Funsters, The
A thank-you letter from Joe and Jean DeRita
- Miscellaneous Stooge sightings by fans
- San Francisco Chronicle reports that Moe Howard & the Three Stooges by Moe Howard is Citadel Press' # 1 seller for the past 10 years
- Chicago Tribune article on Penn Jillette mentions his love of The Three Stooges
- The Movie Channel aired Shemp's DANGEROUS BUSINESS (1946) in August
- "Burlesque Uncensored" LP from Cook Records contains a Minsky Follies skit with Joe DeRita
- WTAF Philadelphia now airs the Stooges at 11AM Sunday
- The mail-order Stooge merchandise company run by Harry Ross of Highland Park IL has an 8-foot sign with caricatures of Moe, Larry, Curly & Shemp on his storefront... and complaints from town council members that it is distasteful!
Trivia questions
New filmography discoveries:
- SCREEN SNAPSHOTS Series 19 # 5 (1940 Columbia) with Moe, Larry and Curly
- EVERYBODY LIKES MUSIC (1934 RKO) with Shemp Howard
- Musical credits for NERTSERY RHYMES (1933) identified
- Seveal new Joe Besser TV credits found and/or identified, with cast and air dates
Personal and career overview of Stooges costar Duke York
Summary of the festive 1992 Three Stooges Convention, with photos (courtesy of 'various') of guests Lyla & Nate Budnick, Mousie Garner, Joan Howard Maurer, costar Lola Jensen (FLAT FOOT STOOGES) and Jane Howard Hanky
Analysis of the contributions of YOU NAZTY SPY! and Chaplin's THE GREAT DICTATOR, including a discussion of their (competing) timelines in Hollywood history
Continuing discoveries of television's editing of The Three Stooges short subjects
Newly licensed merchandise includes a clock, PVC action figurines, storybooks from Abdo Publishing, ties, limited edition animation cel with a scene from HOW HIGH IS UP?, and a 1993 calendar
Fan classified advertisments
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