Stooges Among Us
Tribute to Joe DeRita
- TBS returns the Stooges to its early-morning schedule, with some significant time edits
- TBS ran a couple marathons in the past few months: a DeRita feature film festival, and a 30-short Curly Howard birthday marathon
- Several Stooge-related lawsuits have begun; details in this issue
- Stooges and other film comedian clips appear in a new US Healthcare commercial
Charles Lamont
MGM Grand will bring back the slapstick of the Three Stooges with a live show at their Las Vegas resort in early 1994, produced by Moe's grandson Jeffrey Scott
Candid photos from the 1993 Three Stooges Convention with guests Diana Darrin, Lucille Lund, Jane Howard-Hanky and Lyla Budnick
Joe Jerrier of Gardiner ME settles the federal investigation into his alleged selling of fake Stooge autographs, with a pre-trial diversion agreement with the U.S. Dept. of Justice
The DeRita and Fine families file a civil lawsuit alleging that the daughter and grandson of Moe Howard have improperly withheld Three Stooges licensing profits
- "The boys pose with an unknown woman on Atlantic City's Steel Pier, July 1938"
- "Larry with son Johnny and wife Mabel, July 1938"
Career overview of Stooges costar Phil Van Zandt
Trivia questions
Beatrice Blinn, Dan Blocker, Stanley Blystone, David Bond, Symona Boniface
Discussion of the popular 1959 Three Stooges Fleer trading card set
- The Stooge Fans I.Q. Test" by Ronald Smith reissued by SPI Books
- Franklin Mint collector plate of YOU NAZTY SPY released
- Shemp solo films from Universal released: THE INVISIBLE WOMAN, PITTSBURG and ARABIAN NIGHTS
- The Stooges' MGM film with Ted Healy, HOLLYWOOD PARTY, released as part of a laser disc double feature set
- Citadel Press' Comic Support: Second Bananas in the Movies has a brief biography on Shemp Howard
- Clark Oil releases a series of 3 mugs as a promotion in its 850 station chain
- Newly licensed merchandise includes ties, t-shirt, mug and 1994 calendar
Fan classified advertisements
Stooge heirs file suit against Columbia, alleging that the studio improperly charged executive entertainment expenses against a proposed Three Stooges film project
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