Whatever Became Of...? Eleventh Series
A case against TBS' 'political correct' editing of the Stooges shorts
- Moe's grandson and wife welcomed a son, Moe Howard Scott on March 4
- MGM Grand's live Three Stooges stage show renewed for another six months
- TBS aired a 7-hour marathon on April 1
- Newspaper reports that Columbia is considering colorizing the Three Stooges shorts
- WSBK Boston aired a 2-1/2 hour Shemp birthday tribute
- Pop Culture Association meeting in Chicago had three different research papers on the Stooges; speaker guests included Don Morlan, and Lyla & Nate Budnick
- KTLA Los Angeles now airing the Stooges
- Turner Classic Movies cable station launched in April, featuring uncut, commercial-free films from the classic MGM and Warner library
Obituaries - Ruth Hiatt, Hal Smith, Jean Carmen, Charles Lamont, Wayne Mack
Trivia questions
Discovery of a May 1961 Fox Movietone Newsreel, with a sequence of Moe, Larry and Curly Joe attending the premiere of RETURN TO PEYTON PLACE in New York
Dani Sue Nolan (GENTS IN A JAM) will be the special guest at the 1994 Convention, joining Stooge family members; detailed schedule and itinerary
The author describes his meeting with Christine McIntyre, and his contacts with her afterward
"The Three Stooges' Anti-Aristocracy Theme in Depression-Era American Film"
The use of pie fights in the Stooges episodes, in social context of the 1930s Depression era
Walter Brennan, Lynton Brent, Lloyd Bridges, Sonny Bupp, Bobby Burns, Harry Burns
Larry Fine's visit to UCLA in 1972 to receive "The Alpert Personality of the Year" award
- The Three Stooges Scrapbook has been reissued in softcover, with updates and new cover art
- The Films of the Stooges by Daniel Volk has been reissued
- Franklin Mint releases the 2nd plate in its collectors series
- Additional prints of Al Hirschfeld's limited-edition Three Stooges etching are now available from George Goodstadt Inc. @ $2,400
- A Three Stooges biography, children's reading level, is in the works
- June 1994 issue of Paper Collectors Marketplace contains a 5-pg article on Stooges collectibles
- Opening Shots from Workman Publishing will include a chapter on SOUP TO NUTS
- World Library is working on a series of Stooges CD-ROMs
- Newly licensed merchandise includes t-shirts and a phone card
- "Shemp Howard clowns around with brother Jack, late 1940s"
- "Moe Howard signs an autograph for a fan, late 1960s"
Fan classified advertisements
The age old question about the difference between men and women, and why men love the Stooges
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