Stooges Among Us
The Sitka family acknowledges the thoughts and prayers of fans, following Emil's passing
- Emil Sitka passed away on January 16, 1998
- Ethelreda Leopold passed away on January 26, 1998
- Family Channel dropped the Stooges from its schedule effective 1/1/98
- Illinois adds the Three Stooges to one of its lottery ticket games
Trivia questions
Three Stooges supporting actress (WEE WEE MONSIEUR, BACK TO THE WOODS, IN THE SWEET PIE AND PIE, G. I. WANNA HOME) died on January 26, 1998
Chicago's Three Stooges TV host "Andy Bell" died December 8, 1997 at age 75
Overview of stock footage use in the Stooges' shorts of 1946 - 1958
Undocumented Shemp Howard newsreel guest appearance discovered: Hearst-Metrotone NEWS OF THE DAY Vol. 12 # 272 "Buy Savings Bonds!" (5/21/41), starring Abbott & Costello
Career overview of "The 4th Stooge," Emil Sitka
Candid photo tribute:
- "Emil with fan Rich Gallo 1988"
- "Sitka engages in some Stooge antics with a fan, 1983"
- "A montage of Sitka in several of his well-known film roles"
- "Portrait shot of Emil, mid 1970s"
- "Sitka with his Three Stooges library, early 1990s"
Personal recollections of Emil Sitka
Eddie Gribbon, "G" minor players
Additional marketing tie-ins used for Pillsbury's 1937 Three Stooges Moving Picture Machine, a promotional toy for Farina cereal
Newly licensed merchandise includes personal check designs, ties, string confetti, coasters, t-shirts, wall clock, mousepads, resin figurines, jigsaw puzzles, life-size stand-ups, card game, watch, desk clock and auto accessories
Fan classified advertisments
April - June dates of note in Three Stooges history
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