Stooges Among Us
- Miscellaneous Stooge sightings from fans
- Newspaper reports on Don Morlan's Three Stooges research on YOU NAZTY SPY; the Journal will publish his research in upcoming issues
- Joan Howard Maurer, Moe's daughter, made a Stooges presentation at Emory & Henry College, VA, with home movies and other rare footage
- Spring 1992 Three Stooges Convention in Lewiston ME, an American Cancer Society benefit, raised $20,000; fan club member Richard Cohen personally paid all event expenses, so all receipts could go to the Cancer Society
- Fortune Magazine carries article about Dr. Benjamin Spock, that warns against children watching the Stooges
- REN & STIMPY's voice artist Billy West bases Stimpy's voice on Larry Fine, per Billy himself
- Leonard Maltin lectured at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, on physical comedy with clever wordplay; the Stooges were cited in his presentation
Fan Q&A, and trivia questions
Mini-bios for Marcia Healy (sister), Betty Braun (1st wife) and Betty Hickman (2nd wife)
- "The many faces of Moe Howard, late 1960s"
- "Moe, Larry & Curly in a late 1930s publicity shot"
Detailed schedule and itinerary, with guests Ted Healy Jr., Mousie Garner, Lyla & Nate Budnick, Jane Howard Hanky, Joan Howard Maurer, Paul Howard, Billy West, Chris Costello and Vicki Abbott Wheeler
Personal and career overview of costar Connie Cezon
Detailed budget schedules for THE THREE STOOGES MEET HERCULES (1962), from the files of Norman Maurer Productions
Review and summary of the Columbia feature film THE CAPTAIN HATES THE SEA (1934), with Moe, Larry & Curly in cameo roles; new filmography discovery for Shemp Howard, BEHIND PRISON GATES (1939 Columbia)
- The Wacky World of the 3 Stooges recently published by Random House
- Columbia Pictures: Portrait of a Studio, edited by Bernard Dick, published by Univ. of KY Press
- Abdo Publishing to release six picture books adapted from six Three Stooges short subjects
- George J. Goodstadt Inc. has remaining stock from the 1989 limited edition Al Hirschfeld etching of the Three Stooges
- Newly licensed merchandise includes an alarm clock, bank, music box, PVC figurines, hand-painted cels, dart flights, model kit, boxer shorts and ties
1992 Convention will provide an autograph opinion group, to offer verifying opinions on your collectible autographs
Fan classifed advertisements
Article on Dr. Don Morlan's YOU NAZTY SPY research
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