel Webster), Kurt Verbaarschott (Roland), John Mese (Lance Lott), Charles Howerton (Narrator)

Crew: Harry Longstreet (Director), Diane Frolov, Andrew Schneiber (Writers), Rockne S. O’Bannon (Characters), Kenneth Johnson (Developed for TV), Kenneth Johnson (Executive Producer), Tom Chehak, Art Seidel, Diane Frolov, Andrew Schneider, Mary Dick, David C. Johnson (Producers)
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